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Évaluations récentes de [LongLive]Quebec

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1,880.4 h en tout (1,698.4 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Avis donné pendant l'accès anticipé
While still not a technically the next installation in the Arma Series, the game has really improved since I posted my initial review.

The vanilla experience is has really improved with performance, AI, weapon handling and player movement all finally being brought inline with that of other modern FPS games. The lack of a dedicated in-game mission editor like the previous installments in the series is certainly felt if you were into that as the Editor has been largely replaced with a Live "Game Master" more akin to Arma 3's Zeus Module.

A dedicated editor does exist but it is an External Application "Arma Reforger Tools" under Tools on Steam.

Where Reforger has really excelled is with it's modding scene. The community have created loads of interesting gamemodes. weapons, vehicles, factions... the list goes on. Sadly this is all done through a Bohemia's "Reforger Workshop" and not steam, but it seems to work well enough when compared with other mod managers out there.
Évaluation publiée le 17 mai 2022. Dernière modification le 15 septembre 2024.
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