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11-20/21개 항목을 표시 중
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기록상 205.8시간
Go watch Crowbcat's video on Halo. That about sums it up.

They messed this game up so bad that they added aim assist to PC. Need I say more?

2022년 1월 2일에 게시되었습니다. 2024년 10월 8일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 47.6시간 (평가 당시 14.2시간)
I bought this game and let it sit in my library for way too long. I grew up with Half Life like many other fans here, and I'm sure plenty have lined up before me to tell you how amazing this game is... or it isn't... but for me, it was incredible.

The first Half Life doesn't pack the narrative punch of the first, that's obvious. This game was a few steps into 3D away from another Doom clone back in the day... Half Life 1 was never much more than a fantastic shooter to me. Half life 2 earned way more love from me than the first, but not because the first wasn't good.... it was just...early.

The Crowbar Collective took me on a magical journey with Black Mesa. I'm 30 years old..... I've seen many remasters and remakes come and go.. but man did they nail it here. It feels perfect. I love the changes they made, some necessary, others not... but either way, I love it for what it brought me... and that was an incredible journey, with excellent shooting mechanics, superb mobility, and a soundtrack that fits right up there with Valve's own. Kudos CC... you guys did a good job.... and Xen... good lord.. you took a part of the game I always hated, and made it into something beautiful. Damn fine job.... Is it this good? I think so... maybe I'm just old and this team made a game that let me relive my early gaming days... either way.. I loved it.

It may not be a game for everyone, but whether or not you're a returning Half life Fan, or this is your first time, don't hesitate... I did, and boy do I regret waiting as long as I did.
2021년 8월 31일에 게시되었습니다. 2021년 8월 31일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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32명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 6.2시간
Dead Space 3 is a decent game on itself. Dead Space 3, is not even an okay Dead Space game.

I love Dead Space. I've played both the original and it's fantastic sequel on all platforms multiple times. The writing has always been fantastic, the enemy design top notch, the horror absolutely effective in every way.

This game... oof. The characters in this story feel impossible to like. The writing feels forced. The horror has been dropped in favor of a more action oriented experience... and it suffers because of it. Resource management has been completely thrown out the window. Large scenes used to be mostly interactive, but all scenes here feel like five minute soap opera dramas. A love triangle somehow got to take front and center stage... A good character from the previous game has been ruined to better fit the "Typical female" role in the story.... her breasts even grew several sizes. The weapons have been ruined by a new hamfisted approach at a crafting system... because every game needed one of those. A whole bunch of enemies have been simplified, new enemies that just feel lazy have been added... The weapons, despite the cool engineering side of the game they added... feel boring.

As I said... I loved the first two games. When the remaster of the first was announced, I realized I never played the third. I played through the first, second, and then bought the third on sale for $5..... I told my wife even, that I was at least going to give it a try..... I couldn't finish it. I'm 6 hours in.... and I'm bored... It's not scary anymore, not even a little... it's very predictable... easy... I don't even care what's happening... this new drama filled love triangle story has taken front and center and.... it's just not Dead Space.
2021년 8월 1일에 게시되었습니다.
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1명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 23.3시간 (평가 당시 18.2시간)
This is one of my all time favorites. It's such a simple game, yet very deep. A case of easy to learn and have fun with, but a lifetime to master. I own this game on several platforms. Better played with a controller in my opinion, but it's well worth the low price it goes for. Plus, if you're a fan of that old retrowave look and feel, along with the amazing soundtrack, it's a huge added bonus. This soundtrack is amazing.

So, I have just one question for you....

Do you like hurting other people?
2021년 3월 30일에 게시되었습니다.
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4명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 5.4시간 (평가 당시 4.0시간)
Game is a great idea, I actually enjoyed the previous version of this based on House of The Dead 2. This game hoever I was unable to enjoy. Completely screwed on the AMD side of things. Zombies are half invisible and some are just never there, until they hurt you and their body parts start blinking in and out of existence. This is a widespread problem that they refuse to address. Overall just a really bad PS3 port.
2016년 4월 25일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 7.9시간 (평가 당시 4.1시간)
Super hot is not a huge AAA game. The price point may be a bit high for the amount of content here, but that is up to you to decide. I myself will spend countless hours messing with this game over the span of the next few years I can assure you. It's insanely fun, very creative, and playing it more than once is something I would encourage, just because everything can turn out differently every time you play, constantly training you to play differently.

The story mode will probably run about 2 hours (which was much better than I was expecting, but after this, you will unlock extra challenge modes such as time trials and endless survival. It's a simple yet very effective game. Innovative and a great mind bender on top of that.
2016년 2월 27일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 22.0시간 (평가 당시 14.4시간)
앞서 해보기 평가
As nether stands now, it's borderline unplayable. I understand that the game is pretty much a free for all, but half the time, it doesn't feel "FUN". At this current time, it feels severely unpolished. I know the game is early access, I typically stay away from these but I saw lots of potential in this game, even now I still do, but I didn't know that this early access buy was THIS early.

First off, I want to say that everything I write down is only applying to the game in it's current state as of 1/6/2014.

Okay, my MAIN problem with the game is how bad it runs currently. I'm boasting a pretty well built and up-to-date system, but this game chugs along like no other. I run Metro last light at all MAX settings at 1920x1080, and this game barely breaks 30 unless I'm in the subway, or other indoor areas where you cannot sea outside. This is a bit discouraging in my opinion, you'd think that when a developer would want to release a beta, they would at least be past the optimization part of the development cycle. I came in understanding that there would still be some visual/balance issues/bugs, but I wouldn't think that optimization was still this far off, and what upsets me, is that instead of full on addressing this issue (Which I think is the most important, tell me if I'm wrong) they're releasing other items like hang-gliders and the like, which also don't seem to work properly.

Second off is that this game is so focused on pvp (at least that is what i got from it) but the guns don't even work properly. Death is around every corner in this game, I've learned to fear other players over the nether in this game, mainly because if you aren't friends with them, they don't give a ♥♥♥♥, you're carrying free stuff. You walk through this world with a giant green backpack on your back (or other bright color for some weird reason o_o) So I would expect the guns to fire when I click.. but they don't. This is not related to ping or latency, but something in the game's design itself. My shotgun will sometimes take a full second to shoot after I click. Which I think is absolutely ridiculous. Early access I know, but this again, seems like an extremely important aspect of the game, which I would think takes precidence over hang-gliders..

Thirdly, and Finally, the leveling system is absolutely pointless. You level up your characters, which seems quite quick at times, depending on whether or not you run into many nether/have the weapons to dispose of them properly... but you never hang onto it, like I said earlier, death is extremely common.. and when I get lucky I'll be toting around at level 15 with quite a few perks invested, not to mention quite a bit of time, and one bullet to the back of the head from across the street from some ass-hat that thinks he's a pvp god, has completely deleted that character pretty much. All levels are gone, all items you are carrying, are lost, (which is fine) But losing ALL OF YOUR PROGRESS? That seems a bit harsh to me, and all these points will come together into what adds up to a sometimes horrible experience...

The game isn't optimized well so you're struggling with poor performance in an online shooter where your guns pack a bigger delay on the trigger than they do in damage, all adding up to losing your entire character to sometimes, would seem like the game's fault. I understand that the game is early access... but I've played plenty of betas in my gaming lifetime, and never once has one frustrated me as much as this one. I really do think this game has an insane amount of potential, but if I had actually done my research and found all this out prior to my purchase, I woulnd't have spent the money on it.. I would have waited for the full release, I just hope that the full release will but a milestone ahead of where it is now, because I won't be playing much of this game any time soon it would seem.

I hope you found my review helpful. As it stands I would recommend this to a friend, but I wouldn't... I just hope the game moves forward from here.. The one major thing that the developer is doing right.. is that the are very in touch with their playerbase.. I just hope it stays that way, and they start aiming at the more important things in future updates.
2014년 1월 6일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 18.7시간 (평가 당시 9.4시간)
I'm not usually a huge fan of tycoon games. Let alone business model games. But this game seems to throw a little of everything in there. It certainly holds up on the fun side, but also keeps in sucked in with addictive gameplay. I bough this game just yesterday, today is 11/26/2013, and I'm already in love. I bought this and Xcom enemy within side by side. But for the life of me, I couldn't put this game down to try out xcom. It's a great game, and I really hope to see more come of it. Good job guys, this is the best 10 dollars I've spent in a LONG time.
2013년 11월 26일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 84.2시간 (평가 당시 71.7시간)
My most favorite game of all time. Cannot be explained really, the story here is magnificent, gameplay is amazing, and the atmosphere breathtaking.
2013년 4월 3일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 1,475.0시간 (평가 당시 479.9시간)
I've loved this game for a long time. I've got more time in this game than any other. Over 1,000 hours I've spent here over the years since the game came out. I love it. However, Valve doesn't give a steaming crap about this game.

I shouldn't say that... they obviously care somewhat... like about all the money that people keep giving them to not fix their broken game.

Too bad. Didn't see Valve going the way of EA... yet here we are. Leave the game broken, continue to monetize and make money off of the game, do nothing to fix it. Classic EA... I mean valve.

EDIT: Summer update is awesome but.. yet another way to make money off the game, and the bots are still here running rampant.
2013년 4월 3일에 게시되었습니다. 2023년 7월 22일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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11-20/21개 항목을 표시 중