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31-40/64개 항목을 표시 중
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기록상 0.7시간
It's an interesting, arcadey take on the Mount & Blade formula, but very underdeveloped. Unfortunately it lacks any of the tactical depth its title would imply - the orders you can issue are "go here", "shoot this", but you're better off issuing none and just having your troops follow you in a big blob. Meanwhile, the shooting and movement are too basic to be much fun for longer than 5 minutes. There are different troop classes and upgrades, as well as personal weapons and mechs for your player-character to use/pilot, but the core gameplay isn't compelling - or even challenging - enough for me to want to pursue them.
2023년 10월 29일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 417.1시간 (평가 당시 192.3시간)
"Mask off"
2023년 10월 27일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 0.0시간
If you're going to buy IE, get it on Xbox store before 18th October. You get the 2500 Aquilas ("premium currency") included here, on top of a 14,000 bonus - or a flat 9,300 just for buying the basic edition of the game.

As it stands, the 2500 included isn't enough to buy a full skin bundle anymore since they raised the prices.

Most of the cosmetics included with IE range from "eh" to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, and are mostly reskins of, or very close to the ones you can earn in-game through progression and penances. Only the Psyker's really stands out here.
2023년 10월 6일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 6.1시간 (평가 당시 2.1시간)
Nuclear Option is an accessible, 20-minutes-into-the-future flight-sim lite, with insanely detailed damage modelling and great visuals, sound and music. The flight model and control scheme is in that sweet-spot where the underlying systems are relatively complex, but the way the player interfaces with them is as accessible as you could hope for, without compromising on the fun parts of realism/authenticity. If you enjoy flying in ArmA, Battlefield or War Thunder, this is probably right up your alley.

No real-world manuals required in order to spend 20 minutes just to get off the ground - you simply taxi to the runway, throttle up and off you go. All the aircraft and ground vehicle designs are grounded, familiar and believable, but also original and interesting. Aircraft have really detailed and satisfying damage models, with direct SAM/AAM hits splintering them into their constituent parts - damage to engines causing them to burn out, holes punched through wings by machinegun fire have corresponding effects on aerodynamics, all that good stuff. The interior parts that are exposed through damage are all modelled, and the physics feel very authentic. The game also features a mission editor, which I haven't played around with much but it seems just as accessible as the game its self and will no doubt give it a lot of longevity and replayability.

Of course it has a ton of kinks to work out, back-end and quality of life features still to be added - but the dev is very receptive and diligent in addressing them. As of right now there are some oddities with the control scheme, but there's already an update on the way to hopefully resolve those things. Missiles and anti-air vehicles in particular feel a bit too powerful, and the balance and interplay between missiles, ballistics, countermeasures and evasion feels a little off, but nothing fundamentally broken. The absence of flaps, trim/auto-trim and air-brakes(?) is particularly jarring, cause the flight physics are such that they would have a purpose. The "main" gamemode, Total War, feels like it needs more to it in terms of (emergent) objectives, general mechanics and player influence - but it already works well enough to be a lot of fun, especially in PvP multiplayer.

Other than the music, development is a one-man band which is really impressive for a game of this scope and depth. It's clear this is a passion project, and I could see myself no-lifing this for the rest of my life once the chopper gets added and the control issues are resolved.
2023년 6월 21일에 게시되었습니다.
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102명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
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기록상 18.2시간 (평가 당시 12.3시간)
앞서 해보기 평가
Overall really cool concept - build tank, go fight. Decently executed. The building mode has more than a few annoying bugs and idiosyncrasies that can make the process of designing your tank extremely frustrating. Sometimes controls/tools will become unresponsive, or not behave in the way you expect - like trying to scale a mirrored panel, might just reposition it instead. Attachments like lights and fenders can self-duplicate, or shift when you touch an unrelated part of the tank's geometry. The "facing" of a face can often invert, meaning you have to move your camera inside the tank to select it. If you try and create a complex hull shape, things can get really dicey - sometimes it'll ignore the volume of the main body and interpret a flat panel you made as the hull-space. The engine, transmission etc has some depth to it, but to anyone who doesn't understand the mechanics, it's going to be confusing and impenetrable.

The combat is fairly bare-bones. AI seemingly have omniscient awareness, there doesn't seem to be any mechanics around spotting, visibility, etc. The maps are generally barren and don't have much in the way of interesting terrain features - buildings/towns, gullies and ravines, hills etc - to take advantage of or otherwise take into consideration. There are rarely objectives other than "kill all enemies and don't die".
The enemies are limited to other tanks, which - granted, it's a tank game - can get kinda stale. Infantry, Anti-tank emplacements, even aircraft would make things a lot more interesting and dynamic.

Cannons are the only type of weapon available, and I hope that changes - autocannon and heavy machineguns being the main ones that're missing, but also rockets/missiles (don't care if they'd be anachronistic), mortars and such. Even without infantry, MGs could be used for suppressing the crew of an enemy tank, destroying things like tracks, optics and lights.

If you have multiple turrets on a vehicle, the player still aims/fires them all simultaneously - they can't be handed off to AI to engage targets independently, or different weapon groups so you can fire each when you want - which can be especially awkward if you're trying to do something like WW1 tanks with side-sponson guns.

The game seems to be intended to model tracked vehicles from the early 20th century, and so far makes no accommodations for anything more modern, futuristic or fantastical. Would love to see more options for locomotion - wheels and half-tracks being the obvious ones and appropriate for its intended setting - but even perhaps legs, hover and flight systems - though maybe those would be more appropriate as mods. Some people have been able to figure out how to make functional mechs/walkers, but it's hacky and convoluted - ditto with high-RoF guns.

I'll also mention that the game has no workshop support as of yet, which seems like a no-brainer for something with free-form vehicle building.

I can see it being a lot of fun were some of this to be addressed. In its current state, it's enjoyable enough if you like the design part for design's sake, and have the patience to deal with and work around the bugs. The Geometric internals update that's on its way looks very promising as well, though it will certainly increase the complexity by an order of magnitude - not necessarily a bad thing.

2023년 5월 22일에 게시되었습니다. 2023년 6월 5일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 1.3시간
앞서 해보기 평가
Severely lacking in content at the moment, with only one map and a handful of the planned weapons and gadgets. Core gameplay is decent, but some aspects feel disjointed and unbalanced - especially the end base-building/defence sequence. There isn't really much interplay between the classes, and the operator being able to revive people just by being in proximity to them just feels strange, unintuitive and undermines the challenge. The only mission we have so far is extremely linear, with no side-objectives to take care of or any reason to explore - you and your team just move as a less-than tactical blob from point A-B-C until the mission is complete. The game also has some jank, with enemies clipping into walls and such, and finnicky building controls.

I do like its soundtrack, presentation, level design and everything - and it's a not-♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Starship Troopers FPS, golly gee - but that aint enough to sway me.

Above all, FAQ states:
"There are no current plans for mod support.
As Starship Troopers: Extermination uses studio-operated servers, there will not be a distributed server browser"

That's a big ♥♥♥♥♥♥ no-no. Hope they change their minds but I'm not holding my breath.
2023년 5월 17일에 게시되었습니다. 2023년 5월 17일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 0.4시간
앞서 해보기 평가
Like the concept, but it's janky and archaic. Poor animations, and visuals in general. Gunplay's rather awful, especially compared to the likes of Ground Branch or Ready or Not. No dedicated prone button. Running feels like wading through molasses. Weapon attachment system would've been advanced, for 2003. Extensive customisation options for your squad which is cool, but they're of little consequence, mostly just cosmetic.

What I really like about it is its single-player focus, with AI teammates that can actually navigate the terrain and structures, and keep pace with the player; the sandboxy nature of its mission generator and the variety of objectives. Lots of difficulty options which is always nice. And the overall that it's aiming to be something like the OG Rainbow Sixes and Ghost Recons.

I'll be keeping my eye on it, but I've seen enough to be put off for the foreseeable future. Feels very much like "Ground Branch at home:". Strongly recommend waiting a few years to see how it turns out.
2023년 5월 15일에 게시되었습니다.
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36명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
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기록상 43.8시간 (평가 당시 27.9시간)
I really want to give this a positive review - conceptually it's ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ cool and the execution is mostly good. You and other players crew an aircraft carrier, and attempt to hunt down the enemy carrier(s) - be it AI controlled, or crewed by opposing players - securing islands along the way to gain access to weapon, equipment, chassis and ammo production.

Plenty of ship systems to manage - torpedoes, main gun, cruise missiles, countermeasures, CIWS, power output etc etc - nothing too overwhelming, especially with more than a couple of players in your crew.

You can directly control the aircraft and vehicles you send against enemy assets, and for me that's where the most fun is to be had. You can also just give them orders via the control terminal, and watch it play out from the bridge of your carrier. Or a bit of both.

Logistics are a factor, as you must use barges to deliver supplies of all different kinds to your carrier - you can even go after those of the enemy to bleed them dry.

Has a very simplistic but effective pseudo-retro aesthetic, a nice soundtrack if a bit repetitive, good atmosphere for what it is, needlessly detailed wave simulation.

What makes this a non-recommendation are a few major criticisms.

Controls - the biggest one for me. You can't use joystick and keyboard simultaneously - input from one will deactivate the other, so you have to use entirely joystick/gamepad controls, or entirely keyboard + mouse, no mixing. Unless you go to the trouble of using something like key2joy to remap some controls to keyboard, but that has its issues due to how it interacts with the game. I was excited to hear they'd added HOTAS support, but it's severely lacking. You can't even rebind the keyboard controls for vehicles, as they're linked to the on-foot keybinds - and for whatever reason, they decided to change it to arrow keys instead of the traditional WASD.

Lack of modding support. This is something that could give the game a hell of a lot of longevity and keep things fresh, and people do try in spite of the limitations, but I get the impression it involves hair loss, and they're extremely limited in what they can achieve.

Pacing. The game can get quite tedious due to the travel-time between islands or anything interesting - which is fine if you have logistics and loadouts to manage, otherwise your best bet is to go take a dump, make a cup of tea, contemplate the mysteries of the universe and experience existential dread - and only then resume the actual fun parts of gameplay.

On top of that, you can only launch and/or recover aircraft one at a time, so if you have multiple people wanting to use aircraft at the same time, you can be waiting a long while before yours gets in the air. Also means you're pretty much restricted to carrier defences/weapons if you unexpectedly come under attack.

I'm not a fan of how different technologies are unlocked. You might've unlocked a given group of weapons, but ammo is unlocked and produced from a different island. There's also the fact you have to purchase, produce and have those items delivered via barges - which can take centuries depending on where you are relative to the production sites. Not such an issue if you have someone who really loves engaging with that whole part of the game, but I find the logistics interface especially awkward and unintuitive. But beyond that, by the time you have the chassis and weapons you want in decent supply, and the right ammo for them, there won't be a lot of map left to use them on.

"Rock-paper-scissors". It feels like there are only a few prescribed ways to deal with any given scenario in the game - aircraft and missiles will be shredded by anything armed with CIWS, which accounts for about 70% of the enemies you'll be facing in short order. Depending on how action-oriented you'd like your playstyle to be, this can make dealing with island defenders or groups of enemy ships a boring chore rather than fun and engaging gameplay. The jet aircraft *can* get away with tangling with CWIS, but it takes skillful piloting AND a lot of luck. Firing from beyond their range with minigun helicopters is also viable, but also boring.

If the controls issues get resolved then I'd happily recommend, as long as you have the patience to deal with all the above. It's worth noting that the game continues to receive updates, even if they're far between, so there's hope yet. Edit: Devs responded to ticket describing the issue saying it's "Intentional by design". Lol.
2023년 4월 16일에 게시되었습니다. 2023년 4월 27일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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9명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 70.2시간 (평가 당시 68.3시간)
Went back on their promise of no micro-transactions. Sold out to Tencent & their Chinese Communist Party overlords. Development priorities shifting from fixing long-standing gameplay issues to monetisation.

If you want a free, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥-free alternative, try Project Reality. It has more content - including attack helicopters and jets - and better overall balance. Even if some of its graphics and gameplay systems are archaic, if you enjoy Squad you'll probably enjoy PR just as much, if not more - especially if you have trouble running Squad at a reasonable framerate.

Edit: The latest update (including the MTX/Emotes) seems to have broken things for a lot of people
- DX11 mode won't start for many
- Many are reporting severe graphical issues
- Legs/torso are no longer visible from first person
- Emotes wheel bound to the same key as the ranging bind, and takes precedence over it - cannot be unbound
- In main menu, store and emotes menu have been put in the oiriginal position of the server browser button.

Meanwhile it does nothing to actually fix long-standing issues with the game. Premium example of monetisation ruining an otherwise perfectly good game.
2023년 1월 21일에 게시되었습니다. 2023년 2월 10일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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5명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 484.9시간 (평가 당시 103.2시간)
Fatshark's executives view you with even more contempt than the Inquisitors do your player character.

The core gameplay is fun. It's a good mix of melee and ranged combat that feels satisfying and challenging, with interesting weapons and abilities.

That said, it's rife with bugs and poor design choices. Weapon progression is RNG-based - you can have all the in-game currency in the world, and still roll weapons with ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ stats from the shop and never get one you actually want. Same with upgrading a given weapon. There are bugs with the AI director causing it to spawn hordes of specialists and disabling enemies when it's not meant to. Lots of people have trouble just running the game or staying in a match. Class balance is a bit all over the place since the patch.

Monetisation and microtransactions are anti-consumer. Previously the cash shop was placed such that you'd always walk past it on your way to gamble away your ordo dockets on crap drops. The bonus aquilas - "premium currency" - included in the Imperial Edition is no longer enough to buy a full skin set after they raised the prices. They used to include weapon skins as well, but now they've been sequestered. Over £10 for a single set of headgear, torso and leg pieces for one class - and conveniently, the "better" helmet is sold separately, encouraging double-dipping.

Xbox purchasers of both the base edition and the imperial edition get several times the amount of bonus aquilas as Steam IE buyers, up to a value of £90 (not including base game price).
2022년 12월 1일에 게시되었습니다. 2023년 10월 6일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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31-40/64개 항목을 표시 중