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投稿日: 2020年5月21日 21時40分
更新日: 2022年12月17日 21時43分

Compared to launch, Halo MCC has come a LONG way! All of the things I wanted in Halo as a kid are now a reality in the game, such as different color energy swords :D They have yet to add cross-platform co-op, but the mods, custom game browser, matchmaking, and forge are all great! Theater and file share is yet to be fixed/updated to the point it should be, but otherwise Halo: Master Chief Collection delivers on most fronts, and is a great time both with friends or just playing on your own. Definitely recommend, as it lives up to the original games' experience as far as most things go :)

P.S.: They fixed the Halo:CE original graphics/textures too, so it just shows that they are always working on polishing the games!
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