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Додано: 21 січ. 2020 о 19:58

A lot of bugs. Sure, it is an extension of a great old game, that's why reviews are mostly positive, however this DLC clearly was released before it was finished. Playing as archer i found that your arrows can stuck at invisible wall even if you are shooting enemy 1m away from you (it almost always occurs while on stairs and when you have higher/lower position than your enemy). Another problem is few enemies having broken hitboxes which makes them almost impossible to hit with bow/thrown weapons (around 1/20 hit connects, you can hit only during few frames). Now i just faced bugged main quest where you can't talk to the character that pushes game forward ( i don't want to spoil anything). Apparently restarting the game fixes that, but it should be fixed. This bug was too much and i decided to write this review.

The thing is: all these bugs have their own threads in Steam discussions, all 2 years old. Devs never cared to response to them or fix these issues. Meanwhile they had time to release another DLC that is even worse from what i heard.

Side quests are also worse. Base game and IT addon had simple side quests and you could be sure that if you will check every corner you will find what is needed. Here you often wonder if you missed the item or if it is at another end of the DLC. One quest is just teleporting to previous acts and checking all shops to find specific tans. That's it. Very fun quest for a hack and slash game.

There are few things that are better and i must be honest and point them out. Soundtrack is epic. Seriously, it's the biggest improvement, music is awesome. Another thing - mobs have voicelines. They can shout something while charging at you. Simple thing but still an improvement. Last thing that is good is one secret quest. That's all.

Overall this DLC is an attempt to profit on old legendary game with minimum effort by adding bugged and unfinished addon. Judging by other reviews it worked. It's sad there is a such visible quality gap between first 4 acts and the 5th one this DLC brings. Kinda the same game... but worse and broken.
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