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Sentinels of the Store - Публична група
It's Time for Real Change
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Before I get on with the review in question, I’m going to talk about the controversy surrounding this game here, since I've been banned from the discussions before the game was even released and this review can't exactly be taken down by the developer as easily as a discussion can and frankly, this is something people need to be aware about what the developer was trying to pull before the game came out.

Basically, before the game was released, the game had its store page set up for a certain amount of time before it actually released and during the time after the store page being set up and up until release, the game had a long list of awards that the game had apparently won:

Among those was the devgamm award 2017 which hasn't even been given out yet, the Indie World Awards for best atmosphere which actually went to a game called "Heat Guardian" along with several others that I explained about in the discussion it's self along with me backing up these claims with evidence.

The discussion that I originally posted reposted onto one of my groups:

Naturally, as I said earlier, I got banned for posting this in the discussions of the game because of "spam" and this also happened to some other users that called the guy out on it:

Anyway, the dev was willing to quickly censor anyone calling him out on it, however, I posted the news onto my twitter which ended up garnering some attention along with several media outlets covering the story that also ended up getting banned from the discussions after they made the articles centring around the developer lying about earning awards:

My tweet:

MMOFallout's article:

SoapBoxGamer's article:

SoapBoxGamer stating she was banned after posting the article:

After realising media outlets were picking up on this, the developer quickly removed the awards once he realised more and more people were noticing and even though it's good that he's removed the awards, I feel like he still hasn't learned from it, because he appears to be someone that believes it's okay to do this sh*t if he goes unnoticed which is the exact opposite of what happened here.


So after all the sh*t that happened with this thing prior to release, what's the game like? It's boring. I can’t really some it up in any other way.

The first 5 minutes of the game are laughably bad with an opening scene that runs like a PowerPoint presentation along with terrible grammar on top of a black background. It's also painfully obvious early on that the game is a mobile port because little has been done to make the PC's controls actually quick to get the hang of. The feature to swipe across the screen wasn't even taken out from the PC version either. It also opens up with a quest where you have to stand on top of a barrel...and yes I'm not joking, you literally stand on a barrel and your first quest is completed.

Combat is also flawed, the enemies, once they swing, they're almost defined a hit, even if you're 50 feet away from them, which also means there's no strategy to the game, you just go up to them, mash the attack button and run circles around them till your healing power recharges.

The quests are also some of the most copy and pasted quests you can get in RPGs and are mostly just kill this, stand on a barrel, get this and that's as far as it goes. There's little to no story to play out to you because the game doesn't go into much about its own story as if it doesn't even care to tell you much which makes the story seem pointless and seems lazily tacked on which is something that's important in RPGs.

Overall the game is boring and seems incredibly tacked on and the developer's behaviour just makes things worse.

Update 02/02/2017

Since I've now gotten editing privileges back, I wanted to inform you all the developer flagged the review for being abusive temporarily and has of this date been unflagged after it had been reviewed by a Steam moderator:

My Steam curator group:
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MARAKAS1K преди 13 часа 
───▄▄██▌█ -REP - REP - REP -REP - REP - REP
▄▄▄▌▐██▌█ - REP - REP -REP - REP - REP - REP
Jon4s преди 18 часа 
Hopefully that game ban is getting removed <3 totally unfair.
Замена Плинтусов 4 март в 23:38 
Бажаю міцного, вас турбує працівник ТЦК 602 мікро району міста Київ. Вам подрібно стати на облік у найближчому до вас воєнкомі.
NT | L1zlex_ 4 март в 20:36 
You are very very krut
Mellow_Online1 4 март в 14:50 
@Sh1mano Welcome from the Containers Telegram group
Razorflamekun 17 февр. в 13:53 
Hi, there's a game that I'd like to discuss with you. I've added you.