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Közzétéve: 2022. jan. 13., 13:33
Frissítve: 2022. jan. 23., 8:31
Ingyen kapott termék

The game was free for owners of Bright Memory.

»I'm OK. I'm on the wing of a plane that was sucked into the black hole.«

This review contains no major story spoilers.

❕ Information ❕
Bright Memory: Infinite is the quasi-reboot of the now-cancelled Bright Memory and shares a lot with that game but also deviates strongly in other aspects. Comparisons are somewhat inevitable. Find my review for it here.

🟢 Pros
🔴 Cons
  • Stunning visuals
  • Good performance
  • Good voice acting
  • Decent gun-play
  • Steady character progression
  • Visceral skills
  • Abysmally short
  • Extremely linear
  • Invisible walls
  • Lacking in lore and story
  • Locked difficulty setting

The game works perfectly well on both mouse + keyboard and controller.
Bright Memory: Infinite is a visceral, fast-paced first-person shooter with some added mechanics, including melee combat, a deflect/parry mechanic, upgradeable skills, and a grappling hook that is sadly only used in fixed places for linear traversal. Combat encounters in this game are extremely smooth, brutal and weighty, and it's satisfying to deflect an enemy's bullets back to them, parry the melee strike of another one and then slice through both with the blade, severing limbs in the process.

The gun-play is serviceable, if not nearly as fun as creatively combining the different skills. While the sniper rifle can satisfyingly dispose of enemies with one well-aimed shot, the other guns, specifically the shotgun, feel like they lack punch, making some enemies feel a bit bullet-spongey. On the other hand, the aiming, recoil, reloading, as well as their animations are all well made. This is a decent shooter elevated higher by its added skills and melee. However, many skills from Bright Memory, like the Light Forcefield, the Time Freeze bubble and others are gone, as is the Style meter that encouraged a varied play-style. Additionally, reliquaries now serve a purpose but all look the same and cannot be inspected any more.

There are some sections that play differently, like driving a car or being forced to be stealthy, so there is some variety here.

Sadly, the game is extremely easy (with the exception of a certain boss encounter), which isn't helped by the highest difficulty setting, "Hell", being locked away.

Story / Presentation
You play as Shelia Tan, a young, female operative for a futuristic government organization, who is sent to investigate and, if possible, stop a strange phenomenon, a miniature black hole, that threatens to end the world. Additionally, she is to pursue a man named General Lin, whom we (including Shelia) know very little about, aside from him being the leader of a sinister organization. Both Shelia, the average tough female protagonist, and the elusive General Lin lack any character depth or story arc.

While the story, despite having a decent premise, is somewhat generic and underdeveloped, and mainly serves as a vehicle to get you to the action set-pieces, it is told in a competent way, with fully-voiced dialogues and well-animated cutscenes. While parts of Bright Memory can still be spotted in there, that game put a much stronger focus on the relationship between Shelia and the antagonist Carter, whom Lin clearly replaces in this game. In Bright Memory, the pursuit of Carter felt much more personal, especially since the story starts with him infiltrating the base of Shelia's organization. Another antagonist gets introduced fairly early on, who seems somewhat enigmatic at first but also turns out to be shallow.

It's also a bit of a shame that the cliffhanger of the first game never got resolved. Overall, despite this game being more gorgeous and technologically impressive, as well as playing more smoothly, the first attempt's story intrigued me more. It also made more sense for Shelia to be on her own in that one, as she got sucked through a portal by accident. Here, with the world at stake, the SRO only sending out solo operatives to try and save it seems implausible, and nobody else seems to care enough to contribute. I expected more and was a bit underwhelmed when it was over.

This game is nothing if not gorgeous! From tessellation and reflections to advanced weather effects, particles, high-resolution textures and life-like animations and models, Bright Memory: Infinite is a visual achievement that can easily compete with any "AAA" game of our time. Rain, light, blood, fog, autumn leaves, fire and smoke all look breathtakingly good, and only tiny details fall flat upon closer inspection, as lights in the distance that look like small settlements or towns turn out to just be dots of light when viewed through a scope.

The game's sound design is pretty great as well, as is the voice acting, which features an all-new cast, with the only outlier being General Lin, whose voice (audible in the trailer) sounds a little underwhelming and almost comical. Bright Memory's Carter sounded quite a bit more intimidating. The soundtrack is nothing too special, but works well enough with the game.

Even with RTX set to "High", the game mostly runs smoothly on my hardware, with only few temporary frame-drops that don't last long. It's not ideal, but there are enough settings to play around with, as well as an DirectX 11 mode (without RTX) to make the game run buttersmooth. Given the visuals and the fact that my GPU isn't the newest model, I expected the performance to be worse, though it could also be better.

Tested with the following setup:
AMD Ryzen 7 3700X @3.60 GHz
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060
🔀 Supports [Alt]+[Tab]: Excellently

Business Model
"Cosmetics only":
Buy the game, play the game, buy cosmetic changes.
There are paid skins for both Shelia and each weapon but no "micro"-transactions.

While Bright Memory: Infinite certainly is an ambitious project for the one person who made it and a technical achievement in many ways, I'm having a hard time recommending it at full price. The pretty visuals and great action aren't quite enough to justify the price, for a game that can be cleared in roughly three hours, only has the bare skeleton of a story and offers little replay value aside from getting all achievements and unlocking the non-DLC skins. Unlocking everything there is, playing the entire game on three difficulties and extensively in both DirectX versions to test them took me a mere ten hours.

While those ten hours were fun for the most part, it feels more like a glorified tech demo than a full game. One last thing I want to point out is that, while it was nice of the developer to hand the game out for free for owners of Bright Memory, that game is still being sold, even though it's technically a demo. In my opinion the right move would have been to include Bright Memory with purchases of this game. That way owners of the first one would still have saved some money, but new customers would get a bit more for their money.

Ultimately, I'd give this a neutral rating if Steam would let me.

Follow the Devils in the Detail for infinite bright memories.
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26 megjegyzés
Dirty Wizard 2023. jan. 17., 15:39 
@yokai lmao you f*cking weeb virgin no one cares.
Manostion 2022. febr. 11., 4:18 
isekai king:
As for invisible walls, since you're so hung up on those, I have played quite a lot of games that have seemingly open spaces blocked off by invisible walls, and I despise it every single time, because it's fuсkіng lazy and/or incompetent game design. I have also played countless games that have physical objects bar the way instead. Those can be cliffs, crashed airplanes, car wrecks, etc., but they are not invisible walls.
Manostion 2022. febr. 9., 12:13 
@isekai king:
Read the Conclusion of my review, if it's not too much text for you to process. I'm not actively looking for reasons to dislike the game, I'm assessing each detail fairly and drawing a conclusion.

And since a review is meant to inform its readers and ultimately give a recommendation, I judge the game itself. I don't care if game X was an Epic exclusive for a year, I don't care if game Y was made by a solo dev or small team, I don't care if the studio behind game Z exploits and grinds its employees. Well, I do care about all of those things, but my review is about a game, not its circumstances.

And if you actually read my fuсkіng review and not just the pros/cons and my system specs, then you'll find that I praise a lot about this game and, in the end, just can't recommend it, as a product, for the full price.

Feel free to disagree, but by coming in here, whining about my opinion and insulting me, you're not achieving anything.
yokai daddy 2022. febr. 9., 8:25 
@Manostion this game is incredible for being made by a single developer. sit down and humble yourself lmao. and yes you absolutely are probably ruining it for yourself if you're ACTIVELY searching for reasons to dislike it. have you not played literally ANY OTHER GAME before? because they basically ALL have invisible walls like that's why i'm laughing at your ridiculous review about how "invisible walls are bad" so hard
Hirundo 2022. febr. 9., 7:38 
Have I already told you, you did a stunning job with the screenshots, too? :nwsuccess:
Manostion 2022. febr. 9., 7:35 
@isekai king:
Thanks for your comment.

First off, yes, I think using invisible walls, to keep a player from going where it should logically be possible to go, is a very lazy way of making the game more linear. It feels fake and breaks immersion, as well as limiting possibilities.

Secondly, I doubt you have to imagine being dense, you just gave a pretty great demonstration.

Thirdly, If you can "unlock" a difficulty setting, it logically has to be "locked" in the first place, so I don't get your point here. If you look at my achievements, you'll see I beat the game on the locked setting. It still sucks to not make all difficulties available from the start, as it only serves to artificially stretch the play-time. Again, lazy.

Lastly, I don't know what my GPU has to do with the content of the game, and I did play it with Ray Tracing enabled (as my reviews tells you).
yokai daddy 2022. febr. 9., 7:02 
LMAO a terrible review this person really thinks "invisible walls" in a game is a CON?

I can not possibly imagine being that dense it sounds like you're ruining it for yourself

and for "locked difficulty setting" IT LITERALLY SAYS BEAT HARD MODE TO UNLOCK IT like can y'all really not read?

these types of wannabe "game reviewers" make me lol with the most awful hot takes like mentioned above and not to mention this person is only playing on a 2060 like how depressing to not even be able to play this game with ray tracing but think that "invisible walls" is an actual CON x'D
Mudjocks #OGC 2022. febr. 3., 5:08 
great review mate i agree with you on everything this game is a funny one for me no matter how frustrated i got with it i just kept finding myself coming back to it again and again well worth the money imo
Manostion 2022. febr. 1., 2:12 
Danke für die lieben Worte! 😊
Well, maybe I didn't take quite as long for writing this as I did for playing the game, but of course some effort goes into writing each one of them. Plus, in my attempts to say "screw you" to Steam's limit of three embedded screenshots, I create those collages.
UnLimiTeD 2022. febr. 1., 1:15 
An impressive review, that seems like it took you just as long to write as it took to play the game. Probably not for me, but thank you for the read.