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総プレイ時間:140.6時間 (レビュー投稿時点:28.4時間)
Simply one of the best remakes of all time!

RE4 Remake, is literally the answer to every fan of the franchise. They took the mold breaking gem RE4 from 2005, and they skyrocket it to the next level! The graphics, enhancements, new add-ons, dialogue, and overall experience, is a recipe made from heaven! RE4 keeps the nostalgia intact, while offers an absolutely immersive way to put every player instantly into the zone. Once you start this game, you cant stop! Just like it felt back in 2005 with the original. Fantastic work from Capcom. Can't wait for the next remake, RE5 or Code Veronica X remake please!
投稿日 2023年3月27日.
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At first glance this doesn't even feel like a Resident Evil game. The classic RE characters are nowhere to be seen, and there are no zombies in sight. Without a few recycled puzzles from the previous games and an occasional reference, you would never guess you're playing Resident Evil. Despite all that, I'm gonna say this is the best Resident Evil since the PS1 era.

The environments are beautiful and disgusting all at once. Great use of light and shadows intuitively guides you through the levels, and memorable set pieces ensure you don't get lost despite the maze-like structure of the buildings. The atmosphere is dark and oppressive, with great pacing and build-up leading to rather scarce but all the more powerful jump scares. The monsters are disturbing yet cool, and the sound design is simply fantastic. I also particularly appreciated the VHS mechanic that foreshadows future events. It's smart and very well done. Add to it great, responsive controls and you have one fine game on your hands.

If you're a survival horror fan, this is a must-play title for you.
投稿日 2023年2月24日.
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総プレイ時間:22.5時間 (レビュー投稿時点:22.2時間)
Spider-Man: Miles Morales is definitely a great superhero game and it does a lot to improve on its predecessor in terms of combat and traversal. It never really gets old to web-sling through an accurate depiction of New-York City. The story and game play was enjoyable enough for me to at least want a game play session in everyday. The story had like able characters and not one really stood out to me as a bad character. Graphics are amazing and as expected.

However, the game did miss two marks for me. One big gripe I had with the game was the overall playtime. If we disregard side missions and the open-world activities, we are looking at 6-7 hours of main mission playtime. It also does not help that the first game doubles this playtime. It only took me around 22 hours to complete the game 100%. Another issue I could not look over was the lack of memorable boss fights, its hard not to compare it to the first game but, the first game did have many good boss fights against Spider-Man's iconic villains. This game did not even reach to half of that. Although, the final boss was a banger.

Overall, it is pretty difficult to justify paying full price for this game, but I can say that it is game that should not be looked over, especially if you were a fan of the first game. If you want to wait for a sale, that's cool, if you want to buy asap I'd say that's cool too.
投稿日 2023年2月17日.
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**Spoiler Free**

You get out what you put in.

Just finished my first run through and while yes, this is completely different from the old games, its not trying to be the same. The change in game play and tone is reflected and addressed in the story (which is amazing by the way, like truly), and combat can be as easy or difficult as you like. As you progress your combat shapes up into something quite impressive to look at. There's a lot of puzzles to solve, but not many are compulsory. Shed loads of chests. Different weapons, armor, skills. More collectibles than you can shake a stick at.

Also loads of story telling while travelling too and from which really helps break up the usual meandering with open world games.

If you haven't played yet. Do so. Unless you're looking for a mindless hack and slash.. then don't.
投稿日 2023年1月21日.
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Played the OG, and still one of the best FF games I played, This is a perfect remaster period.

Although the game has been well-remastered, it is still a 2007 PlayStation Portable game, so bear that in mind. Due to the fact that they haven't really updated that, dialogue is what it is. You get that with a Remaster; some of it still functions, some of it's a touch old. However, what makes this one special is that it features all of the voice actors from the FF7 Remake. This is an obvious choice if you enjoy FF7 Remake.

There was so much pleasure and activity for a game on the PSP title! Excellent improvements have been made to the aesthetics, fighting, and quality of life. Grab this gem and enjoy it if you love Final Fantasy 7 and want to understand more about Zack and Cloud.
投稿日 2022年12月28日. 最終更新日 2022年12月28日
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総プレイ時間:62.5時間 (レビュー投稿時点:34.6時間)
A true masterpiece, Buy this game and you wont be disappointed! Square listened to the complaints that FF 15 had for it's combat system, and it shows because they have perfected this new formula. Using abilities in real time with your ATB gauge is buttery smooth and switching between Cloud/Barett/Tifa/Aerith on the fly during the heat of battle flows so well it's almost like second nature. Visuals are crisp, there isn't an area in this game that doesn't make you just stop what your doing and look around with your camera angles at how beautiful Midgar is. The story and characters are even more immersive than you could ask for, and don't get me started on the OST. You would be hard-pressed to find a remastered soundtrack that gets you as hyped during battle as this one! Game is highly replayable and that's only looking at it from the several categories I mentioned. This game is a 10/10 and I couldn't have been more proud of Square Enix on nailing this project!!
投稿日 2022年11月9日. 最終更新日 2022年11月29日
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This is one of the best action adventure games I've ever played. I'm a fan of Spider-Man and this game truly brings him and Peter Parker, and side characters to life. Excellent voice acting and flawless animation in a gorgeous environment! Combat is quite innovative and keeps things fresh with gadgets, new suit powers, and skills to unlock as you progress through the game. But the best feature has got to be the amazing and compelling story line. Very intriguing and heartfelt towards the end - making you love the amazing hero all the more. It literally felt like watching a great Spider-Man movie in the theaters, except you control the flow. If you hadn't picked it up, you owe it to yourself to do so.
投稿日 2022年11月9日. 最終更新日 2023年2月8日
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総プレイ時間:163.8時間 (レビュー投稿時点:163.5時間)
Dark Souls 3 is honestly my favorite game. some people will judge me for that, but I don't care. The game is made to challenge you, and every time I play it I change it up a bit, making it more difficult for myself to give me a challenge. The game is very well put together, besides the few glitches I've run into and online matchmaking being quite unfair. This game can be played with friends, but if this is your first Soulsborne game I suggest for your first playthrough try to play it alone, enhance your first experience, enjoy the game and all of the things that happen along the way, let every boss surprise you. The bosses themselves are quite well put together, besides a few which are completely broken or are just bad altogether, but few are in that category. The music is probably one of the best parts of the game, even though music is only in one area and boss rooms only, the music is intense and can often change the fight completely as the music might change along with the boss itself. And the game has multiple playstyles you can choose that everyone can enjoy, from a guy with a stick to a man with a sword bigger than his own body. There are is a total of 5 play styles that you can combine together: Pyromancy (Intelligence & Faith), Miracles (Faith), Magic (Intelligence), Heavy Weapons (Strength), and Speed Weapons (Dexterity). all of these can be mixed and matched together. If it's your first time playing I suggest doing a "Quality Build" combining strength and dexterity together, as just doing one type of play style can become frustrating as some situations favor the other play styles. Overall, this game is amazing.
投稿日 2022年2月14日.
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13 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
If you like any survival horror game you will love this. I do like it a little bit better than any Resident Evil game just because of the psychological horror. Combined with the fun ways to upgrade your weapons and still kill everything that moves.

Absolutely incredible. The atmosphere is so perfectly executed and eerie and the monsters range from insanely difficult to fight (in the best way) to absolutely terrifying. Usually both. Very long, lots to do, great story, satisfying feel to the weapons.

Be sure to play on Nightmare difficulty, otherwise you're simply cheating yourself. Overall a great game.
投稿日 2021年8月15日.
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総プレイ時間:81.8時間 (レビュー投稿時点:51.1時間)
GRID 2019 has been stripped down on mass content compared to its predecessors, with fewer tracks and cars. Although, GRID still packs fun, energetic and alive feeling racing into a simple, yet seamless product.

Gorgeous details / Car audio and effects
Advanced weather with tons of options
Event customizer is advanced and easy to use
Multiple genres of motorsport

Limited tracks
Limited online multiplayer system
No pit access at all
No photo mode
No drifting

Gets repetitive at some point, but regardless, I still enjoy it.
投稿日 2021年8月5日.
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