HansRuhe   Tampa, Florida, United States
Stop right there! From this point law and order is protected by our armed forces. Before we can deploy you you have to read the RoEs.
I. A soldier fights for honorable for his country and to defend the four freedoms.
II. A soldier must wear his uniform or a sign that he is in the armed forces.
III. If an enemy surrenders himself in our custody he is an PoW and isn’t be killed as long he is an Pow.
IV. PoWs aren’t humiliated or mistreated. There possessions belongs to them.
V. Wounded enemies are treaten human.
VI. Civillians of both sides must be protected.
VII. Ground that doesn’t belong into combat doesn’t belong into combat.
VIII. If a soldier is taken in captivity, he reveals his name and rank to the enemy . He never abandons data about his unit or the situation of his country and it’s military.
Extended Information:
From as dusk approaches can be expected with increasing darkness.
From a water depth of 1.20 m the soldier starts swimming movements on his own. The greeting duty is dispensed.
When snow and frost is expected it can be cold outside.
If the head more than 20 cm away from the bod , death is determined.

Always wear the gun loaded and fully functional at all times. Always wear dog tag with you.
If you fall into captivity in which you have to under go modern methods of interrogation do not hesitate to die like a warrior and patriot. In this case always have a extra magazine for the sidearm and a lighter to destroy important documents with you.
Good hunt Solider and Semper Fidelis
Lieutenant William R. Walker USMC

Rarest Achievement Showcase
Mr_McMatrix 15 Apr, 2020 @ 4:27pm 
He is boosted. even though he is Silver, clearly.
Dave Maverik 21 Feb, 2018 @ 9:04am 
singed by The only one! now boost me! 1st