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372.4 hrs on record (14.6 hrs at review time)
This is the sorriest excuse of a game EA and DICE has ever released. They charged $60 plus for a game that has more bugs than any game ever released.
-Hit reg is worse than BF4 when that was released. Even more so when in high action areas like the fu-ck-ing objective.
-No campaign, Co-op. Sandbox is cool but c'mon, it's not worth $60 alone.
-The guns are, although way better than they were, still very inaccurate which makes the hit reg even more frustrating.
-The extra armor some characters get is so overpowered given the current state of gun play.
-The last defend points are on top of buildings which are impossible to capture due to calling in Anti-Air and other vehicles on top of them.
-Somehow can get shot around corners when you're 10 feet from the corner you just ran around.
-The end of match vocal lines are so cringe it hurts.
-The inventory interrupting beginning game cut scenes are annoying.
-There's way too many vehicles on breakthrough maps, making infantry play discouraging to push or flank because you have so far to run just to get ran over by a enemy vehicle, so people resort to base sniping with sniper rifles with no bullet velocity which just hurts the team clearing objectives.
-The lack of other game types and the slim amount of guns are disappointing making everyone use the same gun because it's meta.
-Enemy vehicles take too many rockets for how strong they are, they are so confident they drive into the enemy horde with no copilots or gunners just to run over the enemies or switch seats to fire, the driver/gunner hit box/window is so small.
-Lack of previous battlefield demolition and levelution.
Somehow this was a love letter to the BF community when really it comes off as a middle finger with it's current state and it's cringe perk style characters that no one asked for.

Fu-ck you DICE. You guys clearly don't know your community if you think this is what we wanted. I definitely won't be preordering another battlefield game ever again, because this just feels like a future micro-transaction money grab game.
Posted 20 November, 2021. Last edited 27 November, 2021.
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4.8 hrs on record
It's alright for a casual game, but the time to kill with anything besides snipers is so stupid. I shouldnt have to run out of ammo in a longer range fight and just get all hitmarkers or maybe one kill before reloading. Feel like you need to hit someone with 10 shots.
Posted 1 May, 2021.
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29.4 hrs on record (11.1 hrs at review time)
I recommend it, it's great fun. Even more so if you enjoyed old COD4 promod.
Only downside is no matter what server I join now I get 150+ping which is making the game not fun. Hopefully the servers get some work soon.
Posted 8 June, 2019.
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13.4 hrs on record (6.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Here's what's RIGHT with the game.
- The concept and execution.
- Optimization and graphics quality
- Customization for your gun and player is fantastic.
- Maps are great and full of detail. Although allows for some serious camping with the TOR, more to follow on that.
- Atmospheric and really sucks you into the game.

Now.. Here's what's WRONG with the game and needs A LOT OF WORK. Which I'm afraid if they don't do daily or bidaily updates, I think they're going to lose a lot of players.

- Hit reg is borderline terrible most of the time, even more so when you really need them to reg. I get blood and no hitmarkers constantly.
- Enemies look like theyre on ice skates and normal running is unpredictable and seems like their character is either a few steps back or forward to where they actually are.
- Armor that absorbs nearly 100% of the damage makes fire fights very frustrating. All that armor is OP, and is completely unnecessary and all it does is add frustration where it doesn't need to be.
- Everything feels like every death is a one or two shot, even when you're putting in four or five into your enemy.
- Head glitches make headshots seem like they never hit.
- TANK are insanely overpowered and nearly impossible to destroy because it takes so many RPGs and you die when they even look in your direction. And they constantly spawn because the guy who had the tank last got 30 kills and got another tank.
- TOR... I mean really, how is that a good idea? A sniper rifle that out shoots every rifle even when you have the first couple of shots? Give me a break.
- Server team balance I'm positive doesn't even exist.
- And most of all, spawn killing. They can push so far into your spawn and watch every exit that you might as well give up and not spawn in anymore.

ALL THAT, paired together, makes for a not very fun game.
But in the future, I look forward to a great game when they get these things fixed. And hopefully soon. Because I'm afraid this will end up killing a potentially great game. I recommend this game, but in the near future.
Posted 29 October, 2018. Last edited 29 October, 2018.
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309.9 hrs on record (290.1 hrs at review time)
♥♥♥♥ this game.
All with 30ms ping and NA west servers.
-Get shot through walls 1.0 - 1.5 seconds after you stop peaking.
-Clearly shoot people in the head with KAR98 while they stand still, and still don't knock them.
-Head glitches on rocks
-Prone/Corner gamers
-Getting blown off course while parachuting
-Wearing LvL2 vest/helmet, lighting up someone with QBZ that has no vest and you get knocked by a pump shotgun.
-DSync/Holding one angle and not seeing the person until they kill you.
-Getting killed from a corner before the person walks around the corner.
But hey, atleast we're getting quality of life useless ♥♥♥♥. Definitely don't need to focus on game mechanics and Server/Client communications.

Posted 3 September, 2018.
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