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Upplagd: 27 dec, 2022 @ 2:53
Uppdaterad: 27 dec, 2022 @ 3:51

Hello everyone! I will be dividing my review in different sections and give my final thoughts afterwards for a general idea about how I feel/felt about this game in particular. As a fan of the KotOR series, I was interested in the release of SWTOR, even though at my age I didn't know much about MMMORPG's in general. However, I've always wanted to know more about the events after the 2nd installment, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II, so I decided to give this game a go. Little did I know, that I would be spending most of my college and work years on this game!

This is always one of the most important aspects of an MMO. The game has a good amount of classes, 16 in total as of this review with 8 being mirror classes. PvP is a lot of fun, but it's really hard to get into it until you're atleast fully geared for endgame. I will talk more about PvP later. Here you will find a pro/con list of what I have noticed about the gameplay since 2011:

  • 8 classes to play + their mirror classes (Republic/Empire).
  • Since the release of Origin stories in LoTS, you can now have two different classes per character. Which is separated by Force user or non-Force user. This allows you to play 6 different styles, as one class has three different disciplines.
  • Jumping puzzles add extra content on top of just combat and crafting.
  • The new ability tree gives you options to play your discipline differently. Though this can also slightly be a con due to there always being a meta for it, whether single-target focused options or AOE.

  • If you enjoy fashion and gameplay combined. Then you will have issues with this game already. 95% of capes, due to their physics, will be stuck to the front of your character during cutscenes or by using animation that drastically change the position of your character. Most notably AOE abilities and jumping attacks.
  • Due to the old engine, the game will most likely have lag-spike issues and low framerate when doing PvP in endgame (lots of flashy abilities) and Operations (raids). A way to minimize the issue is by having Nameplate for Friendlies off or unchecking the Scaling option for Nameplates. I am obviously not going into graphics, that will be further explained in the graphics section.
  • Questing can and most likely will feel tedious due to the massive zones in each planet. If F2P, it will take you quite some time to use a vehicle at a decent amount of speed. Even then, it will still feel tedious as the game works a lot with Quest A>Quest B>Quest A. If you like travelling and enjoying the landscape, then you will tolerate it for the most part. Having to travel to the same zone in every planet 8 times will feel tedious though. The planets that mostly have these issues are Balmorra, Hoth & Belsavis.
  • Flashpoints (dungeons) are hard to get into as newbies due to the years of content veterans had to go through. I am always open to have new players in the party for Veteran Dungeons. However, most people expect you to know every shortcut possible, and to skip every conversation option when prompted. I would argue to play it in STORY mode first and then dive in with other people!

I usually don't add this section in reviews, but I feel it's a must for MMO's with subscription services. Content and updates are very important for both the developers to add longevity to the game, and the player who wants to play what he's paying for.
The game currently has a couple of gamemodes that I will divide into PVE & PVP sections. Here is the list and my thoughts on it:

Lots of content worth for new players! 30+ dungeons that are separated into STORY, VETERAN & MASTER*. A moderate amount of Raids with three difficult options. Uprisings & Star Fortresses that are known as small scale dungeons. Space battles split into Space Battle & Galactic Starfighter. Jumping puzzles for Datacrons. Tons of dailies and 2 events a month! There are a lot of hours worth of playing just for the PvE. Add the 8 Vanilla storylines and every expansion included you will most likely busy yourself for a stupid amount of hours (I know I did!).

I am a little bit biased on PvP in general, because it's the main thing I play in games (Especially mmo's). Currently ranked has been removed and the game is split between 4v4 Arena's & 8v8 objective-based modes. They have also added a new reward tracking system for both these modes.
I both love and hate PvP in SWTOR. I love it because of the high adrenaline you get when fighting for points, having 1v1 moments mid 8v8 match, pushing enemy players off the map, scoring points, dealing a ton of damage, tactfully play matches with friends, etc. The game is fast-paced and you will always find yourself busy (even when defending). It's a small community, so if you play it often you will most likely match with the same people every now and then, gain friends & rivalries. It can be a lot of fun!
I hate PvP because it doesn't encourage people to play, only to participate. The game already performs really bad in 8v8s, classes are unbalanced and very often you will find yourself having an afk player, waiting for the match to end. Queues take too long. Everything outside level 80 PvP is near impossible to enjoy due to the level gap. You won't be able to do much if you queue with a Level 10 and fight someone with Level 38. Your stats will be bolstered, but you miss out on CC breakers, DCDs, DPS abilities that are crucial to your discipline's rotation, etc.
Unnecessary amount of information at the end of the match, not enough medals rewarded for your contribution, confusing system when tracking your pvp rewards. Players suffer from ridiculous new achievements as well as progress reset on every character. Progression is not based on character but on Discipline. If you won 1 game on an Immortal Juggernaut, it will show up as 0 games won if you switch to a Rage Juggernaut.
Galactic Starfighter, which is another PvP mode, has not been updated for years. There will likely not be any new content for it.

The current version of PvP simply has too many issues and I cannot recommend playing it for only this.

For an old MMO, the graphics still hold pretty well. Newer armor sets and weapons have a lot of details. This also applies for new added planets since the launch of KOTFE.

The soundtrack is amazing. Some tracks not released in the OST are also great! Especially ambient tracks in Balmorra, Alderaan & Republic Fleet. Sound designs for lightsabers and blasters are great and it will immerse you in the Star Wars world. The only negative point I can think of is that some lightsaber sound effects are delayed!

I have been playing since release. Taking breaks every now and then. I genuinely recommend people to play this for the 8 story lines, as well as the fun PvE content atleast once. The game however suffers from a low amount of effort/content added every year. The moment you finish everything in the game, you will have to wait 2 years for content worth a month's subscription. An enormous amount of bug issues. Pets not spawning back after instances, capes glitching and newer gear in general. unnecessary amount of currencies for endgame, confusing new systems, patches with more bugs than content every month or so. There are simply too many issues right now and I cannot recommend it for its current state!

Are you F2P/Returning: Recommended, 1 month subscription and you will finish all content. The money will be worth your time!
Current players: Not Recommended. I'd even argue to unsubscribe.

For more info, check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cqxQ92n4Mo

My final verdict is a 5.9/10
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