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41 people found this review helpful
144.7 hrs on record
BG is a CRPG, which means: It has a niche.
This game is entirely different to the modern BG3. Don't come with the same expectations.

Why play this?
  • You want a complex game system (Magic, combat)

  • You like to experiment with character builds

  • The story is really good

  • You like DnD and have that scratch to play a DnD-like game (Check for more games in the CRPG tag, if this is a check for you)

  • Replayability. The variety of classes and companions make for an entertaining game to replay, where you can test your knowledge of the game, and making op builds, or meme builds

  • You like to roleplay in-game: The game makes you feel part of the story, it makes a good job to feel relevant to the plot

Why avoid this?
  • Too much information, it has a high learning curve on the combat system (all class' abilities, spells and system properties like THAC0, may be too much information)

  • You don't like turn-based ARPGs. Even though the game is real time, all events happen in rounds of 6 seconds, and the pause makes it still a turn-based game.

  • Art, I understand that as much as I may like the art and look & feel, it is outdated by today's standards and may not be popular.

  • You don't like dying. In this game you will quicksave often, because you will die often, it is nothing bad, as you will learn and develop ways to deal with situations, but if that stresses you, well... CRPGs may not be for you

Recommendation for a first run
Just choose a race that sounds cool or you want to roleplay as. Choose a class that sounds fun (Spellcasters like wizards or sorcerers may have a lot of information for a first timer if you want to play as a spellcaster. If you want to use magic, I'd recommend half casters like Clerics, it hits hard with melee, and will give you time to adapt to the magic system). Spin the stat die until you get 86+ stat points. SAVE YOUR CHARACTER (Or you will need to respin that die and waste your time). And once you start, just roleplay as your character, learn the system at your pace, it will take time, but if you have patience, you will find a really complex and interesting game, that will entertain you for 100+ hours. Save often (Quicksave with Q).
Any unoptimized build can beat the game on normal/core rules, so there is no need to feel pressured because you aren't min-maxing good enough (And if you feel the game is easy or hard, you can change the difficulty at any moment).
Posted 16 September, 2024. Last edited 5 October, 2024.
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469.8 hrs on record (43.3 hrs at review time)
Playing some rankeds and going 5 matches against Tearlaments or Floowandereeze with my rogue The Weather deck is peak fun

Posted 22 May, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
5.9 hrs on record (2.6 hrs at review time)
This game is good study material if you are studying lambda calculus. It is a good roadmap to try to approach or refresh ideas such as Church numerals or Y-combinators.
But with that said, it is not beginner friendly, you need to at least be minimally familiar with functional programming. And the problem's wording could use a bit of an improvement, at times it is vague enough that you don't have any idea of where to start and at other moments it is so descriptive the answer is trivial. That could make the game frustrating, as you come from trivial puzzles where the answer was prompted, and the solution is not internalized.

The UI could take some improvements. Yes, it is just text, but at least add highlight. When you look at the beta-reductions of the examples, the text is too convoluted. The line-to-line spacing for the beta-reduction screen could use more spacing.
The font is not that comfortable to look at for extended periods of time.

All in all, I enjoyed the game, I would recommend it as a refresher to lambda calculus, but not if you are a newbie, the wording isn't precise enough, other times it trivializes the answer, and the UI is not that comfortable. I played mainly on a sheet of paper and a pencil.
Posted 4 August, 2022.
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3 people found this review helpful
3.8 hrs on record (3.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
As usual with Zachtronics we got a really polished and immersive experience, up to the studio usual standards.

Sadly this is the final game the studio is making before closing, an anthology of games bottled in a vintage environment with an immersive interface, and a retro visual design that creates a comfy mood. That coupled with a sense of 'exploration' to just get the games and play it make a rather enjoyable and immersive experience, adding a certain sentiment of nostalgia to the games you play.

The games included are hit or miss, but with the variety of the games I'm sure there must be something that clicks with you.
Posted 28 July, 2022. Last edited 29 July, 2022.
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3 people found this review helpful
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28.6 hrs on record (28.3 hrs at review time)
Procrastinate that difficult integrated circuit by playing solitaire in-game.
Cry over the tiny space you have and your poor space management.
Become frustrated when you see how poorly your circuit performs against others.

This game is the Quintessential Engineer Experience.
Posted 7 July, 2021. Last edited 15 July, 2021.
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16.9 hrs on record (11.0 hrs at review time)
If you are in this store page you don't need to read a review. Just buy it. It's ol' Zach
Posted 7 July, 2021.
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182.1 hrs on record (78.5 hrs at review time)
Really one of the best games I have ever played.
Why would you want to play this?
- Combat is glorious, most abilities have synergies with each-other.
- Your abilities have interactions with the environment and there will be times you will be like "Oooh, that makes sense", when you realize you can use your abilities to unlock side-content
- Has a bunch of content. 130 hours of unique content.
- The history is pretty interesting, you have the main quest and 7 UNIQUE characters with their own questlines.
- Voice acting is 10/10.
- Is an RPG with a great Co-Op. As it is turn based the Co-Op is a pure strategy and fun game, with each player with their own roles in the party and coordinating their combos. (Even if you don't like turn-based combat, please, try this game for the 2 hours steam let's you keep your right for a refund)

This is one of my top 3 games, this is an ace in the RPG genre
Posted 22 June, 2021. Last edited 13 November, 2021.
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3 people found this review helpful
8.2 hrs on record (5.7 hrs at review time)
I understand the stress factor in Horror is part of the charm, but after each session of gameplay I find preparing finals as a pretty relaxing activity by orders of magnitude.
Posted 12 June, 2021.
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21 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
The game could just be a black screen with music and I would still buy it.

It just is the W40k atmosphere delivered in a way that sends constant chills through my spine.
Posted 3 May, 2021.
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17 people found this review helpful
2 people found this review funny
184.2 hrs on record (172.9 hrs at review time)
Edit: This review was made for an old version of the game, problems were partially solved, still game's toxic af, I recommend against it if you appreciate your mental health just a bit.

The feeble mind of the community can't understand the gargantuan-sized brain of BHVR.
I mean, they seem to know what the community wants, even though they cry out loud against it.

Also, here is a list of problems that were reported and passed the PTB:
  • Survivors now look like they are preparing for a picnic instead of running from a killer
  • Previous UI elements are now dispersed along the screen. With the previous UI you would collect information from one quick glance over the bottom-left, now you need to scan the entire screen to get the same information.
  • Hitbox's size are now inversely proportional to community approval. Roll a D20 to see if it hits, advantage applied.
  • Progressing in the rank system actually makes you regress in the rank system. i.e. gaining a "pip" makes you actually lose the "pip".
  • If you are hooked, game will play dance music. Won't decide to play a fade-in or a fade-out for current soundtrack, so it will play both effects at random intervals.
  • As a spectator, if a survivor is hooked, music will decide to die until you close the game.
  • Perk "Dead Hard" is now triggered 1-2 seconds after the player actually wants to use it.
  • In loading match-screen, players could make the server angry and get disconnected in tandem.
  • Spectating a survivor that is escaping makes the game enter into a tantrum and freeze your screen. This does not produce a crash but you have to close the game as it will not let you play anymore. Analyzing it more reflexively, this may be intentional, to be the stress factor in the "Horror" tag
  • Survivors may phase into a wall and become stuck there, survivor won't be able to move and can't be hit by the killer, making the game take itself hostage until the survivor or the killer decides to uninstall the game.
  • As a survivor if you don't escape you will not progress in the ranking system. And guess what? you will not escape too often! making higher ranks of survivors more sweaty and scummy.
  • Timer progression is now displayed as a shade of bright red over bright red.
Posted 10 February, 2021. Last edited 16 February, 2022.
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