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4 av 23 (17%) prestationer uppnådda:
Personliga prestationer

Revenant of Regicide

Complete the prologue.
Upplåst 6 jul, 2022 @ 13:33

Gregarious Groover

Use a Groove.
Upplåst 7 jul, 2022 @ 21:47

Cordial Commander

Win a skirmish game.
Upplåst 27 mar, 2023 @ 11:31

Rookie Regent

Complete all missions in Act 1.
Upplåst 7 jul, 2022 @ 22:05

Puzzle Practitioner

Complete a puzzle.

Arcade Apprentice

Complete an arcade run.

Creative Cartographer

Create a custom map.

Worldly Warrior

Win an online match in Quick Play.

Diligent Downloader

Play a downloaded map.

Grand Groover

Use every Groove once.

Quarter Queen

Complete an Arcade in hard difficulty.

Twinkling Tactician

Collect 200 stars.

Super Strategist

Obtain an S-Rank on every campaign mission.

Joystick Jostler

Complete all arcade runs.

Puzzle Professor

Complete all puzzles.

Art Aficionado

Unlock every item in the gallery.

7 dolda prestationer återstår

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