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51.9 timer totalt (23.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Game PORN!! yesss!!

I just finished it.... 26.3 hours.
One of the best FPS I've ever played! This game really surprised me for good...

Fun Gameplay: You could adapt your playstyle and go 100% stealth or Dual Wield Rambo Style ...I have to say I enjoyed both. And I do not like those games that you have to plan how to sneak behind enemies and go undetected.

Great Weapons : I do have that "Bioshock" feeling when using some weapons. The blend of an alternative Retro-Technology applied on the wapons surprised me. And you could gradually add certain features that go even beyond.

Amazing Graphics: I've played the entire game in 4k + HDR and it is GEORGEOUS and worked like charm, the entire game the performance went between 60-90 fps. My config I7 4790k+ gtx1080 + 16gb.

The entire plot was much better than many sci-fi movies, and there where surprising moments of adult humor, gore (a lot), and crazy situations all around....what a surprising trip is to watch some cutscenes.

Besides finishing the main campaign I finished also a couple of additional missions that could be unlocked by using some codes and playing a small minigame, the locations are revisited while playing these missions but there is a certain variety in the enemies and positions...is a way to replay levels with small twists. But I also enjoyed to practice some special kills or to get certain achievement.

I Loved to play this game !
Totally recommend it

PS: Granateeeeen!!!
Publisert 27. november 2017. Sist endret 27. november 2017.
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23.7 timer totalt (4.7 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
WWWWOOOOOOWWWW!!! >>> The technical expression for the amazing "You are in a freaking spacefighter!!!!" effect in VR !!!

I'm just starting playing it so I will update this review in the near future, but I had to say that it looks incredible so far...

EDIT: The game is awesome, and looks GEORGEOUS in VR, one of the best looking games around. Single Player Campaign content is way too short but very good. Multiplayer is super fun with good mission variety. There are few players around, but the game fills the empty spaces with bots so no worries. There are other gameplay modes like Survival for each ship (survive waves in different locations and gain ship experience). There is a very well thought ship variety classified for different roles, like fighters, bombers, stealth, support and you gain experience that allow to fine tune features, or gain cosmetics for ships and pilot.
If you have VR and enjoy Space Dogfights the game plays and looks awesome, but is short on single player mode. Even with that I have to say is a 8.5/10
here are some gameplay videos:


Publisert 23. november 2017. Sist endret 20. juni 2019.
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38.8 timer totalt (21.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
These are the kind of games that are needed in VR.

1) Full product. And very well polished
2) Great Gameplay from the very start.
3) Great performance and original design in graphics for VR. Even the music fits well.
4) FUN TO PLAY...and HIGH replayability as you will unlock new tanks, new weapons and you will try higher difficulty settings and new missions (love the variety of missions)
5) GREAT AI! Normal difficulty will put you in tight situations when you really need to plan your weapon setup and tactics ingame. Kudos to developers for this!

I enjoyed this game a lot.

The basic gameplay is to drive a Futuristic tank, through an Hex-based map of regions to reach the final boss...a VULCAN that has an advance AI inside.

This volcan is protected by some towers. These towers could be defeated in the Hex-based map so you could have an easier final confrontation...or you could go directly to the VULCAN and confront those there at once...for even more difficulty.

You could chosse initially between 3 tanks, the light & fast with initial light weapons, medium Tank with very useful weapons and the heavy Tank, slower but more powerful and with higher armor. You could unlock many more as you progress finishing the campaign.

Every step on the HEX-Map, could be a Mission that you will try to win (otherwise the AI will grow smarter and make everything more difficult), or it could be a random event with quick decisions and outcomes, and special Hex to buy guns with the money you collect during missions and completing them.

Now...the weapons, another fun part of the game. You have the most basic ones like the simple cannon of a tank, but stil this one is fun to use as you will learn to place your shots like a champ and as you play further you wll achieve great shots at longer distances. Besides that you have, aimed or unaimed Rockets, Artillery cannons, guided missiles (single or packed), Heavy Machine guns, special "powers" added to the tank, Rail cannons, etc. And every weapon type could be improved to better versions that you could unlock by completing secondary actions during the missions and hacking/capturing structures while playing.

I've already played more than 20 hours and finished the game once, but I can't stop playing it, I enjoy to have more weapons unlocked and to create a different build of the tank while playing again. Also with higher difficulty you will encounter nasty tanks and a NEMESIS tank that could kick your ass with very agressive AI (prepare for this one!!).

Regarding the VR effect...another wow...the gameplay looks fantastic in VR and at certain missions the fight is a struggle for survival.

I enjoyed this a lot and on top of all this...there is also Online gameplay.

Publisert 14. november 2017.
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11 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
22.2 timer totalt (6.4 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
UPDATED REVIEW: I just beat the game and I loved it !

Not only is a great Beatm'up to enjoy but also the added value of Virtual Reality adds another layer of joy to see with a freedom to see the game with a floating camera that is your own headset.


It feels really "magical" to play the game with this brand new perspective.

Go ahead and do not miss this game and is a must have if you also happen to be so awesome to have VR :)

Updated score: 9.0/10
If Bloody Zombies VR 2 is released is an instant buy for me :)

Original Review:

I've always enjoyed Double Dragon, Golden Axe, Final Fight and all the classics beat'm up....

This game has all those mechanics that I loved ...you could grab the enemies, you could run and hit them, you could pick guns...enemies have different attacks that when mixed will really push you to kill some first before others and other tactics....so ...let me tell you guys: THE BEAT'M UP PART IS THERE and IS REALLY FUN TO PLAY!

now...add to that the VR part....wooooow

I'm REALLY ENJOYING IT IN VR but I could show you videos/screenshots and you will not still understand the sensation.
You have to PLAY IT.
I will try to describe it if you are interested.

Imagine that in front of you have a small theater of 2D toys, like if they were made of paper or small slices of wood. And these toys can move around and move their arms, they look like small figures of no more than 6 cm high.

That is the game and how you look it...you could move around freely so you are like an all seeing invisible god that control the main character.
So everything is in 3D and you could look anywhere and you will see the entire stage and the path the toys should follow to reach the end of the level.


The price is correct, the AI is good, the difficult is well balanced, is not easy...you will have very different moments when you will need to plan your fights or your ass will get kicked hehehe
The game is not very long...but I didn't finished yet...and the replay factor is there, because you have 4 characters

Add that you could play it with friends, just tried this yesterday and it was incredible fun as we could hit the bad guys at the same time creating some new crazy combos jajjaja

I feel that I got more than I was asking...specially in VR!!

Publisert 11. november 2017. Sist endret 22. juli 2022.
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2.7 timer totalt (0.6 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Anmeldelse fra tidlig tilgang
I gave this game originally a Not Recommended review, but the game was improved so far and so good that I'm updating my review to RECOMMEND IT.

I'm glad to see how the game changed drastically for good, because I just played it again since a long time and now the gameplay is fluid, challenging and fun!

The gameplay is to find the way out of a random generated level-maze that has many traps, enemies and also different ammo types that you could use to load in your crossbow or additional weapons that might be found too.
You also need to find a cog to activate the exit door that also needs to be found.
Game supports walking and teleport locomotion.
If you beat the maze, another one of incresing difficulty will be generated, this time it will have additional enemies, larger size and more weapons/traps.
The cardboard visuals on the entire world around you is surreal, all this filled with bizarre enemies can give some eerie chills. Great ambience.

The fluid pace and speed that the game has now is great, nothing compared to how slow it was initially, now I'm having a blast playing with walking fluid movement and some interesting chase situations on weird mazes.
I'm glad to enjoy it now, it plays great on VR with this bizarre Kartong ambience.
I will keep playing it and update further later :)

Publisert 2. november 2017. Sist endret 10. august 2021.
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0.8 timer totalt
To be simple... It was bored to play this game.
Even in Virtual Reality.

I got the effect of the "scanner" yeah....original...yeah...3 minutes later I realize it is boring because there is nothing really nice to explore, It looks really basic...

Also in VR there is no trackpad locomotion...you are constantly teleporting and it sucks...it kills the minimal immersion that this basic premise is giving.

I received this game on Humble Bundle Monthly, and I do not usually leave negative reviews, but It was one of the borest game I played and I felt the need to alert others, or if the developer is reading so he could improve it in many factors because so far, it made me regret to have even played it.
Publisert 7. oktober 2017.
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2.3 timer totalt
TractorBall: a soccer match....with tractors that have flippers on their front,
(and hilarious powerups around the field)

The main feature of the game is FUN and the game works correctly to bring that as you will see initially how bad you can be hitting that ball only to realize that the other player is even worse than you.

Another really good feature is that you will handle the tractor in VR using your controls like if it were in reality..so instead of handling with pressing the trackpad you will use your hands to GRAB the control of the tractor a move freely in the air to move it in the game.
The idea is pretty much how many simulations in VR need to focus on doing it, and this game that is more oriented to a casual gameplay nailed it correctly.

I have to say that developers are really good ones in a way that they have listened and improved the features that were requested gradually during testing. They even improved the mechanics in the game to be played correctly by people who is prone to sickness by adding a comfort mode (it worked with a friend of mine who gets sick easily but not on this game). If you are one of those, this game is a great tool also to train you on getting used too VR games with movement, as you are inside a tractor and this also helps to avoid sickness.

The game has is strong gameplay in playing online with friends or other players as the gameplay creates really fun matches of skillful and really bad reactions. But I have to say that even playing Single Player offline is fun too as the AI works correctly in simulate an online match with humans. Most of my matches were single player ones and the gameplay was pure fun!!. They provided different locations and single player unlockables leagues and tournaments, so you could enjoy and practice also offline too.

For the price the game is totally worth it and is providing

I have to also recommend you to take a look to another amazing game by these crazy NINJA WHALE devs, check Mount Wingsuit in Steam... I totally loved that one and is one of the best games I bought in VR.
Publisert 6. oktober 2017.
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0.9 timer totalt
Sometimes you encounter those games when you feel that developers do not play them.
The controls..are the worst, I couldn't use my gamepad. The idea of using Vive Controllers for VR could be good, but NOT IN THIS CASE... IT SUCKS ...a lot... You have to click the trackpad up or down for throttle, but at the same time..just by touching the pad you are moving the stick of the plane..that it moves like if it was made of jello...so while you are struggling to take off by pusshing the throttle the plane will go to your sides..and you will probably crash..or brake a wing..etc.

After many tries (free cursing included) finally taking off to check that same incredible annoying control in the air....mixed with uncontrollable physics, red colouring of the screen or passed out effects because the freaking sticks moves like crazy...if after all that you want to shoot at something..good luck!! jajaj

That is main turn down so far...but there are other things to mention...menus are made with a crappy interface that you have to click with your finger pointed to them (you will miss a lot), also the hands dissapear for moments and are replaced randomly by the controllers models.

Graphics are ok. I pushed all the slides to max and the performance was ok but I could say that the quality is a 6/10.

I found no missions at all, but took me long time to check because the options and menus are also very confusing. Maybe those are not ready so this could be normal ..yet.

I really hope the game improves A LOT. The airplane models looked average but I saw listed many different models...so sad that after changing from P51D to other fighters..the controls made me lost the interest.

So far...STAY AWAY. Maybe I could check back when finished, hoping to see a nice simulator for VR.
Publisert 29. august 2017. Sist endret 29. august 2017.
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3.1 timer totalt (2.2 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)

Totally surprised by this....short movie
I will try to describe it gradually on each paragraph without spoilers. So you choose where to stop reading.

- Totally recommended independent movie, with a very good production level and script..and effects!
- Short as 21 minutes.
- Initial chapter of a bigger movie...it will end and you will want to know more.
- Sci-Fi + Horror but well written and visually well done. You will probably get hooked on the very first 5 minutes...is that good.
- Surprise Star: Sigourney Weaver...doing a role that I have her as a good reference .... a leader against Aliens.
- Main Plot: The earth after a completed and succesfull Invasion of Reaaaally bad Aliens....things get nasty...and story follows a few survivors.

Not sure how Steam is supporting this but ...keep doing it!! It was a good suprise.
Publisert 17. juni 2017.
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1.6 timer totalt
Anmeldelse fra tidlig tilgang
With previous games that shared keys for testing, I decided to add a review if I felt that the game is worthy or if it has a good potential in the EA phase.

Well, this game is clearly incomplete but I like what I found already and I can see the potential on the ideas.

From starters the interface to setup your resources is actually handled by the user in a good VR way. So far you get used to games in VR with flat menus for configuration, well this game surprised me with an original and interactive way to set up some game mechanichs.

Later when starting the first level you will find a basic but fully playable Tower Defense style game with some VR twists.
First of all you are in the path of the creeps...at the same level..and you have guns.
So besides the normal turns of every TD game when you use different structures that you strategically decide which to buy and how to place them to defeat the different enemy rounds, you also participate by shooting them to avoid they to reach your base.

The idea is twist that it is actually fun (if you liked TD games of course).

Besides that the game is fully operative, at least for the 3 levels I played (long ones), I haven´t encountered stability errors or bugs so far.
The assets used are clearly basic ones and the developers told me that for example, the skeletons are placeholders for better enemies to be developed.

So, besides not having many levels yet, the assets could be improved a lot. But, the game itself is already fully playable and I enjoyed it playing it like many TD I played...only with the VR twist of being there.
Here is a video showing gameplay before EA was released: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSD24orq5fY

So, so far the game is incomplete, but really promising and enjoyable so far, I have to recommend it to you.

I will also follow the development of the product and I really hope to see it evolving already with more content.
I will update this review over time to see how good it gets...or not. But so far I liked it for the potential and fun it has.
Publisert 22. mars 2017. Sist endret 22. mars 2017.
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