Kevin ツ   Hong Kong
"KevZ-" STEAM_1:0:51396377 :Dogeface:
"Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine." - The Imitation Game

-novid -noborder -tickrate 128 -noforcemparms -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd -processheap -high -refresh 120 -freq 120 -maxdownloadfilesizemb 250
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[H] OG StatTrak Skins with 2014 Katowice Stickers ($$$)
[W] Offers from True Collectors

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Vetrina degli screenshot
The Dream is OVER.
3 4
Fenrijora 18 ott, ore 10:20 
+rep insane play in gwyf✊
Delaghma 20 set, ore 12:12 
nice moves
Kajizilkree 4 set, ore 5:42 
+ rep from faceit, good player
Aralkree 19 lug, ore 9:35 
one more match?
Kajijar 4 lug, ore 7:51 
Who's the gaming legend? Let's find out!
Mavegamand 1 lug, ore 10:44 
skilled rifler, strong gunplay, let's stay dominant on the server