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Recent reviews by Microwaved Coffee

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0.5 hrs on record (0.1 hrs at review time)
Fantastic game, genuinely good humour, well thought out story and a focus on some really interesting mechanics.

Don't debate, get the game now and enjoy!
Posted 2 March, 2021.
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80.6 hrs on record (72.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Very much in favour of this stupid, unbeatable, head-wreck of a game.

No, i actually mean it's good... just hard.
Posted 24 November, 2018.
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227.9 hrs on record (128.3 hrs at review time)
My review is based in the rose tinted machinations of nostalgia having played both Warhammer III and Dungeon Keeper (1 & 2).

Based on that rose tinted knowledge, I would happily give this game a thumbs up, and i'll summarise the reasons why you might want to buy this game:

- Developers are good at adding new content and updating.
- Dungeon building is always easy and the option to replace dirt will help those with OCD like tendencies.
- Easy to understand mechanics, and the balance between overworld and dungeon play is well put together.
- Nice variety of units
- Story mode was pretty good for helping get used to the gameplay.
- The game pacing is much better than Dungeons 2
- Addition of evil points is a nice touch (research menu is much better).

Some things that gave me a headache.

- Once you reach a certain point in a game it becomes boring, if you set up a certain trap combo, nothing can get through.
- Whilst unit variety is nice, i always end up building the same dungeon over and over again.
- The humour is good, but you don't need to break the fourth wall every ten seconds, it just makes for elongated and pointless dialogue.
- Story mode is fun, but repetative in later levels.
- I hardly ever use the spells other than portal, they don't seem overly useful otherwise.
- I liked the option of different factions in Dungeons 2, I miss that aspect.

If you're looking at getting either this or War for the Overworld, I personally prefer Dungeons 3 as it's a little bit tidier, and suits my 'just going to play a game for an hour after work' lifestyle. However, if you're looking for a pure dungeon keeper 2, then go for war for the overworld.

Hope this helps.
Posted 1 January, 2018.
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5.7 hrs on record
Don't waste time reading this, just go buy it.
Posted 29 November, 2016.
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56.5 hrs on record (37.3 hrs at review time)
Too soon they respawn,
monsters of Ardania,
oh God, the horror.
Posted 11 October, 2014.
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20.6 hrs on record (15.3 hrs at review time)
Ecellent little chunkette of a game.

This title excells in showing that perhaps our own innate weaknesses can be considered strengths and, also that perhaps our strengths and confidence can sometimes be a great burdon. Also: you get to hit stuff with a sword and little numbers pop up.

Well crafted, but perhaps a little self indulgent with the developers leaving little easter eggs demonstrating their rise to success.

Fully reccomend but best played with a control pad, also play in small chunks, death is exceedingly common in this game... unless I'm just really bad at it.
Posted 7 January, 2014.
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7.2 hrs on record (5.0 hrs at review time)
Excellent fun with friends.
Posted 1 January, 2014.
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11.2 hrs on record (7.1 hrs at review time)
Is all diggin' n' stuff, yo.
Posted 14 July, 2012.
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65.3 hrs on record
Fallout in a whole new light...
Posted 4 July, 2011.
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3.7 hrs on record
Fun and SAFE!
Posted 18 December, 2010.
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