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Rather play RE:resistance than this..
Diposting pada 24 Oktober 2022.
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Tercatat 19.5 jam (Telah dimainkan 18.2 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
I really liked this game, i would definitely say its worth the price and your time.
Here are some Pros and Cons
Games theme and atmosphere are excellent, i really felt like being there and witnessing what i was seeing. The scares were there at the start, but as with any horror you start getting used to it, first experiences tho were really great.

Companions are fantastic, some you like some you hate and game gives you many opportunities that have moments with them that make you laugh or think, Also loved that you really can't please everyone making many choices have more impact.

I played with Russian voices and English subtitles and only thing i can say i loved it, voices just fit the characters perfectly and fit the theme obviously just aswell, even if you cannot understand Russian, i would highly recommend these settings.

I think the combat could use a bit of an upgrade, sure the combat itself is not the focus here, but i would have loved if the guns had more impact to them, i really felt like i was firing a toy gun instead a real one. This doesn't ruin the game, but i would wish an improvement for it and its playable considering its not 60€ game.

Stealth could also use bit improving, having camo and stealth perks made me like a ghost to them enemies making it easy to sneak up to them or past them, i guess this might also have something to do with the difficulty, but it did feel silly sometimes. I do have to give praise for the usage of nature etc, rarely in games i feel like that hiding in bushes will help, but this game proved me otherwise, instead of just being a impassible terrain or pretty looking, it felt like great addition to the game mechanic and feel.

As not to spoil anything, i keep story part short. It was great, it made me think and looking forward to what was going to happen depending on my choices. I cannot wait to start my second playthrough to more explore my choices and outcomes.

I would say Chernobylite is a great game even with some short comings. Game really grabbed me the first few hours and kept me hooked till the end. for an 30€ game i would say its worth your money and time. Great game: 8 / 10

Congratulations for developers finally finishing their project.
Diposting pada 1 Agustus 2021.
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Tercatat 20.3 jam (Telah dimainkan 17.4 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Interesting world of bad stereotypes

At the start of the game the world building feels really solid, characters are interesting and combat feels good at start. Game really sucks you in with positive aspects, but lot of bad starts popping during your journey,

Soundtrack and sound design are great fitting with the theme.

Combat feels really good and interesting at the start, but then falls flat.
Some attack animations are just lightning fast making the dodging quite hard and you start noticing how the only reason you would die in this game is to get stun locked for like 5 seconds after getting hit by a single attack which then results getting your health bar blasted into 0 multiple enemies during the stun and it does not help that some of the attacks stick at the player character like crazy. ( for example breath attack from certain enemy can do literal 360 if you try to dodge around the enemy during its duration ). So combat feels satisfying at the start, but falls quite flat when you start noticing the obvious cracks.

Enemy designs like with code vein have just been ripped off from god eater and slapped with new coat of paint, at least this time they give some unique animations to them. With boss designs you will be fighting similar bosses multiple times which makes encountering them pretty boring.

Same happens with map design, you will be made to play same areas multiple times, but now instead going from A to B, you go from B to A, which makes the maps feel so boring especially when doing both campaigns, instead of making 2 "different" campaign they should have just done one slightly larger one.
Lot of elements get reused in both campaigns which making playing through the game second time quite boring, only thing you find out is slightly more about the plot, but this itself doesn't justify the extra repeating playtime. Also lot of bigger moments in campaign is cluttered with anime stereotypes which normally even i can handle, but it just felt like lazy / forced writing after such a good build up at start.

Yuito as blank character is good start, but he is the typical protagonist that is annoying in the long run.
Kasane it other hand at feels like a great character at start, but falls over due forced drama in the story on parts that its not needed.

Would i recommend this game? Yes.
Full price? No, wait for a sale
Final Score 6/10 ( above average )
If combat wouldn't have such big flaws and characters actually stay on the same level as the story, i would easily give the game 8 or 9 , but these flaws stick out so hard that is hard to give it a great rating, above average for sure, but would recommend God eater and Code vein instead.
Diposting pada 8 Juli 2021.
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Tercatat 149.9 jam (Telah dimainkan 48.4 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Ulasan Akses Dini
I have hunted deers, slain trolls, delved crypts, build a city, sailed to infinite horizon, ascended to iron age, fought undead hordes, climbed the frozen mountain and in the end of it killed by a mosquito.. this was all 50 hours ago and this is my life now.
Diposting pada 16 Februari 2021.
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Tercatat 5.0 jam
I think the game should have been dlc for RE2 Remake, I love all the call backs to RE3 and intro scene is hella great, sadly the puzzle are super easy and Raccoon city feels so empty, survivor element from the game is gone since you don't have to save your ammo. Which makes going through the game feel really super fast and it really is, where i get 2 campaigns in RE2 remake, here we get a 1/2 of a campaign with same price. This is single player review only, no idea how will the project resistance turn out to be, but i would't keep my hopes up. I think you should get the game half price if you are a RE fan, but with full price its better just wait.
Diposting pada 2 April 2020.
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