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Planet Zoo

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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries
Toys, in Disguise!
Collection by Laborsomething
Small figures that are more than meets the eyes.
Laborsomething's Zoo Prop and facilities
Collection by Laborsomething
Some props scattered around Posable, so I brought and mixed it with Compact Complex.
Compact Complex: As small as it can be
Collection by Laborsomething
A series of multiple facilities stacked up to take less of a space.
Memorable: What Earth remembers
Collection by Laborsomething
A new series of animals you can pose. This time, they're not on this planet anymore. Can you manage to keep these beasts happy?
Posable: Animal Implied
Collection by Laborsomething
Series of my creations which you can pose yourself to make your implied habitats look better.
Zoo Tycoon small shelters
Collection by Laborsomething
some small shelters, inspired by the classic Zoo Tycoon.
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