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发布于:2016 年 12 月 30 日 下午 12:32

Sooo this game...is one of my all time favourites...i like it very much...i remember playing Mafia I and Mafia II is in some ways better and worse.
-Nice graphics
-Nice sounds,good voice acting
-Very good story
-Nice characters
-Nice theme
-Nice time set
-Good effects
-No freeroam (Only with mods or kind of freeroam in DLCs)
-No bonuses after ending (In Mafia I there was Extreme ride)
-Cant swin
-When driving into a water with car your car falls to the water and trought the terrain (Rocks)

Overall: Buy this game, i woulda rate it 9 out of 10.
If you buy this game...then Enjoy it !! :D
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