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Indsendt: 10. juli 2021 kl. 18:37
Opdateret: 12. juli 2021 kl. 10:39

- It is a great game & is an amazing adaptation of the D&D 5E rule set. What it lacks in options it makes up for in solid fundamentals.

I am aware this was a crowd funded game & many features were left out due to time/monetary constraints (like some of the classes[Bard, Druid, Monk...]/races[Half-Orc, Dragonborn, Dark Elves...]). I took that all into consideration. The statements below do not cover the dungeon builder.

The good:
  • Solid gameplay mechanics where you constantly feel in control.
  • Provides a decent challenge. The game scales well with difficulty the entire way through.
  • Choices do matter at times.
  • Completely open world that provide plenty of reasons to visit old locations.
  • The Lore associated with the continent is very engaging
  • Combat is very solid & polished.
  • Crashes were non-existent in my 42 hour play-through
  • Many of the sub-classes are really well put together and help differentiate the class from others.
  • The banter back & forth between the created party based upon race, background & stats is great to listen to.

    The bad:
  • Lack of classes means that playing with different party mixes can becomes tedious
  • The story itself seems cliche & ham-handed at times.
  • Only having access to 5 races (with around 2 sub-races per race [sans human & half-elf]) where D&D is known for its racial diversity. They spun a decent reason as to why via the story.
  • Lack of feats leave much to be desired.
  • Special feats created for the game, skew the balance of combat (Example: Follow-Up Strike can unbalance combat pretty quickly with a high Strength Fighter)
  • Some feats are extremely situational and pretty much had no place.

    The ugly:
  • The UI is clunky and difficult to understand when you first dive into it. Took me a handful of fights before I realized that the bonus action spells are a completely different button from normal spells.
  • The models look very rough around the edges.
  • Animations don't sometimes change according to the weapon that is in the PC's hand. For Example: My 2-handed fighter held in Greatsword in 1 hand during every cutscene. The Ranger's bow was backwards or not in her hand constantly.
  • The voice-acting outside of your party can be horrific at times. There are several instances during the background side-quests where I cringed at how bad it was. (Academic *cough-cough*)

    Overall - its a great game but it could have been much better. I am hoping that TA continues support & look forward to the Sorcerer this week. Also some sort of story DLC would be great!
    I would definitely recommend a play at some point.
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