
Nhyto の最近のレビュー

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Blessed by our lord and saviour karasu chan
投稿日 2022年2月21日.
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総プレイ時間:1.1時間 (レビュー投稿時点:0.7時間)
Gets my seal of monster girl approval. Music is also banger...and I totally didn't forget that this wasn't Crypt of the Necromancer and tried playing to the beat
投稿日 2021年1月14日.
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Word of warning this actually game does indeed contain horror and deals with depression and it's negative impacts on the person

This visual novel is a confronting story of the natures and consequences of the protagonist Lynn had to experience. Furthermore it also brings out the harsh idea that some are more well off than others showing the cruel reality of well. . . reality. The music is fitting and the background is distorted and eery to compliment the overall atmosphere of this visual. I would recommend it due to its interesting read even though its a free game.
投稿日 2018年8月10日.
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Its was good. Nekopara finally been made into an animation. Voice acting is great and so is the artstyle. Lots of cute scenes and wholesome for all ages to watch.
But still happy to be 773rd backer of it :)
投稿日 2017年12月22日. 最終更新日 2018年1月2日
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This is the over-view of what I would rate the game. After my scoring is personal opinion and just waffling on non-sense which you may choose to read or not read.

Avg. playtime : 3-4 hours (dependant on how fast you read)

Characters: 8
4 girls with each having their own personailities which you commonly find in VN games. A childhood friend, the quiet one, the childish one and the cool headed one. BUT, each one has a twist which I shall refrain from saying as that would be considered a spoiler. There wasn't really any character development so each of the twist you come across simply hits you like a train.

Soundtrack: 7
Your stereotypical visual novel jingle. The OP is really catchy and the ending when the credits roll gives mixed feelings. A bittersweet moment which perfectly sums up the game

Story: 9
The story was a bit hard to follow but it is quite linear. It's easy to understand and the way the game can twist your understanding of each character brings out the hidden gem in this character. To put simply, this story deals with the idea of Man vs. Man trope. However the reason why the game received a high score is due to the way Team Salvato manages to do this. The way Team Salvato conveys the story and how they took a different way of approach was what gives this game it's charm.

Gameplay: 7
Click to read and choose options. What the normal visual novel games are like. It is recommended to play the game with the game files opened in another window. There are many secrets They're actually jumpscares really but therer are secrets

Truly a game which twists the idea of the conventional visual novel games. As it takes themes of stereotypes and heavily twists it. It feels like if you happen to give a grown as man anime, moe girls, PTSD and crippling depression. The result is this wonder of a game. It's hype was expected and whats more it was well deserved.
HOWEVER, people who are trying and wanting to play this game. IT IS NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART. The warning tags are not for show. The Psychological Horror that this game has is not a joke either. And been honest here but the game mentally scarred me resulting in me not been able to sleep for days.

NOTE: Since this is a free game, if you enjoyed the game I recommend buying the DLC because support. Tis good game:)
投稿日 2017年10月31日. 最終更新日 2017年11月26日
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総プレイ時間:0.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:0.2時間)
So essentially, I was playing OSU when I came across a particular beatmap which turns out to be the OP for Neko-nin exHeart. I found the video to feel like a visual novel game considering the still images of the characters. So I did a bit of digging and found out that this game was on steam so I instantly bought it *cough* Catgirls are the best *cough*
So the overall pros and cons are:

-Neko Girls
-Ninja Girls
-Lewds Obviously DLC for this time and age
-Fun characters
-Cheery BGM

My only con so far in my 14 min play through are that the frame rate seems to be low and it heavily resembles Nekopara an already existing Cat Girl visual novel. But however, this does not prevent the game from not been enjoyable.
I would recommend this to anyone even Nekopara players due to it as something to play while waiting for the anticipated Vol. 3.

P.S This review will change as I play more of the game
投稿日 2017年4月24日. 最終更新日 2017年4月24日
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総プレイ時間:88.5時間 (レビュー投稿時点:44.7時間)
This game is actually really fun though there are lots of problems with comes with it. Anyways, there are always pros and cons towards a game and lets face the facts, there are no such thing as the perfect game. Elsword is an MMORPG where much like MapleStory. Even if this game may be free, there are heaps of pay to win elements towards it. However, if you think logically, if you buy one set of costume in the game, you'll pretty much have spent the same amount of money as any triple A games out there in the world. So in turn, it kind of rule out the pay to win feature as most costumes are considered pretty much the same. It really depends on what skill you get the costumes with. There are no particular good skill that comes with specific items and the costumes level up as you go. There are however some balncing issues with some of the characters. Also it may get repetitive over time as again, it is an MMORPG.

-Skills are cool
-Characters are lovable
-Really fun grind fest
-Good music
-Cool maps
-Cool Costumes
-Cool Characters

-If you are new, expect to be rekt in PvP
-Balancing Issues
-Really Repetitive
-A lot like Maple Story

So basically Elsword is Maple Story 2.0
Hope my review helped :P
投稿日 2016年9月18日.
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総プレイ時間:5.4時間 (レビュー投稿時点:4.7時間)
A great choose your own adventure type of game and there are a LOT of different endings, also a some sort of minigame at the beginning where you gather your resources but that is a bit hard. I got it quite cheap and it was worth it. It hard funny moments and other times I would cry No I didn't . Well one of me best games in me library. Would recommend it.
投稿日 2015年12月27日.
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