suukkky- ♡ okt. 21., 14:48 
ur welcome for the carry silver player
chama okt. 8., 13:18 
Weed EditioN okt. 5., 7:14 
-rep creep with wh end troler
Reumert júl. 29., 13:06 
-rep boosted player friend he plays with is god but not this guy he baaaaaaad
@sensa get the water bottle on him!

but no for real, doesnt give info doesnt talk and just in generel boosted player can't even get knife kill xD
Hufsa máj. 18., 13:53 
i was watching as you guys lost rounds 4v1, you are legit trash xD
cad márc. 22., 18:07 
Men,men. You have a problem in yum brain, because in your country are they all gays, and you have a nightmare. Because your father and your father in the night, ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥, and you, you have a problem, in your father and your father to ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ in the night, and you cry. Ey men sorry, sorry. (You're gay) No, your father and your father, not my fathers.
Жмых Пажилой márc. 4., 13:24 
-rep creep with wh
[PODGRZYBKI] AntonioPL febr. 23., 16:21 
+REP Propably the best player in CS <3:steamhappy:
Sensa 2023. okt. 19., 3:57 
Hey pal, I found some sunglasses I really like so we can finally play CS together again.
Thanks for the 381 team flashes in the final 3 months of CS:GO!
LosT 2023. szept. 27., 10:37 
creep> so ez game vs u :lunar2019coolpig:
ThunderStorm 2023. júl. 17., 3:59 
+rep) nice player )
nero 2023. júl. 15., 14:48 
boosted af
Armie 2023. júl. 6., 6:25 
damn, you real ugly ahahahha fatty :awyea:
ElCheffo ♛ 2023. máj. 26., 15:11 
zware tijden xD
MucoZ 2023. máj. 26., 14:59 
69Hairy69Nutsack69 2023. máj. 18., 2:17 
voor mij ook nog immer onduidelijk
Sensa 2023. máj. 4., 5:23 
Ben nu wel benieuwd van wie de hoort dat je goed bent, nog niet gezien namelijk...
MikeyyM 2023. ápr. 20., 9:26 
Is dat zo? Valt vies tegen hoor.
stop running and shooting pls 2023. ápr. 12., 12:56 
ik hoorde van een vriend dat jij tering goed was in cs
Appels 2023. ápr. 12., 12:56 
+rep, best LAN experience ever !
Daedron 2023. ápr. 12., 12:55 
Mikeyy LAN experience
69Hairy69Nutsack69 2023. febr. 9., 10:57 
koken jij
76561199162408137 2023. febr. 4., 18:24 
signed by me
69Hairy69Nutsack69 2023. jan. 27., 6:38 
buitenlandse taal!
Tatabuble ♥ T 2022. dec. 18., 6:11 
+w musor bezdarnii
ERTmans 2022. nov. 26., 15:26 
69Hairy69Nutsack69 2022. okt. 24., 3:09 
MikeyyM 2022. okt. 20., 14:16 
you lost against a level 8 AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA
colson 2022. okt. 20., 13:47 
lvl 8 trash dog xDDDDDDD 1300 games and still lvl 8 hahahahahahhahahahahhahaa
69Hairy69Nutsack69 2022. okt. 17., 9:15 
wegwezen ghonorea
76561199114837010 2022. okt. 14., 16:19 
signed by me
76561199155039276 2022. okt. 10., 23:29 
69Hairy69Nutsack69 2022. okt. 7., 10:57 
Wat onfortuinlijk voor die jongen zeg!
MikeyyM 2022. okt. 7., 10:55 
Ja wist ik veel dat je mge was mijn excuus. Moet dat spel maar fatsoenlijke lobbys geven.
mr dog 2022. okt. 7., 8:28 
don't know how this salty ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ever went pro :lunar2019deadpanpig:
Globan Belit || 2022. okt. 6., 14:22 
Globan Belit || 2022. okt. 6., 14:22 
trash player ...need 2 pay for win xd
Card1ak 2022. okt. 6., 14:04 
-rep cheater , a bot with wh :steammocking: :steamthumbsdown:
69Hairy69Nutsack69 2022. szept. 27., 3:05 
Waar komen jullie dan vandaag? staat niet op het profiel. De achterhoek is anders ook kut namelijk!
hezzelhoff 2022. szept. 26., 13:15 
Voor types zoals jij hadden ze nooit chemotherapie moeten uitvinden. Kanker jong
Taktikek 2022. szept. 26., 13:14 
Je verdiend zoetermeer compleet
MikeyyM 2022. szept. 26., 13:11 
hahahhahahah ik zie dat de 5K met de deagle indruk heeft gemaakt. Leuk om te zien!
hezzelhoff 2022. szept. 26., 13:04 
cheats obv
MikeyyM 2022. szept. 24., 3:19 
My mother never went to T-base, so this is not true.
「PRED. 」 2022. szept. 24., 0:57 
I'm sorry if I brushed your lips with the d_ic_k I took out of your mother's a_s_s
69Hairy69Nutsack69 2022. szept. 10., 4:37 
lol no u
Jaco 2022. szept. 9., 11:53 
bad player and toxic, very bad eng
69Hairy69Nutsack69 2022. aug. 25., 10:57 
Angry at bot movements
SoldierK 2022. aug. 24., 14:59 
fake ass profile, prob cheating the way he is moving like a bot
69Hairy69Nutsack69 2022. júl. 13., 2:23 
And that says a lot because the rent is too damn high