Jumpr 23 Feb, 2020 @ 10:51am 
⠀⠟⠑⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⣀⣀⣤⣤⣤⣀⡀
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿⣷⣶⣮⣭⣽⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠇
s4-tko-™` 9 Feb, 2020 @ 11:56pm 
_Post this on the_____________#0#0##_________
_Profile of people____________##O###_________
_You have had _______________####__________
_Anal sex with_________________##___________
Jumpr 13 Oct, 2018 @ 11:23am 
It's COCKtober 🍆🎃 u know what that means 👀👅♥♥♥♥♥♥sucking awareness month 😯🙆🏼👅 send this to 12 of ur closet hoes 👭😈 that love that♥♥♥♥♥♥🍆🍆🍆💦💦💦 🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃🎃🎃🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃🎃🎃🎃 🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 THOT-O-WEEN 🎃is upon us !! If you get this message ✉ you are queen 👸of the thots!!! Forward this to 7⃣ of the 🍆ThOtTiEsT🍆 thots 💁that you know will get some 👉👌 soon !!! If you don't, be prepared 🙍for 6⃣9⃣ days of bad luck ⚠ 🍀
Jumpr 13 Oct, 2018 @ 10:47am 
This will be the last time you tag me in a LGBT post BRIAN. I AM NOT LGBT SO STOP MAKING FUN OF ME AT SCHOOL! Just because I fricking kissed a guy on ACCIDENT doesn’t make me LGBT. And another thing, stop making fun of me for being a GAMER. I can do things that you could never DREAM OF DOING. I kill terrorists, jack cars, do heists, protect cities, AND SO MUCH MORE! Gang weed hates jocks like you BRIAN. Just because you’re a football and basketball player doesn’t mean you’re better than ME. YOU STUPID FRICK BRIAN! You have to get a job but I get to spend all day GAMING! Try that on for size BRIAN 😎 . Not to mention I do play sports like NBA 2K19 and NHL 2K19. THEY 👏 COUNT 👏 AS 👏 SPORTS 👏. EVERYONE will realize how WRONG. they were about gamers when the flame of GAMER REVOLUTION takes over. GAMERS RISE UP!
Jumpr 27 Sep, 2018 @ 11:45am 
I don't understand Why my Parents Hate KPOP So Much, And They even Bash them and They don't Support me as a KPOP FAN.Can Someone Explain Why my Parents is like this?😭 They even Call BTS As Gays😭. I just Feel that I'm going to Die Just b'cuz of what they're Saying, I don't have someone to keep me Up, it's just Only me who is Supporting. Even My Classmates!😭 i don't understand why they hate BTS so Much😭 it's okay for me if they Bash me not BTS, I don't care if they call me Nerd, ugly, freak, crazy, disgusting, useless, and stupid, I don't care you can call me whatsoever you want, But not my BTS. I know there is Jhope, whenever (we) Hear his name, We still got Hope Right? Well, I don't, my classmates call him "J-Horse" that's Why. I almost got into Guidance Just because of Fighting My Classmate just to defend BTS. That's how I love them, i defend them. I treated them like my Kings while I'm there body guard. THIS IS ME❤
Jumpr 27 Sep, 2018 @ 11:39am 
Amewica’s economy is booming wike nevew befowe. Since my ewection, we’ve added $10 twiwwion in weawth. The stock mawket is at an aww-time high in histowy, and jobwess cwaims awe at a 50-yeaw wow. Afwican amewican, hispanic amewican, and asian amewican unempwoyment have aww achieved theiw wowest wevews evew wecowded. We’ve added mowe than 4 miwwion new jobs, incwuding hawf a miwwion manufactuwing jobs.

we have passed the biggest tax cuts and wefowms in amewican histowy. We’ve stawted the constwuction of a majow bowdew waww, and we have gweatwy stwengthened bowdew secuwity.

we have secuwed wecowd funding fow ouw miwitawy -- $700 biwwion this yeaw, and $716 biwwion next yeaw. Ouw miwitawy wiww soon be mowe powewfuw than it has evew been befowe.

in othew wowds, the united states is stwongew, safew, and a wichew countwy than it was when i assumed office wess than two yeaws ago.
Jumpr 14 May, 2018 @ 7:41pm 
there u go ♥♥♥♥♥
RodGer 15 Apr, 2018 @ 4:10pm 
_Post this on the_____________#0#0##_________
_Profile of people____________##O###_________
_You have had _______________####__________
_Anal sex with_________________##___________
Jumpr 20 Jan, 2018 @ 2:54pm 
……..|::::::::|: : : : : : : : : _„„--~'''''~-„: : : : : '|
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……….'-,-': : : : : :___„-: : :'': : ¯''~~'': ': : ~--|
………….|: ,: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :|
………….'|: \: : : : : : : : -,„_„„-~~--~--„_: : : |
…………..|: \: : : : : : : : : : : :-------~: : : : : |
I tell ya what, you just got visited by the friendly propane man
If you don't post this in 5 comment section you'll suffer pro-pain
Jumpr 18 Nov, 2017 @ 8:07pm 
Jumpr 18 Oct, 2017 @ 7:37pm 
My steam wall is almost just you for three pages lol
Jumpr 3 Oct, 2017 @ 2:53pm 
Rick: So you're mining stuff to craft with and crafting stuff to mine with? Morty: Uh-huh. Rick: Did your dad write this game? Morty: Mean.
Jumpr 25 Sep, 2017 @ 7:09pm 
You're both pieces of ♥♥♥♥. Yeah. I can prove it mathematically. Actually, let me grab my white board. This has been a long time coming.
Jumpr 24 Sep, 2017 @ 5:06pm 
Jumpr 9 Sep, 2017 @ 11:05pm 
The amount of intelligence you need to process a musical composition of this level is absolutely insane. Even I, to this day, have no idea what the true meaning behind this song is. My people, Gazzy Garcia, better known as Lil Pump is the greatest composer of our generation. There is no question that the complexity and ingeniousness is even hard for people with the highest IQ's in the world to process. No mortal being is on this level. Lil Pump is not a mortal, he is a deity that nobody can describe. He is a gift straight from heaven to bless all of us with a certain level of intelligence for the human race to work towards. Nobody has it yet, except for Mr Garcia. Please everyone, just understand, that he is not only taking a ♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥ to the movies, he is also taking the human race on a journey into a whole new level of intelligence. Thank you.
Jumpr 25 Aug, 2017 @ 3:19pm 
If my girl 👧😍 and fidget spinner 🔥 both dying 😱 and I can only save one 😤😬 catch me at her funeral 😔💀🌹 spinning 🔥 through 🔥 the 🔥 pain 💯💯😎
Jumpr 16 Jun, 2017 @ 2:09pm 
I mean, I actually agree LOL
Jumpr 11 May, 2017 @ 7:28pm 
If my girl👧😍 and my fidget spinners 💯🔥 are both drowning🌊😦 and I could only save one😄☝️️ you can Catch me letting it spin at my girls funeral😅👻💀 Cause it's fidget spinner or catch a fade my ♥♥♥♥♥🙏👊
Jumpr 11 May, 2017 @ 7:28pm 
My name is Benjamin Bordeau IV and I am 13 years old. Recently, my girlfriend told me that she would be interested in me eating her ass out. I was just curious of the health benefits of this would be and to any of those who have partaken in this experience, how was it?
Jumpr 17 Apr, 2017 @ 2:48pm 
You gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers in this racket.
Jumpr 19 Jan, 2017 @ 12:46pm 
His pedophilia doesn't bother me, his terrible contrived films do. I hate Woody Allen physically, I dislike that kind of man. I can hardly bear to talk to him. He has the Chaplin disease. That particular combination of arrogance and timidity sets my teeth on edge. He is arrogant. Like all people with timid personalities, his arrogance is unlimited. Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant. He acts shy, but he’s not. He’s scared. He hates himself, and he loves himself, a very tense situation. It’s people like me who have to carry on and pretend to be modest. To me, it’s the most embarrassing thing in the world—a man who presents himself at his worst to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups. Everything he does on the screen is therapeutic.
s4-tko-™` 22 Dec, 2016 @ 6:13pm 
1 VAC ban on record | Info
1463 day(s) since last ban

Jumpr 22 Dec, 2016 @ 11:46am 
Kinda funny that they actually made emotes from that comment on 17 Sept
Jumpr 5 Nov, 2016 @ 2:01pm 
Bo2 days? Boiiiiiiiii lemme tell you about the mw2 days, I've been around the trickshotting community since 2010. I saw everything, the rise & fall of TRUE trickshotting days. When agony got kicked for faking clips, the true Community coming together, when people never played claw to everyone transitioning to claw, the beginning of the nac swap, OG clans starting & ending, The start up of Obey. I'm 19 now and find it uninteresting now. I wanna say my generation died off at around 2013-2014. I tried hanging on, but couldn't keep up with standards . Community got to ♥♥♥♥. Found interest in other things . I feel like an elder in this community since the average age group now is probably like 12-15. I'll be happy to share my memories with you. Lmao . Also, I might be biased. When bo2 released, I gave up on it after after 6 months, didn't feel authentic as mw2. Kinda like banging a hot chick, you don't wanna go back to the fuglys.
Jumpr 17 Sep, 2016 @ 1:25pm 
✡🕯🕯✝🌌✡🔯📜📃🕎✳And✳🕎🔯✡✝🕯🕯✡ 🔛ON🔛🏰⛪🏯 THE 🕋⛺🏺the 🕍🏛🕒THIRD🕒🌄🌃🌄🌃🌄🌃⚰🔮📆 *DAY *🗓🚼📃📜🗿HE ☢🏋🌄🌈🎰🌹🌹ROSE🌹🌹⛪💒🗼🏰📖📃📜🗽 ☢🔄🔄🔃AGAIN 🔃🔄☢🗽📡📀🕌⛲🌌THAT'S💡RIGHT,💡FULKS↔FOLKS❗❕❗❕♋
panda 14 Sep, 2016 @ 6:16pm 
OS* =
SSHQ Co-Op =
SSHQ Advert =
Xanatos Coop =
Freedom Advert =
76561198024987816 19 Jul, 2016 @ 10:08pm 
1 VAC ban on record | Info
1307 day(s) since last ban

Jumpr 27 Jun, 2016 @ 1:47pm 
I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I'm ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ retarded but I don't care, I'm beautiful. I'm having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me "Apache" and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can't accept me you're a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.
RodGer 3 May, 2016 @ 2:10pm 

..._.....____________________, ,
....../ `---___________----_____] = = = = = D
.....), ---.(_(__) /
....// (..) ), ----"

Send this gun to everyone you care about including me if you care about me. See how many times you get this, if you get 12 your a 'TRUE HOMIE' BUCKET FIKING ARMY
RodGer 6 Apr, 2016 @ 12:27pm 
Watch out for this guy, he has 69 accounts with at least one vac ban on all of them.
R2K 17 Mar, 2016 @ 5:00pm 
Angel Style 10 Feb, 2016 @ 2:21pm 
Z0mBi3 8 Feb, 2016 @ 1:30pm 
kontrol 18 Jan, 2016 @ 4:19pm 
Panda: i sit on my hand so it goes numb and then i rub one out
R2K 13 Dec, 2015 @ 6:46pm 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
the suport choice me 23 Sep, 2015 @ 11:55am 
Ariza 4 Aug, 2015 @ 1:14pm 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ noob hacker
Putangina PUBG 2 Aug, 2015 @ 10:46pm 
♥♥♥♥ you suck ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bullsht peru
76561198024987816 23 Apr, 2015 @ 7:14pm 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ noob
R2K 16 Feb, 2015 @ 11:37am 
this kid 1v1'd me at LAN and absolutely destroyed my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
AlienManaBanana 10 Jan, 2015 @ 12:06pm 
James 18 Dec, 2014 @ 8:00pm 
Lol all the comments saying how bad this guy is. He blamed his storm spirit for losing the game then at the end it turned out he was premade with him xDDDD
B0SS_PLEAS 16 Dec, 2014 @ 3:50pm 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ quitter , report him pls
MONEY-SHOT 13 Nov, 2014 @ 4:00pm 
piece of ♥♥♥♥♥ dota noob
Friend Vacity 31 Aug, 2014 @ 4:18pm 
Such a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ player
Jose 17 Jul, 2014 @ 7:22pm 
noob retarded without brain
Ariza 13 Jul, 2014 @ 7:21am 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ DON'T PLAY DOTA UNSTALL YOU SUCK ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Calm and Herb Simpson 1 Jun, 2014 @ 4:21pm 
#counterpicked get mad nerd
Cino 1 Jun, 2014 @ 4:20pm 
♥♥♥♥♥♥ piked heh vidoe games
FRAGERISPERFECT 30 Jul, 2013 @ 10:07pm 
+rep good trade:tradingcard: