Sol Incarnate
Lunar   Illinois, United States
(Username with Pronouns = Current Fronter, respect that first and foremost)
It/Its or They/Them, Lunar, Nonbinary
A Plural Mess(literally multiple creatures in one)
Streamer for ShadowClan (Stream)
Currently Offline
About Me

Hey, we're Lunar and we're a system! TL;DR on that: We are literally multiple creatures inside of one body because of weird stuff but hey, thats fine! Generally we just play games with friends, have a crippling addiction that requires some League of Legends every once in a while and we also stream? sometimes?? but usually we just hang out on here and play things with others~


Main(or "Mains"):

Ms Fortune/Squiggly/Valentine (Skullgirls)
Shanty/Tianhou(Them's Fighting Herds)
Jigglypuff/Samus(SSF2 and Melee)

Speedrun PBs:

Poppy Playtime Chapter 1:
NMG: 7:25:367 (No Loads)
All Tapes NMG: 7:43.434 (No Loads)

Sonic Adventure 2 Battle:
Hero Story: 57:19:37 RTA(45:17:57 IGT) (12/8/21)

Among Us:
Kill All Dummies:
Polus: (29.333)
Skeld: (57.967)
MIRA HQ: (52.783)
Airship: (1:48.000)

Minecraft Classic(Memes):
Break Dirt/Reach Water: 0:00.001(1st for both)



Twitter: (Stream) OR (ALT)
Completionist Showcase