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Recente recensies door Maxfarace

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87.0 uur in totaal (34.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
This has to be my favorite survival game of all time. It took everything that I love about The Forest, Minecraft, and Rust and threw it all into one game. I really hope that this game continues to receive content updates in the future!
Geplaatst 6 december 2022.
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18.1 uur in totaal (7.1 uur op moment van beoordeling)
I pre-ordered this game back when it came out and played on launch day. Played for one hour and immediately hated it. They took everything that was awesome from Just Cause 2 and 3 and threw it out the window. I also remember that the graphics were absolutely abysmal for the time, and they obviously still are.

I'm only playing it again now for achievement hunting purposes, and because I did pay $60 for it so I might as well. I've learned my lesson, and I will be patiently waiting for reviews for Just Cause 5.
Geplaatst 9 september 2022.
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277.7 uur in totaal (49.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
This game is actually addicting. They perfectly balanced the game so that you can grind out money pretty quickly, but if you don't feel like playing a lot you can purchase stuff to progress faster. I think the progression rate is just perfect.
Geplaatst 25 mei 2022.
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27.8 uur in totaal
It's an addicting game, but the higher difficulties are quite difficult. It's tough to get enough staff, equipment and vehicles to be able to manage all of the calls you have to take. I love that I can literally play in any city in the world, you can literally stop an armed robbery from happening at your own house in the game. The only thing that I don't like is that the game still feels incomplete. The developers stated that they are done updating the game, which I think is a mistake because I think it still has a lot of potential going forward.
Geplaatst 7 april 2022.
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140.5 uur in totaal (3.9 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
I screamed like a little girl. 11/10
Geplaatst 27 februari 2022. Laatst gewijzigd 21 november 2023.
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866.1 uur in totaal (4.0 uur op moment van beoordeling)
The gaming is still super broken and cheating seems to be a huge issue as of late. Season 1 was great, and Season 2 looks like a lot of fun with all the new content they're bringing. However, I would really like Dice to take steps to fix the cheating and the hit registration. I can't believe how many times I've died to an enemy after I ducked behind cover, or been killed by splash damage from a vehicle behind an entire wall.
Geplaatst 20 november 2021. Laatst gewijzigd 26 augustus 2022.
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197.2 uur in totaal (20.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
After spending over 100 hours in the game and spending $100 on the game, I can safely say at this point that I don't recommend the game. If you're looking to get into the Forza series, please don't waste your money on this game. I HIGHLY recommend you purchase Forza Horizon 4 instead.

I could go over all the issues that I have with the game, but it's pretty much what you'll read anywhere else. The game hasn't had an update in months, online is still buggy as hell, and the horizon arcade took all the fun out of meeting up with other drivers. My number one issue that I continue to come back to, and that finally forced me to change my review to negative is the weekly playlist. They made it extremely difficult to complete the weekly playlist, and it feels more like a grind than actual fun. Once I got the final achievement (100% series completion) I stopped playing and uninstalled this garbage. I can't stress enough that I rreally regret spending $100 on this game and I don't recommend playing it unless you have gamepass. There is just nothing left to do. I had almost 500 hours in Forza 4, but I'm bored after a 100 in this game.

*Edit after Hot Wheels DLC*

I thoroughly enjoyed the new Hot Wheels DLC and all of the achievements that came with it. I loved the unique progression that they added to the Hot Wheels world, in which you started out in B class and had to work your way up to X class. This needs to be the new progression model for Forza Horizon 6. It made the DLC feel like there was a lot more content to it, but was it still worth paying $100 up-front for this DLC? Definitely not. Is it worth $20 by itself? Absolutely not - wait for it to go 50% off.

Considering the idea for this DLC was taken from FH3, I'm extremely disappointed that it took 8 months for them to release this first expansion. I still don't recommend purchasing this game at full price, or even over the older titles. After 20 hours of grinding achievements and unlocking all the new Extreme-E cars, I am done with the game until the next expansion release. There just isn't enough to do in this game compared to FH4.
Geplaatst 11 november 2021. Laatst gewijzigd 25 juli 2022.
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169.5 uur in totaal (4.5 uur op moment van beoordeling)
The game can be fun, but sometimes you just hit a wall and it becomes impossible to go any further in nightmare. I definitely wouldn't recommend this game in its current state, and I'm not sure I ever will.

Edit after the December update:
The game has some cool new features, such as burn cards, but other then that it's a pretty lackluster update. Again. It looked like it was a huge update, but really all they did was tweak half the cards in the game and nerf the ridden a bit. It didn't really fix any of the issues that I had with the game, and there's new lag that came with the latest update. The game ran with basically no issues before (for me), but now it stutters all the time and my frames are quite low. Played the update for an hour before I decided the game still isn't worth playing. Won't be playing much until the game gets a major overhaul.

Edit 2: I've really enjoyed the last two expansion updates. Before I didn't recommend the game, but after the content and balance changes they've made to the game I've been having a blast. I would definitely recommend you pick up this game on sale now!
Geplaatst 12 oktober 2021. Laatst gewijzigd 12 september 2022.
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43.2 uur in totaal (2.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
It's a board game in disguise, but can be played on any device.

Even though it's free on a mobile device, I bought it to support the developers because it's such a fantastic game.
Geplaatst 8 november 2020.
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22.3 uur in totaal (11.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
This game is fantastic. It's so addicting, the developers really poured a lot of effort into it. I would highly recommend this game to play with friends because you can play online and locally with ease. There's so many great features that they added to this game as well! You can play 2v2 in versus mode, which I really love to do with my friends.
Geplaatst 22 juli 2020.
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