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11,082.8 hrs on record (10,222.1 hrs at review time)
I've been playing this game from very beginnig for more than 10 years. And I want to share my opinion about this "Perfect MOBA game".
1) IF you're a beginner, you'll never really be able to figure out how to play this game, espesially how to play as a team.
2)In this game full imbalance of heroes, some hero very strong, and some of them always in losers. There is always META of hereos and there's no balance at all.
3)No matter how do you play, to get mmr, you should always play the main roles(1st,2nd positions) to win mmr and be in top. you will not be able to win mmr playing on supports, it doesn't work in this game.
4) A lot of smurfs, there are a lot of inadequate people who do not play their roles. there is no sensible punishment for this, there is a complate imbalance.For exemple: you play well your role, you do everything right, you won 1 game, you won second game, then 3rd game and then you LOST....thast's it, after this moment bye bye MMR...You will lose the next game, and next game, and next game with a 90% of probability. The system will throw you into a stack of losers and you will lose all the mmr that you won last few games, no matter how well you will play your role. But there is an exception( play 1st, 2nd posaition). This is MMR casino, you won 120 MMR today, then you will lose 1st game,2nd game ,3rd game, etc you will play with inadequate people who constantly lose and behave inappropriately and you lost 120MMR maybe more if you DON'T STOP. But it's hard to stop it's excitement, like a real casino, you want to win back your MMR. And now youy're hanging my friend. It's very unlikely that you will play this game and then you play in a professional team. take a look on the statistic of all the professional dota 2 teams, it may be less that 1000 people. And is played by millions fo people around the whole world, you just wasted time and money and you will get unnecessary skills in your life, losat your time, your health and mental health too.
That's what i wanted to say in short about this GAme. I will soon record a video on YouTube and demonstrate how thos game works, earns money from you and makes you play more. I will tell you all the psychological manipulations that you fell for.
Thank you guys for spending time reading my opinion
Posted 1 November, 2021.
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228.8 hrs on record (159.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
ух ♥♥♥♥♥, ух ♥♥♥♥♥ 10 сковородок с 10
Posted 16 September, 2017.
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