Goldoni 6/fev./2022 às 16:41 
I am not crazy! I know he swapped those numbers. I knew it was 1216. One after Magna Carta. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just - I just couldn't prove it. He covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the copy shop to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. That billboard! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! He orchestrated it! Jimmy! He DEFECATED through a SUNROOF! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own firm! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was 9, always the same! Couldn't keep his hands out of the cash drawer! But not our Jimmy! Couldn't be precious Jimmy! Stealing them blind! And HE gets to be a lawyer? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you, you have to stop him-
Goldoni 2/ago./2021 às 11:55 
您好微博! 我目前正在拍摄电影,但正在休息和用餐。 拍摄时我无法使用手机,所以现在拍摄中,因为这给了我老干妈! 我不熟悉老干妈,但是中国人说这是一种 chili sauce,所以现在每天我都在西兰花上使用老干妈。 好多老干妈! 这不是广告,我和老干妈没有关系,但我想很多中国人都喜欢这种酱。 我正在尝试 EMBRACE中国文化。 许多中国人说,老干妈是中国文化的一部分。 因此,每天我都会吃西兰花和老干妈。 真的,真的,真的很好! 我很喜欢!
Kappa 13/out./2018 às 12:34 

Nick "Zorb" Cage 11/jan./2017 às 10:48 
Tell goldy i'd like some pepperoni to go with my pizza.
Goldoni 6/dez./2016 às 16:59 
Come se chiama che non mi viene il nome
Goldoni 17/nov./2014 às 5:00 
+rep Furio best waifu 2015
Kappa 13/nov./2014 às 12:19 
+rep we all have some Furio inside us
sadmoney 25/set./2014 às 13:38 
+rep best looking steam profile ever
Miskude 8/set./2014 às 7:09 
+rep nice comments
bigbabyscott 7/set./2014 às 16:40 
+rep what the ♥♥♥* does this actually mean
OCTANE 98 13/ago./2014 às 23:08 
Miskude 28/jul./2014 às 9:48 
-rep lost his smoothness through the years
Ylldrash 26/jul./2014 às 2:49 
+rep , nice trader
Nickakyoin 22/jun./2014 às 15:20 
Zaraki Kenpachi 5/mai./2014 às 13:40 
+rep, nice trader :f1_crown:
PhoenixIIEH3A 25/mar./2014 às 15:31 
Nice trader +rep
On.EXCV 24/mar./2014 às 13:17 
Fast and good trader.
Kappa 16/mar./2014 às 9:35 
smooth as ♥♥♥♥ traider, his smoothness made me grow a beard and a jazz voice
Miskude 16/mar./2014 às 9:35 
nice and smooth trader, more on the smooth side +rep
Perian 7/mar./2014 às 10:16 
Great trader, +rep
Kappa 17/fev./2014 às 7:26 
Buon Natale!
I.R.B.Y. 31/dez./2013 às 18:26 
Nice screenshot showcase its got :shield_up::warband::A::gmod: :happymeat::dealwithit::ghsmile::ghlol:: High five :D :use:
Miskude 31/dez./2013 às 15:44 
+rep good guy
Kappa 21/dez./2013 às 0:30 
+rep hey diddi
Teadi 29/jul./2013 às 10:06 
Accept me :)
Nickakyoin 3/jun./2013 às 12:18 
Epicest avatar ever.
Kappa 1/jun./2013 às 8:37 
Chiki 25/mai./2013 às 9:28 
Soup can
Kappa 19/mai./2013 às 5:24 
cioè a volte sembra proprio ma in realtà non è
Ylldrash 15/mai./2013 às 8:26 
1 nuovo commento inutile
Kappa 11/mai./2013 às 16:40 
cioè kappa sei obbligato a fare carnafredda su sto gioco no ma certo ok. Ok.
Nickakyoin 11/mai./2013 às 16:39 
Nickakyoin 4/mai./2013 às 4:14 
1 nuovo commenti
Kappa 20/abr./2013 às 9:17 
1 new comments
MANIAK 9/abr./2013 às 14:00 
1 new comments
Miskude 29/mar./2013 às 11:33 
1 new comments
Goldoni 29/mar./2013 às 11:14 
1 new comments
Kappa 29/mar./2013 às 7:27 
pls do art
Miskude 17/dez./2012 às 9:26 
Kappa 14/dez./2012 às 3:00 
Seems legit. Riavvio steam
Goldoni 28/nov./2012 às 10:06 
Nickakyoin 8/mai./2012 às 8:29 
1 new comments
Miskude 21/abr./2012 às 5:41 
Nickakyoin 21/abr./2012 às 5:33 
R M1strz M!strzów >>M<< 12/abr./2012 às 14:30 
i agree with MANIAK, also nice person and a good teammate ;) greetings from ,,R''
MANIAK 1/abr./2012 às 6:44 
One of the best players on SS TFE and good friend.