Summer Lobi!~
Vianne Demers   Canada
:autumn_leaf: Hi! I'm Lobi!
:ccskull: Are you a scammer? GTFO.
Currently Offline
Artwork Showcase
Her face~
Bumpy Beatz 21 Sep, 2024 @ 9:59pm 
It’s crazy how different things are now. But they are.
I don’t regret it. You all were a wonderful experience.
Even tho it all broke up? Even tho you left this world? Even all of the pain? I’d do it all again. Even if I knew the outcome.

Keep on keeping on Lobi. You were an amazing person.
We all miss you.
Bumpy Beatz 21 Sep, 2024 @ 9:59pm 
Another year without you Lobi.
Eternal Thread buddies for life.
Looking back at those old conversations is surreal. Remembering the joy we all had.
Life was so different. Life was so easy.

Our little friend group. Timid, Mellow, Joey, Noob, Cyan, Toy, AnonShy, Osha, AP, Maverick, Pacific, Anon, Rdibp, Badger, Milo, Mike, Zeb, Seraphim, Ampers, LB, Stratus, Byte, Lefty, Seed, Pop, Holo, Go, Nupie, Rainboom, Solly, Hydra, AJ, Loki, Nerf, Warc, Binky, Taken, and Scar.

Doesn’t sound so little now that I list them. But we all had each others back.
We were family.

Funny thing. After the Thread ended and we made 2.0? Me and Zeb had this little playful rivalry. “The thread that started Zeb’s eternal feud with sirbumpaous”…
DarkUmbra 10 Dec, 2023 @ 7:47pm 
Te extraño, desearia haberte escuchado mas cuando me lo decias, supuse que mis problemas en ese momento eran mas importantes que lo que sentias y no pude darte la atencion que merecias, me acuerdo esa vez que ambos miramos la luna mientras hablabamos y estabamos tristes y aun asi, con ese gesto, sentia que nos apoyabamos, fuiste un buen amigo y una buena persona, lamento mucho tu partida, Posho, ojala tengas la paz que merecias, amigo
Bumpy Beatz 3 Apr, 2021 @ 5:31am 
I miss you. you and Gexon.
the more I think I've finally come to peace with y'all passing away? the more I realize that I miss those days...
Andromallador 24 Mar, 2021 @ 4:15am 
hi mate, can you add me? just for a quick chat
Bumpy Beatz 13 Jan, 2021 @ 5:39am 
Zalas, they're gone. they have been for years.
lost their life many years ago.