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3 személy találta viccesnek ezt az értékelést
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25.4 óra az elmúlt két hétben / 261.5 óra a nyilvántartásban (6.5 óra az értékeléskor)
Közzétéve: 2023. okt. 11., 10:52

Absolute garbage for clowns who wanted to be a part of "Souls enjoyers". They just made it so it would appeal to fantasies of these people. "iT's HaRd LoOk HoW gOoD i Am, I bEaT sOuLs LiKe" - but no, it's not hard, it's the easiest one from all souls games actually. But, the problem is, it's just a crap full of scripted fights. All these bosses which hold their weapons up their stupid heads for 15 second just to bait you for a dodge, scripts for distance attack when you try to heal, d***skin duo which tries to be new O&S but without any clue on why the fight with latter was so good. Levels made by MR most r****ded man of Japan 2015 - Yui, talentless clown, Tanimura. Who knows only 1 way to make fights "InTeResTiNg" - and it's called "Dude, just copy&paste more soldiers over there to ambush the player". I'm tired of writing more, this trash doesn't deserve it - Overall score 9/10, You're Geh if you buy it
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