Jens Wilhelmsen (AS)
Sander ᶠᵘᶜᵏᵧₒᵤ ╰ ☆ ╮ Call +4797045214   Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Hva er forskjellen på en jøde og en julenisse?
Julenissen går ned pipen(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Man kan ikke stave legendarisk uten arisk. De som vet de vet.

Det handler ikke om å vinne, det handler om å bare kødde det mest mulig til. []
Hold kjeft dette hakke du no greie på!

How much skill do I have? (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

● 💘mini 💘world💘‎ : shat fac app

strikercool‎ : you guys really think you can win?


Jens Wilhelmsen (AS):
You should really talk to the programming people
To put this
Comand in css scripts
x overflow x hidden css
It disables that you can scroll horisontaly
Because why should you scroll horizontally in your website?
Tell me?

CM Dean:
I didn't even think of that
I am not a programmer, I overlook these things
You got a minute to read something?

CM Dean:
Do I just put it anywhere in the CSS file?

CM Dean:
Where do i put this exactly? x overflow x hidden css
now I cant unsee the fact that it moves horizontally

-------------THE NEXT DAY----------

Jens Wilhelmsen (AS)
Bro you fixed the CSS yet?

CM Dean:
No, didn't find the place to put it :/

CM Dean:
body { overflow-x: hidden; } this line?

Jens Wilhelmsen (AS):

CM Dean:
k omg
ill do it now

CM Dean:
Should it be in the layouts folder?
templates, sections snippets assets
config locales
one of those

CM Dean:
all the way in the bottom i paste it?

CM Dean:
check now

Jens Wilhelmsen (AS):

CM Dean:

CM Dean:

Jens Wilhelmsen (AS):
Its easy!!!

CM Dean:

CM Dean:
Thank you so much man
really appreciate it

Jens Wilhelmsen (AS):
No problem bro :D
Really nice

CM Dean:
How can I repay you
16% discount
for you and 100 friends

CM Dean:
Discount code BIGD Jens
coming soon

CM Dean:
my ass, you are the lord and savior

Jens Wilhelmsen (AS):
Why didnt you fix it before? For how long has the horizontall scrolling been there?

CM Dean:
a year
I've had 45k store sessions over this time
rip all the ppl

Jens Wilhelmsen (AS):
Lol bro. Check my BIO on steam ok?
Tell me what you think

CM Dean:
lets see
this b etter not be a waste of my much valuable time
free marketing
thank you so much
you've just doubled my net worth
Currently Offline
NOOT NOOT 31 Oct, 2017 @ 12:47pm 
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