Mr. Pockets
Lord Chestius Allenaemous Pockets (Mr. Pockets)   Arizona, United States
Youtube Channel Here:
Twitch Channel Here:
Profile Pic by @Trigger_Chap
I play video games, who'da thunk it? Stay tuned for some sweet voiceover work, sub-par gameplay, and funny voices. All's fair n love in war, eh?
Hello there Strangers and...... Not-so-strange Strangers!
I am the one, the only, Mr. Pockets! Lich Overlord and manager of the cosmic horror Bippy. You are looking at a Steam Profile, mortal! Behold my Impersonation of mankind!


Sweet bust of Aphrodite herself- You're a Streamer?!
- Yes. I stream and sometimes do content. Big work coming around on that front!

Can I add you?
- Now all of my heart wants to say yes. But if you glance below this box I'm sure you see that big list of obnoxious purple TF2 items... Yeah, some people want to steal those. So please, talk to me first, then we can talk adding. LEAVE A COMMENT! MESSAGE ME! Something!

If I do add you, please read this and note:
1. Please don't get offended if I don't message often. Unfortunately, I have a pretty busy schedule, and with notifications turned off (I have to for my videos) I may not always respond, or respond in a timely manner. Please Please PLEASE, don't be offended like this. I literally get tons of messages daily, and at times it's pretty overwhelming.

2. PLEASE DO NOT Spam me with invites. to anything. This is a big one, as I do NOT join on random games or servers. If you spam invites, for trading, to games, friend requests, etc., I'll have no choice but to block you. I don't wanna do that, so please be respectful.

3. Please Don't ask for items. I have a pretty substantial inventory, and it's mostly owed to the fact I buy and trade items often. beyond that I use a lot of what I own, and I work to try and do giveaways for the channel too. so please don't go past that and beg. That's really uncool.

4. Don't Troll. I mean, this is a pretty toxic standard in this day and age that I just look down on. It's not funny, or witty, or really anything worth the time I have. I tend to drift away from trolls pretty quickly.

5. Please do not ask to be in a video. The videos I do are a lot of fun, and I do have some friends join me, and for some I'm not picky about that. BUT I cannot cast a 3 person video and account to have over 35+ people jump in on it. I am still building my channel and definitely need support, and if you're looking to do that then there's something you can do. Help me by showing my videos around, let us bring some smiles to other people together! Leave a comment, share a video, something! Stuff like this really makes my day.

That's about it for now. Thank you champs for reading this. you guys rock!
Yo wat's up?
23 8
1.9 ชม. ในบันทึก
เล่นล่าสุด 10 มี.ค.
8,094 ชม. ในบันทึก
เล่นล่าสุด 10 มี.ค.
208 ชม. ในบันทึก
เล่นล่าสุด 7 มี.ค.
shrimp supplier 9 ก.พ. @ 7: 24pm 
sulfie 31 ม.ค. @ 1: 02pm 
[verboten] 22 ธ.ค. 2024 @ 3: 16pm 
+rep chill asf guy
Jagden 22 ธ.ค. 2024 @ 2: 56pm 
-REP this guy in my matches hating on teammates
spy 15 พ.ย. 2024 @ 4: 03pm 
added to discuss
Duc De Truffe 6 พ.ย. 2024 @ 12: 59pm 
Added to discuss items!