Lewen   Queensland, Australia
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I;m thinking about thos Beans
Graniwield 28 Apr, 2024 @ 8:20am 
Next match, our victory awaits.
Christmas Bob Ross 28 Oct, 2018 @ 3:04am 
Woww!! =3 You guyz r dabbing now?? HAHA I can't even understand how like right when we were back in the grand old ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.H.S It was all T.V.Shows and Yaoi 8>~)

That was a smiley face btw, git ur mind ouda the gutter :-P
Christmas Bob Ross 28 Oct, 2018 @ 3:01am 
I dont like forrtnite because it promotes gun culture and gorilla tactics. And it's trash because nobody appreciates real games anymore. Gamer as a term has been blurred and everyone thinks they're a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ gamer because they play the trendy games on mobile and hype up all that trash.
AKKSI 29 Apr, 2018 @ 4:43am 
My Cup history:
QUT CSGO Open 1v1 Tournament - 1st Place
Lukey 15 Dec, 2017 @ 8:02am 
Hello friend, playing reflex with you has opened my eyes to the world. How can someone be so optimised in their movements, timings and aim? Many of us on the server now think of you as a robot. I for one welcome the new robot overlords that can teach me the amazing game reflex, as future sexbots can make me git gud at the game after i rail their ass in real life.
Reminder that Obama is turning your frogs can with drone chemtrails, and 9/11 was an israeli plot
Regards, your friend/admirerer, Lukey
AKKSI 2 Jun, 2017 @ 5:40am 
You have to think of the game in terms of offence and defense, or for FPS, it's aim versus dodging ability. In Quake 2, Vanilla Quake 3 and Quake Live, we have the perfect balance, the movement speed is fast enough to get around the maps and also have a chance at dodging someones aim but it's also slow enough that it's still possible to aim at.

Then there's strafe jumping. Which is basically only an increase in speed in a straight line, so even with the extra speed, the movement is easy to predict, that means it's great for decreasing walking times, and still good to aim at.

Now lets talk CPMA, ProMode or Turbo, the movement originally from QuakeWorld. There would be Quake purists out there who will say it needs this movement to be Quake and fair enough, that's what you learned, that's what you love, ok, I get that.