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7.5 timer totalt (2.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
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PEAK IS BACK ON THE MENU (also if you guys could do a remake of tokyo xtreme racer 0 too thatd also be really cool like you don't even have to change anything just update the graphics a little maybe and actually you may not even have to do that you could probably just put a barely functioning port of txr0 on steam and id buy it please put txr0 on steam please)
Publisert 25. januar.
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51.4 timer totalt (39.9 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
real good
Publisert 12. januar.
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31 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
19 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
0.0 timer totalt
Man idk im really not feeling this. The bosses are just not fun, i never feel like im getting anywhere with them and they all just deal way too much damage and have way too much health (so do most of the basic enemies too but its not really bad, its just sort of like the early parts of the base game). They attack way too often too, the main weapon i use isn't even that slow and i find myself barely able to get a hit in, let alone a heal, between attacks sometimes and the attacks themselves are like thirty second long instsakill combos, if you get hit with one attack youre probably getting hit by the rest. I know the way around this is to go out and find some scadutree fragments to get buffed by blessings (or just not get hit at all but thats not super feasible) but this map design is nonsensical and most are behind the bosses im having trouble with. The map looks cool and it definitely has its moments but its all just a series of confusing cliffs and valleys that never seem to lead anywhere. I got a gripe with scadutree blessings in general and maybe i have the wrong opinion on this but i feel like they kind of make whatever you were working with before the dlc obsolete. Now i didnt have any sort of complex award winning build in the base game but it worked out pretty well for me, just dump points into strength, dex, and endurance, maybe vigor and mind when you need it, but none of that matters because all my stats get sent through the roof by these scadutree blessings. My development is completely locked behind these scadutree fragments because as long as im just using runes to level up, the improvement to my stats is negligible against such stacked odds. Ive played most of the other souls games, im used to this level of difficulty, but this just doesnt seem fair. I guess i could just dodge the boss for 10 minutes and get one hit off when i know its absolutely guaranteed but that doesn't sound fun at all. This last issue a lot more variable and probably won't be a problem for you but im having some pretty annoying performance issues. the dlc area stutters for multiple frames randomly and overall has a lower, inconsistent framerate yet i can run the base game flawlessly. Overall, the dlc has some really cool ideas, i really really like what they were working with but its just not done well. I will continue to make my way through the dlc and maybe my views will change but as of right now im really not feeling this, its just way too cruel especially for how comparatively easy the base game is.
Publisert 11. januar. Sist endret 12. januar.
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26.1 timer totalt
eat your neighbors
Publisert 24. juni 2024.
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1.5 timer totalt
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put the face ring on your thumb, the blue voice is gatekeeping great strength from you, it knows you will surpass it if you put it on your thumb
Publisert 23. juni 2024. Sist endret 28. juli 2024.
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1.5 timer totalt (1.2 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Shut up and nightRUN those pockets Daisuke, think twice before you even look at me next time. Who do you think you're beating with that 3 minute drag race time idiot.
Publisert 16. juni 2024.
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11.9 timer totalt
Another great game from Arkane who are doing really well btw please don't look into anything related to their current status they're doing fine I swear you can trust me
Publisert 14. mai 2024.
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19.7 timer totalt
what a great game, I sure hope the company that made it is still doing well
Publisert 14. mai 2024.
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38.0 timer totalt
Never knew this was the kind of stuff real estate agents had to go through. I'll never take them for granted ever again.
Publisert 28. mars 2024.
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10.0 timer totalt
The game of all time. Pretty fun and funny if you have a friend. Absolutely abysmal alone but I guess you can still laugh at the plot.
Publisert 26. mars 2024.
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