I just stole your vtuber gf.

You may be concerned about this. In case you are, please read the below:


Why did you steal my vtuber gf?

I'm not going to tell you.

Did you steal anybody else's vtuber gf?

You could say I am stealing everybody's vtuber gf, but in this case I am telling you that I stole your vtuber gf.

How are you stealing my vtuber gf?

I save the vod after they end stream.

What are you planning to do with my vtuber gf?

Add them to my collection, to sell for a profit at a later date.

What do I do about you stealing my vtuber gf?

There's nothing you can do.

When are you going to stop stealing my vtuber gf?

You cannot escape me.

Do I call the police?

No. The authorities will not help you.

What are the consequences of you stealing my vtuber gf?

Your improved mental health.

If there are any more questions then please consult your vtuber by directly speaking to your monitor.


I am stealing your vtuber gf.
Yo no tengo nada que hablar con un niño malcriado como tu , Adios y que estes muy bien cuando quieras conversar como gente EDUCADAMENTE eres bienvenido en mi discord , sino pues suerte y adios
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Nazse 23 Aug, 2023 @ 9:29pm 
mamatota 26 Jul, 2020 @ 12:19am