it was a COD ban. eat my ass.
Kirjautunut ulos
1 pelikielto merkitty | Tietoa
113 päivä(ä) viime kiellosta
7 2 1
Yeizekiel 20.11. klo 21.14 
Haha, bush wookies that camped and died. We found death cheat and still won on a technicality.
󠀡󠀡.cnav 23.9. klo 15.39 
I wish my weiner was this big fr.
✪ Criplup 5.9. klo 22.01 
Freakishly tall
Blazeinglory 5.9. klo 20.56 
+rep extra shtinky
beige 31.8. klo 17.59 
+rep great player
Tofu farting fairy 12.8. klo 19.27 
+rep goat at cs