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Echoes of Past
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406 Hours played
Short Review:
Solid base game, could easily drop a few hundred hours into it as is (I already have), but it's a bit shallow in a lot of places, and wont really shine until theres some dlc dropped and modders get some time with the CK. As is now, decent game, but if you wait a year or even 6 months it will be way better.

Basically its your standard Bethesda fare, just in space. I've heard it described as both Daggerfall In Space and Bethesda Does Mass Effect. Both fit. I'd recommend it for sure, just maybe wait until the CK drops to get it if you're still on the fence.

Alternate More Detailed Review:
It's good along the lines of typical Bethesda fare like fallout or oblivion. This is definitely a game that's going to stick around for the next decade, and could easily have a lot of replayability over that decade, especially with the creation kit tools. My advice is if you're still on the fence give it a year, then come back to it.

A lot of negatives given to it are there are a lot more menu hopping than pure open world, and going into it expecting a straight fallout 4 in space will leave you disappointed. But if you go in expecting a fallout 4 lite in space, and the understanding that like the other Bethesda titles it is going to get better with time, it's a pretty amazing game.

I've already beaten it once and I'm going through my second playthrough, and I absolutely love the story and all the expansive little tangents and quest lines you can go off into. If you dropped hundreds of hours in fallout and hundreds of hours in skyrim, there's a good chance you're going to drop hundreds of hours in starfield.

The ship building can be a little wonky but once you get used to it it's pretty amazing, the outpost building is pretty cool but I think it needs some work, the NPC interactions can be a little jarring until you get used to the style, and you can very easily tell that Microsoft making Bethesda do a year of bug fixing shines through.

I would recommend it, just maybe not right away. At least wait until the creation kit tools come out and see what some modders do, like with fallout it really didn't shine until the modders got a hold of it and there was about a year of updates from the studio.
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Insert Ego 4 Feb, 2016 @ 8:03am 