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Succès remportés : 1 sur 21 (5%)
Succès personnels

Proof of Stremf

Turn in your first Proof of Stremf
Débloqué le 28 nov. à 4h58

Proof Positive

Turn in 50 Proofs of Stremf to the same Academy
2 / 50

Proof Eternal

Turn in 500 Proofs of Stremf to the same Academy and unlock the Battlemaster sprite
2 / 500

Throw Down

Use Xespera's Challenge on your first turn in a Super Awesome Monster Party

YOU Give The Orders Here!

Defeat a Dance Commander

Going Ham

Recover from critical health with a bite of Flavorful Pre-Baconized Bacon

Academy: Alchemist

Fully evolve the Academy Alchemy Lab and unlock the Grand Chemistress sprite.

Academy: Librarian

Fully evolve the Academy Library and unlock the High Libromancer Straum sprite

Down In The Dungeon Just Mostly And Me

Kill 30 enemies within the lifespan of a single Mostly

Reason's Foothold In A Land of Beasts

Upgrade the Academy Alchemy Lab and Library at least once, unlock the Museum, and turn in a Proof of Stremf

The Iron Will of a Dungeonmans

Create a brand new Academy and defeat the final boss with your first graduate. No deaths!

Oh, You Mean THAT Dread Spire?

Discover the secret location of the Dread Spire

Damn Son, Where'd You Find This?

Pick up a Legendary item

A Learned Mans

Learn 20 points worth of masteries on a single hero, including the 5 you started with

Renaissance Mans

Learn 30 points worth of masteries on a single hero

True Smarty Mans

Learn 40 points worth of masteries on a single hero

5 succès cachés restants

Les détails de chaque succès seront révélés une fois débloqués