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Nylige anmeldelser av Kasiama

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381.9 timer totalt (12.4 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Better than OW by FAR
Publisert 9. januar.
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124.2 timer totalt (115.9 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Game is good. Make lot of money
Publisert 20. januar 2020.
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
655.8 timer totalt (525.4 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Anmeldelse fra tidlig tilgang
The Game has its problems yes, but the Devs are active for the most part, Things are getting done, and the game is MUCH better than it previously was. Try to find friends to play this game, As playing solo can be frustrating. One Hundred percent recommend this game if you can play with atleast 1-2 other people. If only can play solo. Try to find people to play with via the discord that there is to help with that. Do not come into this game expecting to be able to be the best there is instantly, Always assume others are NOT friendly, and are going to have enouch ammo to kill you. It is a problem, but the community has devolved into a KOS community, due to untrustable players.

New Players:
People will Kill you, If you build a base they WILL raid you.. Dont be discouraged, Keep it up, research better bases. Just always assume people will be unfriendly, On the rare occasion they realize you are friendly, or are a fresh spawn.. DO NOT break their trust and just run the other way. Research what the Banshee is and what it looks like.

Returning Players:
The Game is MUCH better than it was before. Chinese people on some US servers are still rampant, So be wary of non english speakers.. Yes KOS people are still a thing. Zombies are more of a threat now. New Zombie, Banshee.. Stay Clear of it. Trust me They scream loud, they take forever to kill and if you dont in time, they two shot you.
Loot is spawns MUCH better than before, you can find backpacks all over, (Including Military) Helmets are more common, Guns and Ammo are more common, And Vehicle spawns were fixed, So they spawn in more locations, even in random forests, and fields. Allowing you to get a better jump on them, and so people dont just camp the say 30 spawns there previously was.

In Conclusion, yes the game is worth coming back to. Yes the game is worth getting. The Devs are still working on it, and it can be seen. Most of the people who DO complain, are just mad because they died and lost stuff, Or they didnt get EXACTLY what they wanted.
Publisert 3. februar 2017.
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