Er1ksson ツ
*Status : Buying knifes*

Hello everyone! My name is Jonathan Smith.. I am currently 22 years old. I have a family with my wife, and I have a kid! :) I spend alot of time at my computer so that is why I'm so adapted to trading/csgo.
On my free time I do trading/playing on CS:GO. I buy skins via steam codes (and other payment systems) and then sell them for profit.
Alot of people here on steam are really rude, and I will not hesitate to block you if you are being rude, so be careful with your words.
-If you came to my profile because you're interested in selling something, it would help alot if you made a comment on my profile why you added me!
-With paypal, or any other real money service, I will almost NEVER go first so if you wont go first, lets not waste eachother's time.
- If you are intersted in buying something in my inventory that is up for trade, please send me an offer with the item you are interested in and what you can offer, and I'll add you if I am interested or not.
Rules When Trading With Me :
-Please write a comment on my profile on why you added me, it'll help me alot.
-There are occasions where im going first, obviously. Though, it isnt easy to convince me. I am very good at spotting scammers and I wont go first to anyone lower than level 100. (Note that just because you are level 100 I will not always go first) When we do the deal, YOU pay the fees. If you are going to tell me that you dont want to go first, then please leave as I do not have time for that.

Dont feel safe in going first? This is why you can trust me.
Clean Steamrep
Has had valuable knifes (Sold now so I can earn the $)
Will NEVER have an private inventory/profile
My name will ALWAYS, be GodazzY.

1. We agreed on a price.
2. We agree to this list.
3. You hand over the knife by clicking sending me an offline trade offer.
4.You will get the desired payment.
5. We'll give each other and +rep comment on our profile, describing what we traded/sold.
I CAN go first over paypal on a very few times. But NO other service.

I have been scammed once, in my whole life, and that was on a 50€ steam wallet code.
NEVER HAPPENING AGAIN. :) His profile if you guys would like to report him. ^^
Some background story if you'd guys like :
I added him, because I was interested in his bayonet fade, and I was willing to spend my codes on buying it. We agreed to a price: 280€. He said he wasnt going first, and me neither. So, I told him, we could do that I send you a 50€ code and my gut knife for the bayo, and then I'd send the rest of the codes and then he'd give me my gut knife back. Instead, he took the 50€, tried to say that we agreed on 100 euro, and then blocked me.

If you had so good and cool and valuable knifes, why arent they in your inventory?
Because I am a buyer and a seller, I get the knifes, enjoy them a bit, then sell them! :)

How could you be so stupid and get scammed?
I know, I was stupid, and I tought that he wouldnt bother scamming me on 50 euros, but he damn well did anyways..

Knife History
ALOT of knifes ^^

I do middleman services too.
More Info About My Middleman Services
Since alot of people has problems with going first nowadays, I've decided that I'll help you all with by being middleman. If you added me because of these services, please comment in my profile before you do so. :) My fee is 1-2 keys, depending on how big $ we are talking about. Anyways, feel free to comment on my profile if you need my services.
1 个记录在案的 VAC 封禁 | 信息
上次封禁于 2314 天前
总时数 73 小时
最后运行日期:2022 年 10 月 19 日
成就进度   17 / 37
总时数 5.2 小时
最后运行日期:2022 年 8 月 2 日
成就进度   0 / 60
总时数 4.2 小时
最后运行日期:2020 年 6 月 7 日
ApOllO11 2018 年 8 月 15 日 上午 7:26 
So kurzer im Spiel hast geschrieben das du nicht weisst was ein VAC Ausschluss ist du Spinner. Gratulation hast ja schon einen na dann auf ein neues. Wie unterbemittelt bist du denn überhaupt ? Dumm wie ein Sack verrostete Fahrradklingeln bist du. :steamhappy:
ApOllO11 2018 年 8 月 15 日 上午 7:20 
So du billiger Cheater. Wie versprochen habe ich dich reportet. Es ist an der Zeit das so ein Typ wie du einen VAC Ausschluss bekommst. Das du nicht weisst was das bedeutet ja, dann sollte man sich bevor man Cheatet darüber informieren. Du bist nicht der erste der hier gesperrt wird freundchen. Ich habe mir meinen derzeitigen Rang erkämpft, Solche Typen wie du es einer bist haben Minderwertigkeitskomplexe. Dich will ich mal ohne Cheat erleben du kleiner Klappstuhl. Da bekommst nämlich NULL auf die Reihe. Das Video sende ich zu Sladgehammer und dann hat es sich für dich gehupt. OK. :steamfacepalm:
^1Panzermeyer^7 lssah^1 2018 年 8 月 13 日 上午 11:30 
hold da op du stinker bob
^1Panzermeyer^7 lssah^1 2018 年 8 月 13 日 上午 11:07 
lol you suck bob lol hacker fagh
Aqax 2018 年 8 月 6 日 上午 10:03 
your such a bad player
Aqax 2018 年 8 月 6 日 上午 9:45 
-rep Aim.exe has stopped