About me
I mainly play HELLDIVERS , occasionally some other games.

If you bring Hellfire Incendiary Bombs (Firewall) to my Helldivers lobby you will be kicked immediately, ♥♥♥♥ OFF!
如果你在我的房间里使用 地狱火(火墙)你会被秒踢 ,别让我看到那垃圾玩意儿。

From time to time I will host Illuminate 13 RS to practice and have fun. You are welcome to join, but any of the following items will get you immediately kicked:
Static Field Conductor, Thunderer Artillery Barrage, Airdropped Stun Mines, Anti-personnel Barrier
我会时不时开启 13级鱿鱼报复图 来练习游戏技术,欢迎各位加入,以下物品会导致你被秒踢:
静电, 轰鸣者火力网,眩晕地雷,铁丝网
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Big D 16 Oct, 2022 @ 6:28pm 
Comrade J