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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
4.1 timer totalt
Od předešlých dílů Samorosta je Samorost 3 víc komplexnější v puzzlech, je mnohem delší, ale za to se svojí Full HD grafikou krásnější. Žasnul jsem jak různá prostředí vypadají. Nejlepší byla planeta kde byli mniši, nejvíce cozy prostředí z celé hry.

A jako vždy tahle hra by měla být u každého Čecha a Slováka v knihovně.
Publisert 16. februar.
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10.1 timer totalt
Funny unforgetable cutscenes which are so memed that We may never forget about them, nice story which follows America's Alternate History after WW2, nice action packed gameplay with great gunplay but what I really didn't like about this game is stealth. Stealth is worse than in The New Order or The Old Blood but overall It was fun game.
Publisert 15. februar. Sist endret 15. februar.
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7.8 timer totalt
Krysáci se rozhodli přestěhovat, jelikož šicí stroj s výhledem na vysavač na skládce někde na Moravě jim už nestačila.

Skvělá hra plná hord Krysáků, dobrých zbraní převážně na blízko, ale i na dálku s možností hrát hru buď v Singleplayeru nebo Multiplayeru.

Hra sice pobaví, ale začíná v poslední půlce být repetetivní, jelikož žádné nové itemy se neobjevují a druhů enemáků je málo. Pravděpodobně ho najdete v DLC obsahu, ale nejsem si jistý, jelikož jsem hrál hlavní dějovou linku od Act 1 až po Act 3.

Doporučuji těm, kteří jsou fanoušci Warhammeru, fanouškům stříleček i těm, kteří střílečky předtím nehráli.
Publisert 11. februar. Sist endret 11. februar.
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
15.5 timer totalt
Since this is my first entry to the franchise everything was pretty good to me.
Publisert 5. februar.
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0.7 timer totalt
Tím, že jsem hrál Samorosta 1, tak bylo na čase, abych si zahrál Samorosta 2. Samorost 2 je o něco delší jak jednička, ale je to větší výzva jak předešlá hra. Hra ani netrvá až tak dlouho jak lidi říkají.

Za mě skvělá hra, která trochu poškádlí mozkové buňky a měl by jí vlastnit každý Čech i Slovák.
Publisert 22. januar. Sist endret 22. januar.
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7.0 timer totalt
One of the best game franchises I ever played. Every game from Rebellion is banger and this game isn't the exception. Despite that I died few times I enjoyed this game. Satisfying and Funny Kill Cams never get old.
Publisert 21. januar. Sist endret 21. januar.
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3 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
1.4 timer totalt
It's quite impressive game for solo dev.

It has pretty much early Battlefield games feel put into it.

A lot of maps which mimic historical events with different nations with different classes and guns to use.

I didn't get to vehicle part yet but one thing is sure - Don't expect anything big for 4€.
Publisert 16. januar. Sist endret 16. januar.
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4.9 timer totalt
First of all I didn't expect that game like this could have DxWND by default and It surprised me that Game Devs even use such things used by Modders.

It's a bit broken but It has work arounds. You just need newest version of DxWND which even provides the Mouse Bug fix and the cutscene before Level 3 can be skipped to avoid any crashes. Yes the game has a lot of crashes mostly when you enter parts where you have to be quick in puzzles.

Speaking about puzzles I'm not really fan of puzzles, so I watched video on YouTube on 2nd Monitor and played it like this.

It's quite surprising how some puzzles look so hard and yet so easy to solve. Sometimes the Puzzles are so ruff around the edges that you have to repeat them multiple times before you can move on.

Anyway I really like the groundbreaking 3D graphics of 2000's era that this game uses in It's cutscenes (especially the dying animations) with It's funny voice acting but the overall story feels underwhealming compared to gameplay which mostly revolves around those hard puzzles which take long time to solve If not playing by the guide. It starts short then there are few cutscenes here and there and It ends with long conclusion which would make the game like few minutes long.

I would recommend you to watch gameplay videos from this game rather than playing it unless You wanna go into unknown and really like puzzles.

I was in the middle I went straight ahead to the unknown but watched the videos.
Publisert 16. januar. Sist endret 16. januar.
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3 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
16.8 timer totalt
It's really nice looking game with vibrant world and impressive characters however most of It's contents feels like filler than anything impressive and despite that there are bunch of life improvements compared to Watch Dogs 1 like the police being not much but less of an issue than in first game and even being able to melee fight, the game has some of the worst stealth system.

While It newly innovates in sending drones to solve things It also hinders the ability of the player being able to have stealth weapons from the start and you have to invest a lot of ingame money into them making the game grindy.

It's really big pain that you have to chew on If you wanna play such game.

But I pretty much enjoyed playing the game.
Publisert 6. januar. Sist endret 7. januar.
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4 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
5.6 timer totalt
The game has a lot of nice songs which will make you sing them after you finish the game. The story and the lore of the world isn't bad either and I wish I could know more about it but by technical part of the game which uses one camera for 2 players makes it hard to know where you or your partner are.
Publisert 6. januar.
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