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Recenzja CS:GO
Counter-strike is a first person shooter, it plays kind of against the grain, its very strict in shooting patterns, in fact I would say the biggest benefit which also makes it difficult is shooting, there is a spray pattern to every weapon, people who get proficient on the spray pattern excel. One cannot innately play this game like a pro, and if they can well good for them I don't care. I have only a limited experience with First person shooters, but CS:GO takes the cake in my opinion in considering spray pattern with movement. there is a bit of a learning curve if you want to succeed, but hey majority of people in Casual don't care so you don't have to either. Being good at the game is cool but having fun with the community is better

If you are super new to counter strike then here is a bit of advice, some people are jerks. I am a jerk in the game, well somedays I am. Everybody is a stereotype (I do not mean a stereotype like racial stereotypes, but like personalities).
Here let me explain:
There is the squeaker: a kid who is annoying and doesn't understand mic settings.

There is the salty judger: people who just hate how others are playing, despite themselves dying in the first second like a a weakling.

THere is the camper: Every single person

There is the p90 expert: he is super good at the game, all he needs is one gun and 5 bullets x10

There is the NOVA elite: don't mess with them they obviously learn from the best (p90 expert)

There is the bad awper: every awper camps, wealness: movement

There is the pusher: Guy who just pushes every round and either dies or kills everyone with either the best luck or best skill

There is the fisherman: Man who baits friends

There is the girl: when they enter the battlefield, every single male player pucker his lips to that one girl's cheeks (and not the face)

The cliches: these people are programmed to be unorignial, they say the same thing EVERY time, "dank memes, Kappa, Lawl (saying "lawl" instead of just laughing"), rekt, 360 no scope, throw for skins...followed by foreskins, your mom"

There are the people who play music,sing, or are named after artists: They just annoy me

There are the people who pretend to be someone they are not: these people either act redneck and are super racist, the kid with an obviously fake lisp, the annoying types, the guy who pretends to be new, the guy who is actually new but I just hate him, and the guy who thinks he is better than everyone else in CASUAL

There are the Dust II players: everybody who votes Dust II these people are them

There are the Dust II player haters: during the vote for next map is the same played out joke, "ughh not dust II, I hate Dust eleven, or Dust eleven never played that, or you are homosexual if you vote Dust II"

There the people with no mics: Stop typing I don't want to read your robotic texts, I can't even pretend to think you are a real person.

There are the people with bad mics: Stop talking if I dont want to hear your robotic voice, I can't even pretend to think you are a real person

There are the laptop players: Seriously, why complain about playing on your laptop, you make it sound like we made you use a laptop and gave you that disadvantage.

There are the tick server guys: you make it sound like some people are getting different ticks, its fair game stop complaining about something everyone has to deal with it

There are the fps/lag people: they are the people who play on laptops and/or have bad wifi or bad internet (also add using mcdonald's wifi to the list of cliche jokes that people tell)

There is the deep voice teen: nothing wrong with them they just make me feel young which is a plus for me.

There is the try hard: dude its casual calm down

There is the try hard haters: dude its casual calm down

The good players: I didn't play casual to win or lose, I just want to play, and you killing me in the beginning is affecting my play time

The bad players: I didn't play casual to win or lose, I just want to play, and you GETTING me killed in the beginning is affecting my play time

there is the guy who shoots you in the head in spawn or knife you: every person on your team

Mostly in competitive matches:

The Hacker: Honestly don't know if I play with hackers, but I hate the next person

The guy who calls people hackers: do you just suck at the game where everybody hacks, then why give up in the game this is competitive, why are you giving up, overwatch can't tell if he's hacking if you just easily run up mid to die

AFK bind guy: he just spins around in spawn so he doesnt get kicked and he already gave up.

The guy who bad mouths his own team: saying we suck when he is just barely hanging on in the middle

The top fragger: hey we don't need you getting all the kills

The bottom fragger: Hey we don't need you

Middle fragger: nobody cares about you

The guy who saves: I understand a save, its necessary, but don't decide to save on the first 10 seconds of the game, that is bordeline I hate you.

The man who runs around the map on the rotate: Dude by the time you get here we are all going to die

The man who runs around the map on the rotate and clutches: I ♥♥♥♥ing hate the other team for sucking

People who tell you to look at the bomb when it explodes: NO!

The griefer: I don't care if your father died

Smurfs: I dont care if you are better than me, you paid for this game twice

Derankers: at this point shouldn't all silvers be playing with smurfs? or other derankers?

People with two accounts: Why?

People who insult my game/aim: I am not good, I don't try to be, but there are better things in life other than writing this review and being good at a game that has no meaningful contribution to my future aspirations. I play to kill time, and it shows from this review/rant.

Okay but serious now: is this game good ?yeah, I guess. For some reason I keep coming back to it.

Do I recommend it? yes, but its borderline, this game is all about communication with the community, even in the competitive matches, you need to communicate, or you are not going to enjoy the game. Teamwork makes it worthwhile, but its very hard communicating with perfect strangers in solo queue. If I were to summarize my experience it would be mostly a rollercoaster of bad and good experiences. The people you remember the most are the super jerks and super awesome guys.

In order for a person to get what they want out of this game, I recommend they find other people with common goals and interest in what they want out of this game, if its trolling then do it, if its try-hard playing, then more power to you, if its jokes then tell me some good ones, and if its just to kill time....turn off your sound.

P.S I like to ask people to tell me jokes in the game. All I get are bad racist, sexist, sexual, offensive jokes. also people like to respond this as if I never heard it before " hey I got a joke for you... your mom, your life, etc." Again this is totally unoriginal these people have no personality. I like good clean jokes, I like to think I am pretty stand up guy, but I am not immune to being on that list of people, other people hate.

If you don't mind the inconsistentcy of the which the game provides when you do not play for a while then I think this is a great game for you.
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