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Michelangelo legutóbbi értékelései

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0.2 óra a nyilvántartásban

Love Trance, Tech Trance, Psy, and many other electronic music styles and love VR effects to enjoy music but this is not what I wanted.

Totally dissapointed ...is just 1 scene that will change with the button presses...and it is really ...basic.

I have polynomial 2 instead and man...that is awesome...it is a full game + plenty of crazy and acid scenes. Here is pretty lame...
Also...the music of the trailer that you could hear in the Store is not included in the game at all.
The tracks included were nothing appealing to me...but this is more personal..maybe you could enjoy them, for me they were ....meh.
Almost felt like 4.99 u$d is too much...maybe 1 dollar....if you enjoy the tracks.
Közzétéve: 2017. január 20.
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4 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
57.1 óra a nyilvántartásban (40.3 óra az értékeléskor)
This game was a total GOOD Surprise for me!

You drive your "futuristic car" in a track that will have several obstacles, traps, route changes and many factors that will test your reflexes and quick decision making to reach the goal with the best time.
To overcome this situations you will have different abilities that you can do with your machine like: Jumping, flying, Thruster down, etc.

That´s it that is the core of the gameplay.

What I didn´t mention is that the TRACKS are...AMAZING!
Also, the graphics are very good with great futuristic NEON Eyecandy locations.

Regarding Content:
With the stock game you have adventure mode with 2 big Single Player campaign tracks (and a few additional surprises), Solo mode, online mode and download whatever track the community built in the workshop.

Adventure Mode is complete and contains amazing campaigns that have certain progression with crazy animations and effects. Extremely Trippy gameplay, VR is mindblowing at certain points.

Absolutely recommended for beginners in the game, you will learn the basics and you are going to say WOW many times. The second campaign is based on Nitronic Rush, it is a little harder than previous campaign but very good indeed.

Additional short campaigns were added that can be unlocked, great level selection too.

Solo Mode and Online Mode are modes to play different stock tracks (14) either offline or online...you could play ghosts of your friends too, so that could be the middle option of offline multiplayer jejje. In these modes you will have different ways to play like SPRINT, Speed and Style, etc. I´m not going into details but those are different ways to get score in the tracks. There is another mode that is really crazy, you could type a word or a phrase and the game will create a track based on that! hahahha amazing.

The Workshop is another STRONG FEATURE here. The game has a very good community that is not only following the game but also providing quality content. The tracks are organized by Difficulty, the play modes and explained a little by the creators. The result is....A LARGE QUANTITY OF VERY GOOD TRACKS TO DOWNLOAD AND ENJOY.

VR Review:

The game is very well prepared for VR. You have the PoV from the cockpit and you can select a 3rd person cam that could be adjusted freely.
You could adjust the VR SS directly from the game, the resolution, each of the effects, texture quality, etc.
Besides all those factors...the game FEELS very smooth and fast.

Regarding the speed on VR: this game is REALLY FAST.
Still REDOUT is a faster game than this, but the reflexes and reactions that you will make here are unique, and you won´t find them in any other VR game.
I´m explaining you this so you could think about your SICK factor. In my case at this point I could say I´m immune.

If you can tolerate it, I REALLY RECOMMEND IT for VR. There is nothing like this in VR.
If you tried it, and got sick, remember that you could still play the game without VR. So in the end you could still enjoy it and maybe try small VR sessions to train and improve your resistance. ;)

These kind of games are the good INDIE examples that bring hope to gamers and fresh new IDEAS to the scene.

And this is even much better for Virtual Reality gaming!!

Here is a video to show VR gameplay using the view from Inside the car: https://youtu.be/PFn7JLCxxng

and here from a 3rd person perspective:

Közzétéve: 2016. december 27. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2019. november 23.
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0.1 óra a nyilvántartásban
I felt bored when watching and the VR is only a standing room when you could pick a gun and shoot the objects around. That's it.
I felt like VR was only an excuse to use the tag for a boring movie.
Közzétéve: 2016. szeptember 2.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
25 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
1 személy találta viccesnek ezt az értékelést
37.3 óra a nyilvántartásban (22.2 óra az értékeléskor)
Been playing it using HTC VIVE and it is pure fun!!


You have 2 lines to choose for each DropPoint, and each line can be passed using the red rings (bigger) and the yellow rings (smaller). Yellow rings will provide the "Perfection" objetives and will grant more points that the basic ones.
Some of those lines are really original and crazy ones!! like passing under bridges, holes, giant donuts, avoiding trees and many other surprises...

Besides that the creative part are the added bonuses and hidden things. Those make you think..hmmm can I pass over there? let's see!! and that is where the wacky things will happen.

And that's not all, let me tell you that I found the RECORD THE PRO MODE, incredible!!

You have to follow another PRO Wingsuit like if you were recording it....without going to far to loose him or pass it to miss the record.
And you have another SURVIVAL MODE where you cannot see things at least when they are too close...and there is too much wind...really hard and creative.

UPDATE 12/09/2016:

Let me tell you that I keep finding several hidden surprises and really great ways to fly over the same droppoints and that is why I cannot stop playing.
Sometimes I just fly for the pure pleasure of trying crazy things.
Really the game has a long life and long replay value.
So far you will have 20 DropPoints in the game to unlock gradually.
Each DropPoint will provde you 2 main Line Courses (with normal and perfection level on each), then you will have also the RECORD THE PRO MODE and the SURVIVAL MODE on each too and also several minor objetives, and 3 basic SCORE objetives too.
Survival Mode is another way to play, when you enable it, the weather will change completly, you won´t see so far because of dense fog, and the wind conditions are really strong. In that way, you have to reach the end safely...and is going to be reaaally difficult and exciting to play. Love the Idea....I think it was an original approach.


Here is one example video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAaNjLIM6KA

You can control the Wingsuit direction with your head!!!
I enabled that option and it works good, and I mean that sometimes if you watch to much to your R/L you are going to screw your flying :P Besides that you use the gamepad and is not difficult to start but it has a normal learning curve to start creating wild maneuvers and flips in the air...the result in VR is....WOOOOOOOOOOOOW.
However, I do agree that if developers may add optional VIVE controllers support to simulate the hands it could be amazing if they pull the right control scheme.

Initially I thought it was not as extreme...but after playing more and more, I realized that the initial Wingsuits maybe are slows to give the player an easy introduction.
Later as you gradually unlock new Wingsuits the game starts to push your boundaries and the speed gets really intense. Also you will start trying so much crazy thing that the VR EXPERIENCE will make you mad at some narrow points or stunts.

Cardiac Experience: 8.5/10

Can't stop playing it

Additional notes (for all those who want details)

PERFORMANCE: I've enabled all details to "Very High" and 2xAA with RenderTarget set to 1.2. I'm using and I7 + 980ti + 16gb Ram on Windows 10 and it plays PERFECT. If I raise RenderTarget to 1.3...I can see a very little stuttering if I turn my head (something you don't want in these games at all)

There is certain room for Improvements here... I'm asking the developers to improve the DEATHS of the character because there is so much fun here (Dark souls players...come here!!! you will enjoy this game too :P), 3rd person view, VIVE CONTROLLERS support, etc. But the game today at 1.0, works as advertised correctly.

0 Motion Sickness from my side....and I'm doing crazy turns out there ...ohhh yeah.

BONUS: Some special moments in the game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_z8T6MLGQqk
Közzétéve: 2016. augusztus 28. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2016. szeptember 12.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
10 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
28.8 óra a nyilvántartásban (22.5 óra az értékeléskor)
Korai hozzáférési értékelés
Supported Early Access with doubts....now I WANT MOOOOORE!!

But let me explain this in a way I wished someone would have explained to me first.

+ The spirit of Descent IS HERE!! If have played the original series, and I´m enjoying circular strafe or escape leaving mines behind, shooting the mega missile to watch the show, screaming those freaking bots maneuvering to ambush you or get lost searching desperatly for shields, etc. I wish that the single player campaign to be ready soon but also I want the devs to take time if needed to maintain this quality and go beyond the original. The gameplay is really good and looks promising.

+ As today August 6 2016, there are 8 maps available and 9 ships to choose for playing. Each one has different specs and 1 unique ability to use, but not all abilities are ready yet. 1 of the maps is exclusive for the Survivor mode. There seems to be 1 additional ship but it is locked yet.

+ The game modes so far are:
- Anarchy (shoot everyone) Minimum 2 Players
- Team Anarchy (blue team vs red team) Minimum 2 players
- Coop vs AI: Kill those nasty robots wave after wave increasing difficulty. Minimum 1 player
- King of the core (you have to survive gaining points near the core and shooting with the mining laser you win more points), Minimum 2
- Miner Mayhen (I didn´t tested yet, will test it this sunday and update here, but it seems you need to rescue the miners like the original D1) Minimum 4 players.
- Survivor: Special map with specific zones and locked doors. If the players stay in the zones some doors will be unlocked to continue exploring the map for new zones and more doors until you unlock the whole map. Also if any player dies, the other players could try to resist to "unlock the zone" so the dead players could re-join the game at that point. The AI is really nasty and will be increasing difficult....and the map puts you in difficult situations to hold. AMAZING MODE to play Multiplayer or Single!! Minimum 1 player

SURVIVAL MODE GAMEPLAY (this could be played also SINGLE PLAYER)


+ The WEAPONS!!!! These are really fun to choose, from the Smart "mirv" missile that explodes in smaller ones, to the Vulcan Gun, or the plasma gun, or the great MEGA MISSILE that explodes with really big chunk...or the tactical LASER GRIDS that could block passages, or the always a classic mines...all of them and many more create a chaotic and fun fight

+ I´m Playing with HTC VIVE and it is one of the best games in VR that I´m enjoying so far. The graphics, the performance and the gameplay are unique and I dont have any other VR game with this mix and unique 6DoF action.
- Important: So far I do not have any SICK MOTION because the game runs very fluid and smooth. I´m using an I7+16gb+980ti. RenderTarge set to 1.2 (still testing settings in-game too). But test this and try your pc performance and settings with the REFUND Protection to be sure. Another friend of mine is playing without sick motion..but it is personal.

+ If you want to play without VR, the game already supports also DX12 and is BEAUTIFUL.

+ The game has their own servers in NA and Europe locations.

+ I do prefer Joypad, but I have 2 friends that are playing comfortable with Mouse+Keyb. The game is responsive, and if you choose the fast ships..prepare for the thrill of speed.

+ Developers were not releasing very sustancial updates in the initial phase of the product but I can see that now they are publishing updates more frecuently and they seem to be following and assisting users since day 1. I like that and I have good hopes so far on the product evolving. Still today the game is an early access.

+++ The basic: GAMEPLAY IS REALLY FUN!! The maps are really good!!! If you can...bring a friend: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0q_3lALR5OA (Spanish comments and Universal Laughs) there are more videos in that channel to check too.

++++++++++OVERALL so far 8/10 +++++++++++++++++

I really want to play more maps, more weapons, abilities, and the amazing Single player mode with big maps and those Countdowns to escape the core´s explosion...remember those???
Közzétéve: 2016. augusztus 5. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2016. augusztus 30.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
5 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
29.0 óra a nyilvántartásban (4.3 óra az értékeléskor)
Korai hozzáférési értékelés
This is a good example of:

- Instant and quick action Space Fighter with stunning graphics and inmersion...you will feel the thrill of dogfighting
- Really good variants in gameplay with mixed missions mode, different ships and enemies.
- Even launching and landing are enjoyable experiences in those locations.
- Indie Devs providing a promising product....you are giving the right support :)

What is missing so far?
So far as 29/07/2016 the game is still missing a Single Player campaign, but the missions so far are many to start with and the locations and fights are amazing...you will really want to participate in the Early Access.
The HOTAS are not working correctly yet, you could use standard gamepad and it works!
A Death Star :P

Really.. I have to recommend this game and this price.
This a really good game in development that stands appart from many crappy games in VR...and developers are providing support so far.

You are covered by refund policy, Take a shot on this game! and Try it ! ;)
Közzétéve: 2016. július 29. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2016. július 29.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
Egy fejlesztő 2017. júl. 26., 18:06 dátummal válaszolt. (válasz megnézése)
2 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
0.5 óra a nyilvántartásban
Yes, it is short.
I took it as an early demo of what might become.

I enjoyed because I love Star Wars and I love to see that the force might flow on this.

Try It!!!
Közzétéve: 2016. július 19.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
9 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
34.0 óra a nyilvántartásban (8.0 óra az értékeléskor)
Survios keeps showing the way VR Games should be made!

This game has several surprises to the VR gameplay. Is not only a good FPS.

If you have played other shooters in VR and you are complaining about standing stil or teleporting let me tell you that in this game you could move in all ways:
a) walking on your play area, and also crouch or avoid the shoots by moving your head correctly
b) you could use teleport movement that it is actually a quick dash that you are moving really fast to that point...creating a mixed Teleport+movement impression...but also... IT WORKS GREAT!
c) you can have full trackpad locomotion.


Besides that the gameply feels very fresh giving increased difficulty with several surprises and creating a way to play that is unique on each character and with additional special powers. Check the videos added.

The game has very good 10 levels, with some bosses and very original situations, loved it.

Regarding the performance: I´m using a 1080ti + I7 4790 + 16GB + Windows 10 and I can play PERFECTLY with the Target Render in game set in 1.2 if I want to record the gameplay or 1.4 if I disable my recording software. And it looks amazing with all settings in EPIC + multires 2 + AA on low (AA seems to me useless in VR as it add more blurry effect).


Besides all those explanation let me tell you something else from my personal point of view:

When you learn the way to play it...you realize that the game will put you in situations that are really heavy to handle and you will have to move fast, think fast, don´t miss the reloads...protect targets, be carefull of heavy shots and in the end you will become a deadly machine
Also, you will fell the results in real life as you feel the way you are avoiding and moving in real life. INCREDIBLE EXPERIENCE!!


My rating 9/10
Közzétéve: 2016. július 17. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2020. február 1.
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2 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
24.5 óra a nyilvántartásban (6.3 óra az értékeléskor)
Besides every other good review about these game (and they are right), if you have an HTC VIVE.... BUY this game.

My first test event with the HTC VIVE, I choosed a Pagani Zonda....during the first straigh line, I put the pedal to the metal and oh my god...goosegumps!

I´ve started testing different cars, I´ve started the pilot career...even with KARTINGS...the game is amazing...and in VR is useless to explain it..you need to feel it !!!!
Közzétéve: 2016. július 5.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
Még senki sem ítélte hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
6.2 óra a nyilvántartásban (1.7 óra az értékeléskor)
This game totally surprised me for good.
I got it from a Bundle of games, and I never knew what it was about.

Is a mix of an arcade and thinking game. I cannot name it a puzzle...is really different..is more about tactics.

Got hooked immediatly.
I´ve finished like 8 or 9 levels....
I will take my time to play it...like a casual game...but really interesting to continue.

I´ve read a couple of reviews that some players claimed that at some point the difficult is really high. So far I didn´t reached any level that was that hard but at some points if you are replaying so many times, maybe you should change your entire strategy ;)

Retro Graphics + Smart Gameplay + Original Idea = 8.5/10

Besides the satisfaction of resolving difficult situations, the additional reward is that some fights put you in a position to kill many enemies in so many cool ways that you feel like a badass Ninja.

Közzétéve: 2016. május 16.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
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