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Senaste recensioner av Mercury

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17.2 timmar totalt (8.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
i like when people die in this game they just explode into a bunch of floating items like in real minecraft

real talk though 6/10 if you can overlook the badness of the game
Upplagd 28 juli 2016. Senast ändrad 15 januari 2020.
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3.0 timmar totalt
Refunct is quite a nice little platformer game. Doing the speedrun is quite fun and easy to learn. Worth full price imo as it's a mere $3 for a really beautifully crafted 3D platformer.


Original review: This game was absolutely fantastic! I got it for 50% off during the Steam Summer Sale of 2016, so that's cool. The platforming was really fun and I figured out how to wall jump, which is a thing that the game doesn't mention as there is no tutorials, but I figured it out from the trailer. It takes only about half an hour to complete, and I really wished it was longer! I hope to see more levels put together as this experience was amazing. The soundtrack is great as it's a long compilation of many beautiful instrumentals. I'm not sure if I would pay $3 for this, but if it's on sale, definitely buy it!

EDIT: I 100%'d it dang that was a hard speedrun my gosh
Upplagd 29 juni 2016. Senast ändrad 15 januari 2020.
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4 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
14.9 timmar totalt (11.3 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Zoombinis is an absolute classic. Maybe not one many have heard of, but it was one I grew up playing (and watched my older siblings play as well). It's an edutainment title from the early 2000s, rebooted in that sweet 2015 HD. It's got its flaws (it for sure gets repetitive once you're just trying to get all zoombinis across) but it's good simple fun.


Original review: If you haven't heard of the Windows 95 series, "Zoombinis", it's an edutainment game that was suggested for 7 and up. But seriously, an 8 year old would never figure out some of the puzzles on the harder difficulties! It's the kind of things little kids can play, but won't really be able to figure out (i.e. a Rubik's Cube). It might seem like a kids game, and it is directed towards young children, but I feel its better for peple around 13 and up.

Back in the early 2000's, I used to play the original "Zoombinis: A Logical Journey" and I am happy to see a 2015 remake. Heck, when I downloaded this game I didn't even know it was a reboot! It really captures the fun of the original, and I hope to see remakes of other games in the Zoombinis series.

Zoombinis is a problem-solving game in which the end goal is to get all 400 Zoombinis to Zoombiniville. But you can only have up to 16 Zoombinis get there at a time. To get there, you have to complete a series of puzzles that get increasingly harder as you play them over again. They introduce new concepts to each challenge as they get harder.

Overall, buy the game! It's only $4.99, and it's a game you'll spend hours playing! If you are into puzzles and problem-solving, you'll DEFINITELY enjoy this title!
Upplagd 29 december 2015. Senast ändrad 15 januari 2020.
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116.1 timmar totalt (75.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Portal 2 is a masterpiece and everybody already knows that. There's no way I legitimately played as many hours as I have logged, I must've left it idling back in like 2015 when I wrote the OG review (with the 2017 update). This is a game that needs no introduction.


Original review: Portal 2 is a GREAT game! I recommend getting the portal bundle so you can play the first one (if you haven't already, also the pack is a great deal) too. I have 100 hours on this game due to 7 playthroughs and all of the user-made levels to play.

If you like puzzles, then you'll LOVE this game. I really recommend not using ANY walkthroughs or spoiling anything for yourself before you play it. This review is short since I really would hate to spoil anybody's fun time in this game.

EDIT: 100%'d, hard but fair and rewarding.
Upplagd 24 september 2015. Senast ändrad 15 januari 2020.
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5.4 timmar totalt
This game is nothing special. It's $0.49 on the Steam store, not even on sale. It's just a boring, sometimes unfair platformer that has the same two classical pieces playing on loop throughout. Not really worth your time, has a lot of bugs, would recommend staying away.


Ok, it's been years since I touched this thing. It was 50c as you all should know cause you can read hopefully. This game has a SAVE BUG. YOU CANNOT LEAVE THE GAME UNLESS YOU'RE WILLING TO START ALL OVER. Today I sat down for 2.5 hours (extra time cause I showered and went out for dinner and left running due to aforementioned glitch) to beat this thing. I don't think it's a bad game, but that bug is the biggest pain ever. Plus physics are pretty wonky. I won't complain because it's the cheapest game on this website, though. Half a dollar, let's be real. Today, I beat this game. I hated the last few levels. The 4th to last level took 40 min to beat, the next probably another 20, the one after that was stupidly easy so only like 2-3 min (one attempt), and the final level and hour and a half. Yes, the majority of my entire playthrough was on one singular level. That level is really long (4 minutes for one full playthrough of it!) and hard and unforgiving. But I did it anyways (dinner break probably helped greatly). I'm just glad I can change my steam category for the game from "Need to Complete" to "100%'d" (I like the category feature).
Struck out this review from 2017 as well since it sucks

How I Found This Game

While selling a few crappy CS:GO skins, I made about 60 cents. As always when I have a few cents, I went to "Games Under $5" and sorted by lowest price. When I saw this game, I didn't expect it to be amazing. It was 50 freaking cents! AND IT WASN'T ON SALE! But the reviews were very positive, so I decided to try it out.


It takes 13 seconds to download on my crappy computer. But it's to be expected since it's so cheap and can't be huge.


When you open the game, you are presented with a window that lets you edit the resolution, graphics quality, which monitor to display to, and your controls. The only thing worth changing is the resolution (which you should do max, it's not like it lags or anything)

Title Screen

On the title screen there's 4 things:
a New Game button
a Load Game button
a Quit Game button
a volume slider (and it stays on the screen as you play, which is VERY helpful.)


When you first enter the game, you'll find out quickly that this a platformer. It has 3D visuals, but it's actually just a 2D platformer. The goal is to get to the end of the level without touching anything that's dark gray. It sounds easy at first, but it gets really challenging (luckily not rage inducing). Objects can launch you, move back and forth, move back and forth between foreground and background, and block your view.

Final Thoughts

GET THIS GAME! I may not have completed it, but this game is a blast! I recommend it to anybody who likes platformer games. Also, it's literally 50 CENTS! That's as cheap as a good game gets! It may be the cheapest game on Steam, but it's also one of the best puzzle platformer games on Steam (ONE of the best).

SO YES! Overall I recommend the game!
(this section is strucken out as it was an old review of the game I wrote in 2015. I wanted to keep it to look back at later, though, so I left it here.)
Upplagd 22 september 2015. Senast ändrad 15 januari 2020.
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89.5 timmar totalt (12.3 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
tis game iz cool y u no play it com on guyz

Gonna just keep this review up as a 2015 relic but I do remember really enjoying this game back then.
Upplagd 17 juli 2015. Senast ändrad 15 januari 2020.
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60.5 timmar totalt (15.0 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
The Talos Principle is a puzzle game I feel has had a decent amount of influence across the genre in retrospect. The puzzles in the game never get boring, always feel fair, and the game is just packed with tons of great extra content such as the various Easter eggs throughout as well as a whole other campaign (the RTG dlc). Something about the way the score blends with the scenery as you play through this game will make time fly and put you into a highly relaxed state. The world this game creates is phenomenal, and unlike any other I've seen before.

Upplagd 6 april 2015. Senast ändrad 15 januari 2020.
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7.2 timmar totalt (6.8 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Aperture Tag is a good Portal 2 mod, but you see, Portal Stories: Mel is just so much better and it's free. Even though it's like $5, you should wait this game to go on sale to buy it as it's okay but just not as engaging. Needed more of a story, in my opinion. Did enjoy it and get both endings, though.

Upplagd 1 april 2015. Senast ändrad 15 januari 2020.
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64.0 timmar totalt (54.0 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
From an achievement hunting perspective, it was really fun to 100%. The servers are totally inactive now (I was usually the only one online ever) but there's still reward blocks to hunt down! Luckily I've put together a complete 100% reward blocks guide for anyone who needs it, 176/176 included. The developer achievement is still very doable as the dev will happily help anyone out with it (write in the forums or on support.8bitmmo.net) so don't let that daunt you!

8/10 experience from an achievement perspective
Upplagd 1 april 2015. Senast ändrad 15 januari 2020.
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