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46 av 60 (77%) prestationer uppnådda:
Personliga prestationer

City of Assassins

Identify Black Mask's assassins
Upplåst 20 feb @ 15:09

One eye open

Defeat Deathstroke
Upplåst 25 feb @ 10:09

Nobody that matters

Who is the Joker?
Upplåst 25 feb @ 11:50

Everyone wears masks

Find the Black Mask
Upplåst 26 feb @ 13:22

One Rule

Save a life
Upplåst 28 feb @ 13:41

Perhaps sooner, Perhaps later

Defeat the Joker
Upplåst 1 mar @ 21:24

Shut Down

Shut down an entire Tower Network
Upplåst 22 feb @ 16:12


Decipher one Extortion File
Upplåst 23 feb @ 15:16

Enigma Unravelled

Collect all Enigma items
Upplåst 1 mar @ 21:37

First Riddler Trophy

Collect every collectible
Upplåst 1 mar @ 21:47

One down, several to go

Complete a Most Wanted entry
Upplåst 25 feb @ 11:34

The Innocent and the Predatory

Capture all of Black Mask's Assassins
Upplåst 1 mar @ 21:17

Shadow Vigilante

Master the Shadow Vigilante Dark Knight track
Upplåst 1 mar @ 20:55

Gotham Protector

Master the Gotham Protector Dark Knight track
Upplåst 27 feb @ 8:50

Worst Nightmare

Master the Worst Nightmare Dark Knight track
Upplåst 1 mar @ 14:22

World's Greatest Detective

Master the World's Greatest Detective Dark Knight track
Upplåst 27 feb @ 5:30

Legend of the Dark Knight

Complete all Dark Knight challenges
Upplåst 1 mar @ 20:55

Crime Scene Investigator

Complete all Casefiles
Upplåst 1 mar @ 21:58

Crime Fighter

Stop 20 Crime in Progress
Upplåst 23 feb @ 14:18

Thanks, old friend

Hear everything Alfred has to say
Upplåst 1 mar @ 2:53


Obtain all the medals on Custom maps in Challenge mode
Upplåst 1 mar @ 22:55

I've Got This

Acquire all upgrades
Upplåst 1 mar @ 11:05

Free Flow Fifty

Reach x50 Combo
Upplåst 25 feb @ 12:22

Anyone see that?

Complete a predator encounter without ever being spotted
Upplåst 25 feb @ 9:33

What hit me?

Take down 100 enemies who didn't know you were there
Upplåst 1 mar @ 0:22

Silent Knight

Complete a predator encounter using only silent takedowns
Upplåst 23 feb @ 14:47

Point to Point

Glide across Bridge without touching ground
Upplåst 25 feb @ 10:48

Around the World

Use the Batwing to travel to all Fast Travel points
Upplåst 1 mar @ 10:48

Flawless Display

Successfully battle Shiva without taking any damage
Upplåst 27 feb @ 9:38

Point Counter-Point

Complete Deathstroke without failing a single counter
Upplåst 25 feb @ 10:08

One of Each

Use every Freeflow Focus gadget in one combo
Upplåst 1 mar @ 22:43

Air Marathon

Glide 26 miles total
Upplåst 24 feb @ 10:56

Voice of the People

Scan 20 Anarky Tags
Upplåst 24 feb @ 22:10

Clean Streets

Complete all Most Wanted missions
Upplåst 1 mar @ 22:39


Earn a level of prestige in multiplayer
Upplåst 3 mar @ 9:54

Know Thy Enemy

Defeat each of the enemy players at least once in a multiplayer match
Upplåst 3 mar @ 11:53

Master Wayne

Take no damage when playing as Bruce Wayne
Upplåst 2 mar @ 10:38

Let it Snow

Receive the Extreme Environment Suit (XE Suit)
Upplåst 2 mar @ 12:18

Drilling for Justice

Assemble the cryonucleation tunneller - the cryodrill
Upplåst 2 mar @ 23:04

For Auld Lang Syne

Stop Freeze and bring Boyle to justice
Upplåst 3 mar @ 9:48

Paint the Town Red

Find all Activist tags in Cold, Cold Heart
Upplåst 2 mar @ 23:04

Breaking the Ice

Free all civilians frozen in cryogenic ice
Upplåst 2 mar @ 23:34

Down with the Revolution

Stop Anarky thug operations in South Gotham
Upplåst 2 mar @ 12:29


Get 3 enemies frozen in one attack
Upplåst 2 mar @ 10:58


Takedown 2 enemies with one stalactite
Upplåst 2 mar @ 12:21

Come Out of the Cold

Perform 3 ice wall takedowns
Upplåst 3 mar @ 9:40

Personal Trainer

Obtain all the medals on Combat Training maps


Obtain all medals on the original Ranked Maps in Challenge mode (as Batman)


Obtain all medals on the original Campaign maps in Challenge mode (as Batman)

Give Them Something to Believe

Complete New Game Plus

I Am The Night

Finish I Am The Night Mode

Predator Paragon

Take down 6 different Elites in a match, using 6 different methods as Batman or Robin in multiplayer

Killing Joke

Reach max level with the Joker faction in multiplayer

Fallen Knight

Reach max level with the Bane faction in multiplayer

Gotham All-Star

Reach max overall level in multiplayer


Kill a Hero to bring back your entire gang when at 0 reinforcements on a full multiplayer server

Tales of Gotham

Win a round of each map with each faction in multiplayer

I Like Those Odds

As a Hero, defeat 4 Elites within 40 seconds without using melee in multiplayer

Not An Ordinary Criminal

As an Elite, earn 4000 XP in a single multiplayer match

Arsenal, Awesome

Fully upgrade a weapon in multiplayer