Starry Snöfall System   United States
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(The only reason the lines are above this is so when it embeds in things it stops showing the conversations below.)

dradsose ツ: Hey waffle
[ORP] Waffle (Pelvic Sorcery): ey
dradsose ツ: Can i ask u?
dradsose ツ: When ever you get another ring
dradsose ツ: Will you marry me in tf2?
[ORP] Waffle (Pelvic Sorcery): no
dradsose ツ: Mk
[ORP] Waffle (Pelvic Sorcery): :^)

Xenosaur: I just realized something really terrifying
Xenosaur: Right now, I am literally the most angry I have ever been in my entire life
[ORP] Waffle (Pelvic Sorcery): that is not good whatsoever
Xenosaur: I have completely transcended normal anger and entered a state where my rage is so ever present that I am completely calm
[ORP] Waffle (Pelvic Sorcery): why are you so angry though
Xenosaur: Remember how I updated my drivers?
[ORP] Waffle (Pelvic Sorcery): yeah
[ORP] Waffle (Pelvic Sorcery): also side note, I just finished filling all the stuff out for my application
[ORP] Waffle (Pelvic Sorcery): and I wrote like 2 emails to 2 different teachers about it as well as I need a recamendation
[ORP] Waffle (Pelvic Sorcery): I realize I can't spell, but sorry... you were sayying?
Xenosaur: First, that caused my entire PC to crash. So after that, I tried to play Dark Souls 2 with Eclipse and it refused to even go a single second without crashing. I went and installed an older driver. Dark Souls 2 booted up, except now I was down over FORTY fps from my normal. I was getting only 17 fps tops. I then tried to find my original driver, and while that was mid-installation my entire computer froze and stayed frozen.
[ORP] Waffle (Pelvic Sorcery): that sounds... like an enlightening angry experience
Xenosaur: I came back from dinner and it took five minutes too boot up. I successfully reinstalled my old driver and DS2 works fine now. But the residual anger isnt gone.
Xenosaur: I'm mad that I had so much of my time wasted.
Xenosaur: I'm enraged that this entire incident almost cost me my computer.
[ORP] Waffle (Pelvic Sorcery): Dude, I would be too.. Honestly I probably wouldn't even be on the computer.. I would be going for a walk or just yelling... Loudly.
Xenosaur: And I'm pissed that it ate up the two hours of free time me and Eclipse WOULD have had if it hadn't happened.
Xenosaur: But anyways, back to what I noticed is scary about me being mad
Xenosaur: I stop cursing.
Xenosaur: I curse constantly, but I stopped when this all happened.
Xenosaur: And it's not even a concious choice.
[ORP] Waffle (Pelvic Sorcery): Huh, that is pretty weird... scary even.
Xenosaur: If I wasn't rage incarnate right now I would be laughing about it
Xenosaur: But it actually is disturbingly unsettling when somebody who curses as much as I do stops so suddenly and so wholely.
[ORP] Waffle (Pelvic Sorcery): Definitely
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GhostHunter34 13 Feb @ 10:30am 
or at least better then me
GhostHunter34 13 Feb @ 10:29am 
good at tf2
Shayla 12 Feb @ 7:38pm 
aguave :bricktherat:
LEECHY! 11 Feb @ 7:26pm 
played tf2 with ye, you seem cool ^^
Goopychu 28 Jan @ 9:02pm 
is gamer
Animation Crustacean 18 Jan @ 12:09am 
Chill seeming fella. Would love to play stuff with ya. Also nice Patches pfp. Gotta love Purrfect Apawcalypse :3