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Додано: 22 берез. 2023 о 13:42

After getting all but one achievement, I feel like I've played enough to give this game a review and I do recommend it. It's a game I would rather play in quick bursts, not burning myself out on it, but turning it on when i have a little downtime and going on a run or two with my plane

It's a shooter, you're a plane shooting other planes, all while collecting powerups and trying to get the highest score. It's a very retro feeling game, which are ones I quite enjoy. You feel powerful when you have all the power-up's which does not take that long in the game. Rounds can drag on a bit taking a little while to ramp up in difficulty enough to keep you on your toes until a good few minutes in.

It's simple but effective boredom game. 6/10
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