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9 de 56 (16 %) logros conseguidos:
Logros personales

The energy source of the F U T U R E

Date 2012-2030 Buy a Sir Atom at the general store.
Se desbloqueó el 21 FEB 2024 a las 2:45

Wastebail dance

You annoyed the narrator.
Se desbloqueó el 21 FEB 2024 a las 1:58

Now you have altered history.

Date 1795 Give the heirloom back to athors ancestor instead of having history go its way.
Se desbloqueó el 21 FEB 2024 a las 23:40

Minijob scholar

Earn 100 Dollars with side jobs
Se desbloqueó el 21 FEB 2024 a las 1:50

No Time! ...for coffee

Bring Edward his coffee.
Se desbloqueó el 21 FEB 2024 a las 23:53


You encountered and defeated a gobbo!
Se desbloqueó el 3 MAR a las 16:27

The far future.

You traveled beyond 2040. Much has changed.
Se desbloqueó el 21 FEB 2024 a las 0:26

The old west

Back then the world was more quiet and beautiful. But also more dangerous.
Se desbloqueó el 20 FEB 2024 a las 23:17

I'm in!

You rerouted a wall port which enables you to execute programs on it from your plc!
Se desbloqueó el 3 MAR a las 15:24

Minijob veteran

Earn 1000 Dollars with side jobs


Date 33 AD April the third at The Hour of Mercy

Top of The Mountain

Take a hike to the top of Uroruh while leaving your car behind.

Athor the sewer venturer

Edward should watch out next time where he walks on his own. You chose to split ways with Edward in the sewers.

Sir Edward Scott

Athor took the ingenious guise of a scottish lord to infiltrate the fort.

The Accordion Man

You completed the Quest for the Accordion Man.


You helped Luke in arranging a date with Sandy.


Play all 15 classy sound effects of the original CAPTAIN PENCIL ACTION FIGURINE.


You have successfully entered Athors Pizza Parlor!



Agent on the run!

You captured the agent spy before he could hide at the abandoned facility complex.

Defend the City!

You successfully defended the city against the approaching artillery tank

Protect the training bot!

Successfully defend yourself and the training bot against the oncoming waves of enemies, before being overrun. The training bot was always there to cover your back, now it is upon you to protect him.

The Dude

You successfully helped The Dude in his strange request.

The Don of Noir

You retreived the Dons Message and gave it back to him, without having it opened.

Brandy Comics #4

You received the famed copy of Brandy Comics Volume 4, the Coco Crab Man.

In the stomach of the Beast

You survived being eaten by a dragon

You finished the story!

Or so you think...

The true stories end.

Or so you think...

New High Score!

You beat tom's high score at his arcade machine at 6/12.

Play me a tune, butler!

You asked the save house keeper to play you a tune.

Undercover Pirate

You got into the pirate camp, after dressing as one of them.


you got smitten by lightning, says the emperor.

Hazardous Environments

You made the environment more hazardous! I only hope no giant green coco crabs will grow out of it!


You looked into the sun with a telescope!


You found gold ore and mined it! Now you gotta find a smelter!

360 Flip

Do a 360 spin on a regular skateboard



First Discovery

You witnessed how future Lord Dun and Eduardo set foot on Pine Island for the first time.

Cow Wars

You witnessed the decisive battle in Owens Desert during the Cow Wars. War is no game and the cows were fell and scary.

House Dun

You had a successful hunt with Marvin. And you gained a new friend at that!

Taxi Job Master

Complete 10 Taxi Guild Jobs with perfect timing!

Pine City Race Winner!

Win the Pine City Race in 2050 or later (Alpha Timeline)

Enjoy your stay!

Check into a hotel room!

Hostage Hero

Free ten hostages during bounty hunt quests.


Woah. The distant future of 2014.

BC Eras

You managed to override the time display to sent you to BC dates!

Safe House

Home sweet home. Your personal base of operations! Enjoy!


You joined with your friends in a Multiplayer Session!

You're buff!

You maxed out your muscles! What a chad!

Soda Maniac!

You helped him find an original soda perfect all the way in 2050!

Big Fish!

You caught a big old FISH with your fishing rod!

5 logros ocultos restantes

Los detalles de cada logro se revelarán una vez desbloqueado