Mads "MomentPlz" Sørensen   Arhus, Denmark
Have played for Orbit, Epiphany Bolt - Check further down.

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Information about me:
Gaming career:

1st in Game On European Invitational (MomentPlz, st^, Hiffer, Kramer, es3tag) - 1200€
1st in Quickshot Arena with Epiphany (MomentPlz, st^, Hiffer, Kramer, es3tag) - 1500$
1st in Quickshot Arena with Epiphany (MomentPlz, st^, ANTON, Kramer, es3tag) - 1000$
1st Place Assembly Summer 2015 Qualifier with (MomentPlz, st^, ANTON, MadHacker, es3tag)
1st Place Assembly Winter 2016 Qualifier with (MomentPlz, st^, Hiffer, Krewmer, es3tag)

1st/2nd Places Gfinity Cups with (MomentPlz, st^, ANTON, Kramer, es3tag) - 5200£
2nd Place League of Sharks with eSpuma (MomentPlz, chaze, zekon, RAOZ, mat, es3tag) - 675€
3rd in Gfinity league wtih eSpuma (MomentPlz, chaze, mAt, zekoN, es3tag) - 500£
3rd in Quickshot Arena with Epiphany (MomentPlz, st^, ANTON, Kramer, es3tag) - 250$
3rd in Quickshot Arena with Epiphany (MomentPlz, st^, ANTON, Kramer, es3tag) - 250$
3rd in AlienTech CS:GO European Cup 2 (MomentPlz, st^, Hiffer, Kramer, es3tag) - 200€

1st at CG-Lan #4 with KappaKappa (MomentPlz, st^, ANTON, Kramer, es3tag) - 10.000DKK + Gear
2nd at CG-Lan #3 with KappaKappa (MomentPlz, xone, zanoj, zekoN, mAt) - 200€
5th-6th at Assembly Winter 2016 (MomentPlz, Hiffer, st^, Krewmer, es3tag)
5th-8th at CG-Lan #2 with eSpuma (MomentPlz, chaze, InTeQ, es3tag, zekon)
7th-8th at Assembly Summer 2015 (MomentPlz, ANTON, st^, MadHacker, es3tag)
9th-16th at NPF #15 - ESWC Qual (MomentPlz, chaze, InTeQ, es3tag, zekon)

Previous Teams:
Orbit: MomentPlz, Boaster, Krewmer, st^, es3tag
Epiphany Bolt v2: MomentPlz, Anton, Krewmer, st^, es3tag
Epiphany Bolt: MomentPlz, Hiffer, Krewmer, st^, es3tag
KappaKappa v2: MomentPlz, MadHacker, st^, ANTON, es3tag
KappaKappa: MomentPlz, zekon, zanoj, xone, mAt
eSpuma v2: MomentPlz, zekon, inteq, chaze, es3tag
eSpuma: MomentPlz, zekon, mAt, chaze, es3tag
murder spagurder 21 dec, 2017 @ 6:25 
@es3tag :sm: :heart:
Min yndlings retarderet :bolt:
Takumi Fujiwara 藤原 拓海 21 feb, 2017 @ 15:17 
hey could u sign my profile <3 u
MARLBORO GOLD 20 feb, 2017 @ 5:27 
sing me plz
eLsixx^ 9 feb, 2017 @ 5:05 
Can you sign my profile ty :)
Thommer 6 feb, 2017 @ 8:33 
Hey, it would be really nice if you would sign my profile :)
So bad >) 27 jan, 2017 @ 2:21 
Even once you're signed in one of my profile, if you do it a second time, I will be very happy)