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0.3 godz. łącznie
Wow!! Is all I can say! This game is amazing just need the graphics a little bit more up to date and cleaner when zoomed in but Wow is all I can say! I can find myself probably getting into this for hours at a time and distracting me from my medical situation which requires a lot more higher maintenance than what I am use to.. I had to stop after I realized just how in depth and creative this game was if I didn't I would be in here for easily 10 to 12 hours especially if they updated the graphics and made it a bit more cleaner and appealing to the eye. This is a good game!
Opublikowana: 21 lipca 2021.
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Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
46.5 godz. łącznie (17.7 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Recenzja wczesnego dostępu
Although this game is in Early Access it is very playable in both Team Death Match (TDM) and Team King Of The Hill (TKOTH). The US servers from the midwest have ping times for me around the 56 ms area.. The EU servers have a ping time between 140ms from the midwest to 170ms still seems playable with the higher pings. I feel this game has high potential in the future.. LIke most projects like this I can't wait to see what is next and around the corner.. I have an i7 8700k and Nvidia GTX 1080. I am able to run everything in highest settings on every option with no issues.. This game reminds me of the Delta Force Black Hawk Down days..
Opublikowana: 21 grudnia 2019. Ostatnio edytowane: 21 grudnia 2019.
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Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
6,438.6 godz. łącznie (4,418.6 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Recenzja CS:GO
I love the game I like almost everything about the game with the exception that the anti cheat system has failed and that the users in this game are very toxic. If only Valve could have controlled the cheating issues with in this game.. Officially I have given up with this game I started as a silver four in Aug of 2016 and as of this week I am now back to Silver four.. This is with over 4500 hours in the game.. Not to mention hours and hours of footage watched and researched on how to play the game. My boyfriend purchased this game for me at the time to replace a much older game I use to play called Delta Force Black Hawk Down this game was created by Novalogic back in the day around 2003 ish.. I have played that game since launch and played it all the way up to 2016 well past its die off side.. Personally I am so frustrated with CSGO I had really high hopes high expectations of a game that had an anti cheat and all this publicity about how VAC (Valve Anti Cheat) is the best tool in the shed and that its made the cheating market more difficult. Then.. Valve made CSGO free to play literally screwing anyone that played match making or third party services.. At this point i consider this game a waste of time not worth the money even for the skins.. At the end of the day the cheating scene has ruined this game. I haven't found another game like it to replace it.. Sure I still will play this game from time to time but personally I won't spend much more money into Valve (Skins Market) to play this game.. I will continue using Faceit I think and plan on dropping ESEA in January 2020. I am hopeful that the cheaters are cleaned up with in the game but I won't be holding my breath.. This is my thoughts and opinion of the game from the heart..
Opublikowana: 12 kwietnia 2019. Ostatnio edytowane: 30 października 2019.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
1,729.2 godz. łącznie (1,173.3 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
I dislike the fact that the game cost roughly 15 dollars a month on a month to month basis.. In my mind the game is worth about 4 to 5 dollars a month with there plus package add on.. Sure they may give you a ton of crowns but the crown system just sucks you into this useless ritual of figuring out what bank/merchant to buy only to find out that it isn't a real banker or Merchant and you will have to eventially go to the in game banker and merchant to do different things. Example from the banker that you purchase with crowns you can't access your guild bank or sell items from there... You have to find one in the game to do those functions. The 60 dollars a year plus the 150 dollar a year subscription roughly costing the end player about 220 dollars a year just to be able to have ESO plus and the latest greatest update.. Its a money making scheme that cost more than hosting your own linode server to host a website at 5 dollars a month.. No thanks..
Opublikowana: 19 czerwca 2018. Ostatnio edytowane: 12 sierpnia 2019.
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